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Chakraborty, Rekha D and Maheswarudu, G and Radhakrishnan, E V and Deshmukh, V D and Sarada, P T and Dineshbabu, A P and Saleela, K N and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Divipala, Indira and Jeena, N S and Raghunathan, C and Kuberan, G and Purushothaman, P and Sebastian, Jomon and Thangaraja, R and Rajool Shanis, C P and Sajeev, C K and Baby, P K and Radhakrishnan, M (2015) Lobster Resources of India. [Image]
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Jasmin, F and Jagadis, I and Dhanaraju, K and Laxmilatha, P (2017) Exploitation of unconventional resources – Fishery of the horn snail Pirenella spp. from Kakinada bay, Andhra Pradesh. [Image]
Jasmine, S and Ranjith, L and Ramkumar, S and Sreeram, Miriam Paul and Sobhana, K S and Joshi, K K and Kingsly, H Jose (2017) Hard Coral Diversity of Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep. [Image]
Jasmine, S and Sreenath, K R and Ranjith, L and Sobhana, K S and Varghese, Molly and Laxmilatha, P and Sreeram, Miriam Paul and Ramkumar, S and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Saravanan, Raju and Vinod, K and Viswambharan, Divya and Kumawat, Tarachand and Joshi, K K and Kingsly, H Jose (2017) Hard Coral Diversity of Kalpeni Islands, Lakshadweep. [Image]
Kaladharan, P and Aswathy, N and Johnson, B and Abhilash, P R (2016) Seaweeds. [Image]
Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Muktha, M and Ranjith, L and Saravanan, Raju and Sobhana, K S and Manojkumar, P P and Thomas, Sujitha and Najmudeen, T M and Nair, Rekha J and Santhosh, B and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Zacharia, P U and Yousuf, K S S M and Sitaramacharyulu, V (2015) Sharks of the Indian East Coast (भारतीय पूर्वी तट की सुरा मछलियाँ). [Image]
Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Zacharia, P U and Sobhana, K S and Manojkumar, P P and Thomas, Sujitha and Nair, Rekha J and Najmudeen, T M and Muktha, M and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Ranjith, L and Saravanan, Raju and Santhosh, B and Yousuf, K S S M and Sitaramacharyulu, V (2015) Protected Elasmobranch Species of India. [Image]
Laxmilatha, P and Pattnaik, Phalguni and Rao, T Nageswara and Rao, M Prasada and Padmajarani, S (2014) Hatchery Technology for Perna viridis spat production (Poster). [Image]
Madhu, K and Anil, M K and Aswathy, N and Abhilash, P R (2015) Achievements in Marine Ornamental Research. [Image]
Muktha, M and Jasmin, F and Das, Madhumita and Jishnudev, M A and Imelda, Joseph (2017) First report on the reproductive biology and diet of the Indian pompano Trachinotus mookalee Cuvier, 1832 from Indian waters. [Image]
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Narayanakumar, R and Aswathy, N and Shyam, S Salim and Vipinkumar, V P and Uma, E K and Abhilash, P R (2015) भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में मात्स्यिकी (Fisheries in Indian Economy). [Image]
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Sobhana, K S and Sheethal, Mary Sunny and George, Githa Ann and Joshi, K K and Gopalakrishnan, A (2016) Derivation, Characterization and Cryostorage of continuous cell lines from threatened species of groupers(Serranidae) Cromileptes altivelis and Epinephelus bleekeri. [Image]
Sobhana, K S and Zacharia, P U and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Mani, P T and Seetha, P K and Sijo Paul, and Dinesh Kumar, S and Manojkumar, P P and Najmudeen, T M and Nair, Rekha J and Thomas, Sujitha and Muktha, M and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen (2014) Elasmobranch Resources of the Southwest coast of India - Part 1 Sharks. [Image]
Sreenath, K R and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Koya, Mohammed and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Vase, Vinay Kumar and Divu, D and Pradhan, Rajesh Kumar and Sukhdhane, Kapil S and Kumari, Sonia and Makwana Nayan, P and Joshi, K K and Zacharia, P U (2016) Who will kill them first, Climate or Man? [Image]
Sreeram, Miriam Paul and Varghese, Molly and Sreenath, K R and Raju, Aju K and Sreekumar, K M and Divya, K A and Thobias, P A and Sethulakshmi, M and Varsha, M S and Joshi, K K (2016) Biodiversity Assessment Along the Coast of Central Kerala, India in Relation to Ecosystem Services. [Image]
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Vipinkumar, V P and Abdussamad, E M and Aswathy, N and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2014) Overview of Indian Marine Capture Fisheries. [Image]
Vipinkumar, V P and Aswathy, N and Ignatius, Boby and Gopakumar, G and Uma, E K and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2014) मछली उत्पादन बढ़ाए जाने और आजीविका विकल्प के लिए पिंजरा मछली पालन और केंद्रीय समुद्री मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान में कोबिया और पोम्पानो पखमछली प्रजनन में सफलता (Open sea cage farming in HDPE & Cost effective GI cages and Success in Finfish Breeding : Cobia and Pompano in CMFRI). [Image]
Vipinkumar, V P and Aswathy, N and Narayanakumar, R and Uma, E K and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2014) केंद्रीय समुद्री मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान - राष्ट्र की सेवा में (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - in service to the Nation). [Image]
Vipinkumar, V P and Ignatius, Boby and Gopakumar, G and Aswathy, N and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2014) Open sea cage farming in HDPE & Cost effective GI cages and Success in Finfish Breeding : Cobia and Pompano in CMFRI. [Image]
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Vipinkumar, V P and Narayanakumar, R and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2014) Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - in service to the Nation. [Image]
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Vipinkumar, V P and Narayanakumar, R and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R and Dhanya, G (2013) Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - in service to the Nation. [Image]
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Vipinkumar, V P and Vivekanandan, E and Narayanakumar, R and Salini, K P and Pushkaran, K N and Abhilash, P R (2012) Fisheries in Environmental Perspective. [Image]
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