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Balachandran, Radhika and Zacharia, P U and Purushottama, G B and Sudarsan, K S and Shafeeque, Muhammed and Ratheesh Kumar, R and Varghese, Eldho and Joseph, Alphonsa and Rahul, R and Kishore, Nanda and Bright, Rose P and Seetha, P K and George, Grinson (2024) Assessing the sustainability of threadfin bream fishery along South-eastern coast of the Arabian Sea: A comprehensive analysis of climate change impact and fishing frontiers. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 71. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2352 4855
Wilson, Livi and Roul, Subal Kumar and Akhilesh, K V and Remya, L and Rahangdale, Shikha and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Mahesh, V and Muktha, M and Najmudeen, T M and Seetha, P K and Yousuf, K S S M and Sunil, K T S and Pakkri Muthu, S and Thomas, Sujitha and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2024) Protected Elasmobranch Species of India: The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act 2022, Schedule-1. [Image]
Wilson, Livi and Roul, Subal Kumar and Akhilesh, K V and Remya, L and Rahangdale, Shikha and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Mahesh, V and Muktha, M and Najmudeen, T M and Seetha, P K and Yousuf, K S S M and Sunil, K T S and Pakkri Muthu, S and Thomas, Sujitha and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2024) Protected Elasmobranch Species of India: The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act 2022, Schedule-2. [Image]
Morris, Carol C and Seetha, P K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2024) Report on avian prey in the diet of sharks from the eastern Arabian Sea. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (260). pp. 33-34. ISSN 0254-380X
Wilson, Livi and Thomas, Aruna and Seetha, P K (2023) भारत के दक्षिण पश्चिम तट पर अवतरित फ्लैटहेडों का वर्गीकरण – एक अंतर्दृष्टि. मत्स्यगंधा अंक.12 जनवरी-जून 2023 (Matsyagandha January-June 2023), 12. pp. 23-25.
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Nair, Rekha J and Seetha, P K and Sunil, K T S and Radhakrishnan, M (2021) Length weight relationships of demersal reef fishes from south west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 63 (1). pp. 40-48.
Thomas, Sujitha and Muktha, M and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Akhilesh, K V and Purushottama, G B and Mahesh, V and Rahangdale, Shikha and Zacharia, P U and Najmudeen, T M and Manojkumar, P P and Remya, L and Wilson, Livi and Roul, Subal Kumar and Pradhan, Rajesh Kumar and Seetha, P K and Yousuf, K S S M and Nataraja, G D (2021) Status of the hammerhead shark (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) fishery in Indian waters with observations on the biology of scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834). Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. pp. 1-15.
Najmudeen, T M and Zacharia, P U and Seetha, P K and Sunil, K T S and Radhakrishnan, M and Akhildev, S and Sipson, Augustine (2019) Length–weight relationships of three species of pelagic sharks from southeastern Arabian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 29. pp. 1-4.
Najmudeen, T M and Seetha, P K and Radhakrishnan, M and Sunil, K T S and Akhildev, S and Sipson, Augustine and Zacharia, P U (2019) Note on landings of pregnant sharks in Cochin Fisheries Harbour, Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (241). pp. 27-28. ISSN ISSN 0254-380 X
Najmudeen, T M and Seetha, P K and Zacharia, P U (2019) Stock dynamics of the brushtooth lizardfish Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848) from a tropical multispecies fishery in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Aquatic Living Resources, 32 (9). pp. 1-10.
Seetha, P K and Zacharia, P U and Sobhana, K S and Sivakami, S (2018) Fishery, biology and stock status of Priacanthus hamrur (Forsskal, 1775) exploited off Kerala coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 60 (1). pp. 27-32.
Wilson, Livi and Seetha, P K and Zacharia, P U and Najmudeen, T M and Nair, Rekha J and Sunil, K T S and Radhakrishnan, M and Sumithra, T G and Chandran, Archana and Sanil, N K (2018) Frequent occurrence of nematode parasites in moontail bullseye. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (235). pp. 20-21. ISSN 0254-380 X
Wilson, Livi and Najmudeen, T M and Zacharia, P U and Seetha, P K (2018) Heavy landing of juveniles of threadfin breams. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (235). pp. 27-28. ISSN 0254-380 X
Roul, Subal Kumar and Retheesh, T B and Radhakrishnan, M and Prakasan, D and Akhil, A R and Sunil, K T S and Sipson, Augustine and Seetha, P K and Zacharia, P U (2018) Plastic debris entangled silky shark landed. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (235). pp. 24-25. ISSN 0254-380 X
Nair, Rekha J and Wilson, Livi and Ramprasath, M R and Radhakrishnan, M and Seetha, P K and Sunil, K T S and Zacharia, P U (2017) Giant sized rays landed at Cochin Fisheries Harbour. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (232). pp. 28-29.
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Najmudeen, T M and Seetha, P K and Zacharia, P U (2015) Fishery and population dynamics of the obtuse barracuda Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier) landed by trawlers at Cochin, south-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62 (2). pp. 14-18.
Najmudeen, T M and Sivakami, S and Seetha, P K and Kishore, T G and Divya, N D and Zacharia, P U (2015) Lizardfish fishery of Kerala with some aspects of the stock characteristics of the greater lizardfish Saurida tumbil (Bloch, 1795). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62 (4). pp. 31-36.
Nair, Rekha J and Manojkumar, P P and Zacharia, P U and Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Asokan, P K and Venkatesan, V and Koya, K P Said and Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Najmudeen, T M and Ganga, U and Aswathy, N and Josileen, Jose and Chakraborty, Rekha D and Saleela, K N and Seetha, P K and Radhakrishnan, M and Jacob Peter, Poulose and Prakasan, D and Rema, K V and Baby, P K and Augustine, Sindhu K (2015) Status of marine fisheries of Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (226). pp. 22-26. ISSN 0254-380 X
Sobhana, K S and Zacharia, P U and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Mani, P T and Seetha, P K and Sijo Paul, and Dinesh Kumar, S and Manojkumar, P P and Najmudeen, T M and Nair, Rekha J and Thomas, Sujitha and Muktha, M and Purushottama, G B and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen (2014) Elasmobranch Resources of the Southwest coast of India - Part 1 Sharks. [Image]
Kishore, T G and Shiyas, C A and Sivakumar, G and Nair, Rekha J and Dinesh Kumar, S and Seetha, P K and Sobhana, K S and Najmudeen, T M and Sajna, V H and Zacharia, P U (2014) Giant devil manta rays landed by purse seiner at Cochin fisheries harbour. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (220). pp. 21-22.
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Kripa, V and Prema, D and Valsala, K K and Remya, R and Nair, Preetha G and Pravitha, V P and Anilkumar, P S and Khambadkar, L R and Seetha, P K and Jeyabaskaran, R and Mohamed, K S (2013) Mercury and arsenic in the marine food web of Southwest coast of lndia. In: International Symposium on Greening Fisheries: towards green technologies in Fisheries, 21-23 May 2013, Kochi.
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