Items where Author is "Rajagopalan, M"

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Kasim, H M and Rao, G Syda and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Mohanraj, G and Kandasamy, D and Muthiah, P and Jagadis, I and Gopakumar, G and Mohan, S (2013) Economic performance of artificial reefs deployed along Tamil Nadu coast, South India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 60 (1). pp. 1-8.

Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2012) मान्नार की खाडी और पाक खाडी में तिमियों का धंसन. मत्स्यगंधा Matsyagandha 2011-12, 10 (सी एम ). p. 76.

Prema, D and Valsala, K K and Kripa, V and Nandakumar, A and Krishnakumar, P K and Singh, V V and Asha, P S and Sulochanan, Bindu and Rohit, Prathibha and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Rajagopalan, M and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Hemasankari, P and Ganga, U and Veena, S and Bhat, G S and Umesh, H Rane and Anilkumar, P S and Bhint, H M and Basha, A Ahmed Kamal and Lavanya, R (2012) Strontium to calcium (Sr/Ca) ratio in otolith as a tool for stock discrimination of oilsardine and mackerel. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (213). pp. 9-10.

Asha, P S and Rajagopalan, M and Diwakar, K (2011) Influence of salinity on hatching rate, larval and early juvenile rearing of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra Jaeger. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 53 (2). pp. 218-224.

Vivekanandan, E and Jeyabaskaran, R and Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, B and Abhilash, K S and Rajagopalan, M (2010) Indian Marine Mammals Field Guide for Identification. CMFRI Pamphlet, 12.

Vivekanandan, E and Jeyabaskaran, R and Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, B and Abhilash, K S and Rajagopalan, M (2010) Marine mammal research and conservation in India. CMFRI Pamphlet (13/201). pp. 1-20.

Yousuf, K S S M and Kumarran, R P and Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M (2010) Morphometric characteristics of spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris (Gray,1828) from Bay of Bengal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 52 (1). pp. 42-47.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Rajagopalan, M and Yousuf, K S S M and Reynold, P and Krishnakumar, P K and Afsal, V V and Anoop, A K (2009) Indian Efforts on the Inventorization of Marine Mammal Species for their Conservation and Management. Asian Fisheries Science, 22. pp. 143-155.

Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, A K and Anoop, B and Afsal, V V and Vivekanandan, E and Kumarran, R P and Rajagopalan, M and Krishnakumar, P K and Jayasankar, P (2008) Observations on incidental catch of cetaceans in three landing centres along the Indian coast. JMBA 2 Biodiversity Records. pp. 1-6.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Rajagopalan, M (2008) PCR-based sex determination of cetaceans and dugong from the Indian seas. Current Science, 94 (11). pp. 1513-1516.

Anoop, A K and Yousuf, K S S M and Kumaran, P L and Harish, N and Anoop, B and Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Krishnakumar, P K and Jayasankar, P (2008) Stomach contents of cetaceans incidentally caught along Mangalore and Chennai coasts of India. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 76. pp. 909-913.

Vivekanandan, E and Hussain Ali, M and Jasper, B and Rajagopalan, M (2008) Thermal thresholds for coral bleaching in the Indian seas. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 50 (2). pp. 209-214.

Afsal, V V and Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, B and Anoop, A K and Kannan, P and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E (2008) A note on cetacean distribution in the Indian EEZ and contiguous seas during 2003-07. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 10 (3). pp. 209-216.

Asha, P S and Rajagopalan, M and Diwakar, K (2007) Stock enhancement of seacucumbers - a solution for the depletion of natural stocks of Holothuria scabra along Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 193. pp. 7-10.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Krishnakumar, P K and Kumaran, P L and Reynold, P and Anoop, A K and Yousuf, K S S M and Afsal, V V (2007) Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of cetaceans and dugong from the Indian seas for their conservation and management. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 192. pp. 1-6.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Krishnakumar, P K and Kumaran, P L and Reynold, P and Anoop, A K and Yousuf, K S S M and Afsal, V V (2007) Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of cetaceans and dugong from the Indian seas for their conservation and management. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (192). pp. 1-6.

Singh, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2007) जलवायु परिवर्तन तथा भूमंडलीय तापन का वर्तमान स्वरूप एवं इसका मात्स्यिकी पर प्रभाव. जलवायु परिवर्तन और मात्स्यिकी - विशेष प्रकाशन, 93. pp. 45-48.

Hussain Ali, M and Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2007) भारतीय तटों में प्रवाल विरंजन घटनाओं में समुद्री सतह तापमान की भूमिका. जलवायु परिवर्तन और मात्स्यिकी - विशेष प्रकाशन, 93. pp. 49-56.

Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Report on dugong strandings along Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 191. p. 26.

Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Report on stranding of dolphins. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 191. p. 25.

Kannan, P and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Size composition and morphometry of incidentally captured sea turtles at Vizhinjam, south-west coast of India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 104 (3). pp. 288-297.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Peter, Reynold and Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Species of a whale and an unknown fish sample identified using molecular taxonomy. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 54 (3). pp. 339-343.

Anoop, A K and Krishnakumar, P K and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Trichodesmium erythraeum (Ehrenberg) bloom along the southwest coast of India (Arabian Sea) and its impact on trace metal concentrations in seawater. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 71 (3-4). pp. 641-646.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, A K and Rajagopalan, M and Krishnakumar, P K (2007) A note on observations on cetaceans in the western Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (20-56°S and 45-57°30’E), January to March 2004. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 9 (3). pp. 263-267.

Jayasankar, P and Anoop, B and Afsal, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2006) Species and sex of two baleen whales identified from their skin tissues using molecular approach. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 190. pp. 16-17.

Kaladharan, P and Nandakumar, A and Rajagopalan, M and George, K P (2005) Mangroves of India : Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 183. pp. 8-14.

Venkatesan, S and Kannan, P and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E (2005) Embryonic energetics in the egg of the green turtle Chelonia mydas. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 47 (2). pp. 193-197.

Kaladharan, P and Prema, D and Valsala, K K and Leelabhai, K S and Rajagopalan, M (2005) Trends in heavy metal concentrations in sediment, finfishes and shellfishes in inshore waters of Cochin, southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 47 (1). pp. 1-7.

Singh, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2004) समुद्र कृषि हेतु भौगोलिक सूचना प्रणाली का अनुप्रयोग. समुद्र कृषि की नई प्रागतियाँ - विशेष प्रकाशन, 80. pp. 41-45.

Asha, P S and Rajagopalan, M and Diwakar, K (2004) Effect of sea weed, sea grass and powdered algae in rearing the hatchery produced juveniles of Holothuria (metriatyla) scabra, jaeger. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Recent Trends in Fisheries. pp. 79-85.

Venkatesan, S and Kannan, P and Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E (2004) Nesting ecology of the green sea turtle Chelonia mydas along the Saurashtra coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 46 (2). pp. 169-177.

Kannan, P and Rajagopalan, M (2004) Role of marine macrophytes as feed for green turtle Chelonia mydas. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 26 (1 & 2). pp. 187-192.

Singh, V V and Rajagopalan, M (2003) समुद्र तटीय जलकृषि के द्वारा आजीविका उपार्जन की नवीन संभावनाएं. मत्स्यगंधा Matsyagandha - 2003, 79. pp. 71-75.

Rajagopalan, M and Vijayakumaran, K (2001) Conservation of marine turtles and shrimp exports. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 170. pp. 12-16.

Vivekanandan, E and Hussain Ali, M and Jasper, B and Rajagopalan, M (2000) Vulnerability of corals to warming of the Indian seas: a projection for the 21st century. Current Science, 97 (11).

Paulraj, R and Rajagopalan, M and Vijayakumaran, M and Selvaraj, G S D and Vivekanandan, E and Sathiadhas, R and Narayanakumar, R and Kaladharan, P and Nandakumar, A and Thangavelu, R and Jayasankaran, L and Khambadkar, L R and Basha, A Ahmed Kamal (1997) Environmental impact assessment in the shrimp farming areas of Nagapattinam Quaid-E-Milleth district, Tamil Nadu. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 147. pp. 1-9.

Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Pillai, S Krishna and Srinath, M and Bastian, Fernando (1996) Incidential catch of sea turtles in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 143. pp. 8-17.

James, P S B R and Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S and Fernando, A Bastian and Selvaraj, V (1991) Observations on mass nesting of the olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea at Gahirmatha, Orissa during the 1987 season. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 33 (1&2). pp. 69-75.

Balachandran, V K and Rajagopalan, M and Pillai, V K (1989) Chlorophyll a and pheo - pigment as indices of biological productivity in the inshore surface waters off Cochin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 36 (3). pp. 227-237.

James, P S B R and Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S and Fernando, A Bastian and Selvaraj, V (1989) On the mortality and stranding of marine mammals and turtles at Gahirmatha, Orissa from 1983 to 1987. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 31 (1&2). pp. 28-35.

Silas, E G and Lal Mohan, R S and Nair, K V Somasekharan and Ramadoss, P and Rengaswamy, V S and Nandakumaran, K and Mathew, K J and Selvaraj, G S D and Rengarajan, K and Gopalakrishnan, K N and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Lazarus, S and Bensam, P and Shanmugam, S and Fernando, A Bastian and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Nammalwar, P and Thangaraja, R and Nandakumar, G and Rengarajan, K and Rajagopalan, M and Sundaram, K S and Dhandapani, T (1989) Prawn, fish and molluscan seed resources along the Kerala and Tamilnadu coasts. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 94. pp. 1-15.

James, P S B R and Jacob, T and George, K C and Pillai, V N and Mathew, K J and Rajagopalan, M (1987) National strategy for exploitation and utilization of the potential marine fishery resources of India-a projection. CMFRI Bulletin : National Symposium on Research and Development in Marine Fisheries Sessions I & II 1987, 44 (Part -). pp. 111-136.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S and Fernando, A Bastian (1985) On the large and mini Arribadas of the olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea at Gahirmatha, Orissa during the 1985 season. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 64. pp. 1-19.

Rajagopalan, M and Girijavallabhan, K G and Bharathan, Geetha and Kathirvel, M and Nammalwar, P and Dhandapani, T (1985) An instance of mass mortality in the Muttukadu farm near Madras during April 1983. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 61. pp. 8-12.

Vijayakumaran, M and Rajagopalan, M and Silas, E G (1984) Food intake and conversion in hatchlings of olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea fed animal and plant food. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 41-48.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S and Fernando, A Bastian (1984) Obervations on the mass nesting and immediate postmass nesting influxes of the olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea at Gahirmatha, Orissa-1984 season. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 76-82.

Rajagopalan, M and James, D B and Devadoss, P and Srinivasarengan, S and Selvaraj, V and Thirumilu, P (1984) On a record of incidental capture of Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus (Cuvier) off Madras. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 26 (1&2). pp. 171-174.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M (1984) Recovery programme for olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) along Madras Coast. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 9-21.

Rajagopalan, M and Vijayakumaran, K and Fernando, A Bastian (1984) Some health problems observed in the hatchlings and juveniles of sea turtles in captivity. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 55-58.

Rajagopalan, M (1984) Study oin the growth of Olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea in captivity. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 49-54.

Silas, E G and Vijayakumaran, M and Rajagopalan, M (1984) Yolk utilization in the egg of the olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea. CMFRI Bulletin, 35. pp. 22-33.

Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S (1983) Conservation of fresh water turtles of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 50. pp. 37-39.

Rajagopalan, M (1983) Leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea washed ashore at Kovalam, Madras. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 50. pp. 35-36.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M and Dan, S S (1983) Marine turtle conservation and management: A Survey of the situation in West Bengal 1981/82 and 1982/83. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 50. pp. 24-32.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M and Fernando, A Bastian and Dan, S S (1983) Marine turtle conservation and management: A survey of the situation in Orissa 1981/82 and 1982/83. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 50. pp. 13-23.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M and Fernando, A Bastian (1983) Sea turtles of India - need for a crash programme on conservation and effective management of the resource. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 50. pp. 1-12.

Vivekanandan, E and Kathirvel, M and Selvaraj, V and Girijavallabhan, K G and Rajagopalan, M and Chidambaram, K (1983) Spurt in fish landings along north Tamil Nadu coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 49. pp. 17-19.

Meenakshisundaram, P T and Gnanamuttu, J C and Sarvesan, R and Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M and Srinivasarengan, S and Balakumar, S K and Chandrasekhar, S and Thirumilu, P and Krishnamoorthi, B (1981) Industrial fisheries off Madras coast based on exploratory surveys during 1973-1980. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 32. pp. 7-36.

Rajagopalan, M and Meiyappan, M M (1976) Redescription of the sand shark Negaprion odontaspis (Fowler) obtained from Minicoy atoll, Lakshadweep. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 18 (1). pp. 162-164.

Rajagopalan, M and Karuppasamy, P and Regunathan, A (1975) Nemipterus delagoae Smith (Nemipteridae: Pisces) A new record from the Indian seas. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22 (1&2). pp. 274-276.

Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M (1974) Studies on demersal fishes of the deep neritic waters and the continental slope 2 on Trichiurus auriga Klunzinger, with notes on its biology. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 16 (1). pp. 253-274.

Selvaraj, G S D and Gopakumar, K and Rajagopalan, M (1973) On the occurrence of osteochondroma and osteoma in the marine cat-fish Tachysurus jella (Day). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15 (2). pp. 571-576.

Book Section

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Divu, D and Sreenath, K R and Koya, Mohammed and Edward, Loveson and Vivekanandan, E and Kasim, H M and Philipose, K K and Rajamani, M and Mohanraj, G and Rajagopalan, M and Remya, L (2023) कृत्रिम चट्टान - परिभाषा, इतिहास और भारत में स्थिति. In: कोर्स मैनुअल: भारत में समुद्री मात्स्यिकी के सुधार के लिए कृत्रिम चट्टानों के बुनियादी तत्व. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 1-10.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Sreenath, K R and Koya, Mohammed and Edward, Loveson and Vivekanandan, E and Kasim, H M and Philipose, K K and Rajamani, M and Mohanraj, G and Rajagopalan, M and Remya, L (2023) செயற்கை திட்டுகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம், வரையறைகள், வரலாறு மற்றும் இந்தியாவில் அவற்றின் பயன்பாட்டு நிலை. In: பாடநெறி கையேடு: செயற்கை பாறைகள் மூலம் இந்தியாவில் கடல் மீன்வளத்தை மேம்படுத்துவதற்கான அடிப்படைகள். ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 1-13.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Divu, D and Sreenath, K R and Koya, Mohammed and Edward, Loveson and Vivekanandan, E and Kasim, H M and Philipose, K K and Rajamani, M and Mohanraj, G and Rajagopalan, M and Remya, L (2023) Artificial reefs - definition, history and status in India. In: Course Manual on Fundamentals of Artificial Reefs for Improving Marine Fisheries in India. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 11-20.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Divu, D and Sreenath, K R and Koya, Mohammed and Edward, Loveson and Vivekanandan, E and Kasim, H M and Philipose, K K and Rajamani, M and Mohanraj, G and Rajagopalan, M and Remya, L (2023) కృత్రిమ దిబ్బల - నిర్వచనం, చరిత మరియు భారతదేశంలో వ ర టి స్థితి (Artificial reefs - definition, history and status in India). In: శిక్షణా పుస్తకం భారతదేశపు సముద్ర మత్స్య సంపదను మెరుగుపరిచే కృత్రిమ దిబ్బల యొక్క ప్రాథమిక అంశాలు (Course Manual on Fundamentals of Artificial Reefs for Improving Marine Fisheries in India). CMFRI Training Manual Series No.44/2024 . ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 1-13.

Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M (2009) Impact of rise in seawater temperature on the spawning of threadfin Breams. In: Global Climate Change and Indian Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 93-96.

Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M and Pillai, N G K (2009) Recent Trends in Sea Surface Temperature and its Impact on Oil Sardine. In: Global Climate Change and Indian Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 89-92.

Vivekanandan, E and Hussain Ali, M and Rajagopalan, M (2009) Vulnerability of Corals to Seawater Warming. In: Global Climate Change and Indian Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 97-100.

Vivekanandan, E and Pillai, N G K and Rajagopalan, M (2008) Adaptation of the oil sardine Sardinella longiceps to seawater warming along the Indian coast. In: Glimpses of Aquatic Biodiversity- Rajiv Gandhi Chair Special Publication. CUSAT, Kochi, pp. 111-119.

Madhu, K and Madhu, Rema and Gopakumar, G and Rajagopalan, M (2008) Captive Breeding and Seed Production of Marine Ornamental Fishes of India. In: Ornamental Fish Breeding, Farming and Trade. Department of Fisheries, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 142-146.

Rajagopalan, M and Vijayakumaran, K and Vivekanandan, E (2008) Fishery - Related Mortality of Sea Turtles in India: An Overview. In: Marine Turtles of the Indian subcontinent. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, pp. 227-237.

Madhu, Rema and Madhu, K and Krishnan, L and Gopakumar, G and Rajagopalan, M and Ignatius, Boby (2008) Larvi-feed Culture for Seed Production of Ornamentals Fishes. In: Ornamental Fish Breeding, Farming and Trade. Department of Fisheries, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 147-154.

Krishnakumar, P K and Vijayakumaran, K and Rajagopalan, M (2007) Status of marine fishery environment research in India. In: Status and Perspectives in Marine Fisheries Research in India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 211-227. ISBN 81-901219 6-0

Rajagopalan, M and Krishnakumar, P K (2003) Environment and Forecasting. In: Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 291-298. ISBN 81-901219-3-6

Rajagopalan, M and Menon, N G (2003) Marine Turtles and Mammals. In: Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 240-245. ISBN 81-901219-3-6

Nammalwar, P and Rajagopalan, M (2000) Marine Turtles of Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. In: Souvenir 2000. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam, pp. 95-98.

Rajagopalan, M (2000) Sea turtles. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 152-161.

James, D B (1998) Sea cucumber hatchery and culture prospects. In: Proceedings of the Workshop National Aquaculture Week. The Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, pp. 141-143.

Nammalwar, P and Marichamy, R (1998) Seabass Hatchery. In: Proceedings of the Workshop National Aquaculture Week. The Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, pp. 149-153.

Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N (1998) Seaweed and their importance. In: Proceedings of the Workshop National Aquaculture Week. The Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, pp. 54-57.

Kandasamy, D and Palanichamy, S and Mohan, S (1998) Techniques for the mass culture of rotifers and moina. In: Proceedings of the Workshop National Aquaculture Week. The Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, pp. 82-85.

Rajagopalan, M (1996) The marine turtles and their conservation. In: Marine Biodiversity: Conservation and management. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 126-132.


Gopinathan, C P and Rajagopalan, M and Kaladharan, P and Prema, D (2007) Training manual on phytoplankton identification/taxonomy. Manual. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi.

Conference or Workshop Item

Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, B and Afsal, V V and Jeyabaskaran, R and Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M (2011) Cetacean distribution in relation to Environmental parameters in the Indian EEZ. In: Dr. S Jones Centenary Colloquium on 'Challenges in Marine Mammal Conservation & Research in the Indian Ocean', 26-27 August 2011, Kochi.

Yousuf, K S S M and Anoop, B and Abhilash, K S and Jeyabaskaran, R and Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M (2011) Cetacean diversity and abundance off Karwar, Southwest coast of India. In: Dr. S Jones Centenary Colloquium on 'Challenges in Marine Mammal Conservation & Research in the Indian Ocean', 26-27 August 2011, Kochi.

Vivekanandan, E and Rajagopalan, M (2011) Status of Marine Mammal Research and Conservation in lndia. In: Dr. S Jones Centenary Colloquium on 'Challenges in Marine Mammal Conservation & Research in the Indian Ocean', 26-27 August 2011, Kochi.

Krishnakumar, P K and Rohit, Prathibha and Nayak, T H and Rajagopalan, M (2006) Assessing the impacts of climate change on marine fisheries of Karnataka and identifying regime shifts. In: Proceedings of the International symposium on "Improved sustainability of fish production systems and appropriate technologies for utilization", 16-18 March, 2005, Cochin.

Rajagopalan, M and Kannan, P and Venkatesan, S (2004) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in sea turtles from the west coast of India. In: Proceedings of Ocean Life Food and Medicine Expo, 27-29 February 2004, Chennai.

Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E and Balan, K and Kurup, K N (2000) Incidental Catch of Sea Turtles Along the Indian Coast. In: The Fifth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 17-20 January, 2000, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E (1996) Effect of Salinity on Food Utilisation of the Olive Ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Rajagopalan, M and Vivekanandan, E (1996) Effect of food quality on food utilization of the olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Teaching Resource

Vijayakumaran, K and Rajagopalan, M (2004) Fisheries oceanography – processes, patterns & variability- Winter School on towards Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fisheries – Building Mass Balance Trophic and Simulation Models. [Teaching Resource]

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