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Aishwarya, M S and Lipton, A P and Sarika, A R (2018) Consortia of Specific Bacteria in Callyspongia subarmigera (Ridley, 1884) and their Exocellular Activity against Clinical and Fish Pathogens. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0212-5919
Jean Jose, J and Thangaraj, M and Alex, Lincy and Lipton, A P (2017) Population genetics of Oithona similis Claus, 1866 (Crustacea: Cyclopoida) in Arabian Sea: Preliminary evidence of haplotype sharing in two populations. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 46 (1). pp. 147-154. ISSN 0975-1033
Rachanamol, R S and Lipton, A P and Thankamani, V (2016) Antibacterial and Antifouling activity of the Marine Sponge Callyspongia diffusa collected from south-west coast of India. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 12 (1). pp. 33-42.
Rachanamol, R S and Lipton, A P and Thankamani, V and Sarika, A R and Joseph, Selvin (2014) Molecular characterization and bioactivity profile of the tropical sponge-associated bacterium Shewanella algae VCDB. Helgoland Marine Research, 68. pp. 263-269.
Kiran, G S and Ninawe, A S and Lipton, A P and Pandian, Vijayalakshmi and Joseph, Selvin (2014) Rhamnolipid biosurfactants: evolutionary implications, applications and future prospects from untapped marine resource. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. pp. 1-17.
Lipton, A P and Pramitha, V S (2014) Simple and reliable assay to detect immunosuppresant activity in Macroalge. International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 139-144.
Pramitha, V S and Lipton, A P (2013) Antibiotic potentials of red macroalgae Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux and Hypnea valentiae (Turner) Montagne. Seaweed Research and Utilization, 35 (1 & 2). pp. 95-107.
Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P and Koya, Mohammed and Sreenath, K R and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Mojjada, Suresh Kumar and Bhint, H M and Pradeep, P and Baratiya, Sangeetha and Shiju, P and Kingsly, H Jose and Shine, Sunith (2013) Cage Farming Technology for Community Benefit. [Video]
Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P and Koya, Mohammed and Sreenath, K R and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Mojjada, Suresh Kumar and Bhint, H M and Pradeep, P and Baratiya, Sangeetha and Shiju, P and Kingsly, H Jose and Shine, Sunith (2013) सामाजिक लाभार्थ हेतु पिंजड़े में मत्स्य पालन तकनीक (Cage Farming Technology for Community Benefit- Hindi Version). [Video]
Lipton, A P and Rao, G Syda and Jagadis, I (2013) Indian Sacred Chank. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
Manilal, Aseer and Joseph, Selvin and Seghal Kiran, G and Sugathan, Sujith and Feby, F A S and Lipton, A P (2013) Micro-algal lethality potentials of marine organisms collected from the Indian littoral. Thalassas, 29 (2). pp. 59-65.
Aishwarya, M S and Lipton, A P and Sarika, A R (2013) Phylogenetic Appraisal of the Drug Bearing Marine Sponge, Callyspongia subarmigera (Ridley, 1884) from South India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences (IJMS), 42 (1). pp. 139-145.
Dhinakaran, Isaac D and Manohari, V and Atchya, B and Tamilselvi, K and Lipton, A P (2012) Antifungal and Cytotoxic Activities of Some Marine Sponges Collected from the South East Coast of India. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2 (1). pp. 52-55.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2012) Impact of environment variables on pelagic fish landings: Special emphasis on Indian oil sardine off Tiruchendur coast, Gulf of Mannar. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science, 3 (3). pp. 56-67.
Sarika, A R and Lipton, A P and Aishwarya, M S and Dhivya, R S (2012) Isolation of a Bacteriocin-Producing Lactococcus lactis and Application of Its Bacteriocin to Manage Spoilage Bacteria in High-Value Marine Fish Under Different Storage Temperatures. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 167 (5). pp. 1280-1289.
Annie Selva Sonia, G and Lipton, A P (2012) Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Marine Sponge Metabolites. Global Journal of Pharmacology, 6 (1). pp. 1-3.
Lipton, A P and Sarika, A R and Aishwarya, M S and Jose Kingsly, H (2012) New and fatal 'neck out disease' recorded among lobsters farmed in small floating sea cages off Kanyakumari coast. CMFRI Newsletter Cadalmin (133). p. 11.
Annie Selva Sonia, G and Lipton, A P (2012) Pathogenicity and antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio species isolated from the captive–reared tropical marine ornamental blue damsel fish, Pomacentrus caeruleus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 41 (4). pp. 348-354.
Dhinakaran, Isaac D and Deva Prasad, Ramakrishana and Gohila, R and Lipton, A P (2012) Screening of marine sponge-associated bacteria from Echinodictyum gorgonoides and its bioactivity. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11 (88). pp. 15469-15476. ISSN 1684–5315
Udayakumar, A and Jose Kingsly, H and Viswanathan, V and Rachanamol, R S and Lipton, A P (2012) Unusual and heavy landings of rays and skates in Muttom fishing harbor in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. CMFRI Newsletter Cadalmin (134). p. 14.
Christabell, Jonsy and Lipton, A P and Aishwarya, M S and Sarika, A R and Udayakumar, A (2011) Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract from selected macroalgae of southwest coast of India. Seaweed Research Utilization, 33 (1 & 2). pp. 67-75.
Thangaraj, M and Lipton, A P (2011) Assessment of genetic variation in closely related seahorse species (Genus: Hippocampus) using mtDNA marker. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (1). pp. 140-142.
Manilal, Aseer and Sugathan, Sujith and Sabarathnam, Balu and George, Kiran S and Joseph, Selvin and Shakir, Chippu and Lipton, A P (2011) Biological activity of the red alga Laurencia brandenii. Acta Botanica Croatica, 70 (1). pp. 81-90.
Pramitha, V S and Lipton, A P (2011) Growth responses of microalgae, Chlorella salina and Isochrysis galbana exposed to extracts of the macroalga, Hypnea musciformis. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 58 (4). pp. 95-99.
Merina, Medo and Lipton, A P and Wesley, S Godwin (2011) Isolation, characterization and growth response of biofilm forming bacteria Bacillus pumilus from the sea grass, Halodule pinifolia off Kanyakumari coast. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 40 (3). pp. 443-448.
Lipton, A P and Kingsly, H Jose and Udayakumar, A and Aishwarya, M S and Sarika, A R (2011) Polymicrobial skin lesions in the red spot emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede 1802) during mass incursion towards shore along Kanyakumari coast, south India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 58 (3). pp. 129-133.
Chakraborty, Kajal and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R and Vijayan, K K (2010) Antibacterial labdane diterpenoids of Ulva fasciata Delile from southwestern coast of the Indian Peninsula. Food Chemistry, 119 (4). pp. 1399-1408.
Manilal, Aseer and Sugathan, Sujith and Joseph, Selvin and George, Kiran S and Shakir, Chippu and Lipton, A P (2010) Antimicrobial potential of marine organisms collected from the southwest coast of India against multiresistant human and shrimp pathogens. Scientia Marina, 74 (2). pp. 287-296.
Sarika, A R and Lipton, A P and Aishwarya, M S (2010) Bacteriocin Production by a New Isolate of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GP1 under Different Culture Conditions. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2 (5). pp. 291-297.
Manilal, Aseer and Sugathan, Sujith and Sabarathnam, Balu and Seghal Kiran, G and Joseph, Selvin and Shakir, Chippu and Lipton, A P (2010) Bioactivity of the red algae Asparagopsis taxiformis collected from the Southwestern coast of India. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 58 (2). pp. 93-100.
Raj, S Thampi and Lipton, A P and Chauhan, G S (2010) Characterization and infectivity evaluation of Vibrio harveyi causing white patch disease among captive reared seahorses, hippocampus kuda. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 39 (1). pp. 151-156.
Chakraborty, Kajal and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R and Chakraborty, Rekha D (2010) Guaiane sesquiterpenes from seaweed Ulva fasciata Delile and their antibacterial properties. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45. pp. 2237-2244.
Christabell, Jonsy and Lipton, A P (2010) Influence of aqueous extract of macroalga Hypnea musciformis Lamour and Codium tomentosum (Huds) stackhouse at different growth phases of microalgae Chlorella marina (Chlorophyta). In: Proceedings of the National seminar on Role of Environmental Changes in the lower group biodiversity with special reference to algal diversity, February 9-10, 2010, WCC Nagercoil.
Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P (2010) New horizons in mariculture. [Video] (Submitted)
Lipton, A P and Rao, G Syda and Kingsly, H Jose and Imelda, Joseph and Mojjada, Suresh Kumar and Rao, G Hanumanta and Rajendran, P (2010) Open Sea Floating Cage Farming of Lobsters Successful Demonstration by CMFRI off Kanyakumari Coast. Fishing Chimes, 30 (2). pp. 11-13.
Seghal Kiran, G and Anto Thomas, T and Joseph, Selvin and Sabarathnam, Balu and Lipton, A P (2010) Optimization and characterization of a new lipopeptide biosurfactant produced by marine Brevibacterium aureum MSA 13 in solid state culture. Bioresource Technology, 101. pp. 2389-2396.
Joseph, Selvin and Ninawe, A S and Seghal Kiran, G and Lipton, A P (2010) Sponge-microbial interactions: Ecological implications and bioprospecting avenues. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 36 (1). pp. 82-90.
Manilal, Aseer and Sugathan, Sujith and Seghal Kiran, G and Joseph, Selvin and Shakir, Chippu and Gandhimathi, Ramakrishnan and Lipton, A P (2009) Antimicrobial potential and seasonality of red algae collected from the southwest coast of India tested against shrimp, human and phytopathogens. Annals of Microbiology, 59 (2). pp. 207-219.
Lipton, A P (2009) Conservation mariculture - breeding of seahorses and sacred chanks- Winter School on Recent Advances in Breeding and Larviculture of Marine Finfish and Shellfish. [Teaching Resource]
Annie Selva Sonia, G and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R (2009) Lethal concentration of methanol extract of sponges to the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 51 (1). pp. 122-125.
Lipton, A P and Sunith, Shine (2009) Mariculture of marine sponges for drug development : bioactivity potentials of cultured sponges, Callyspongia subarmigera (Ridley) and Echinodictyum gorgonoides (Dendy). Marine Fisheries Information Service T&E Series (202). pp. 7-10.
Lipton, A P and Pramitha, V S and Jean Jose, J (2009) Marine Secondary Metabolites (MSM) from Macro Algae Enhance Bacterial Clearance in Hemolymph of Penaeus monodon. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 61 (1). pp. 42-47.
Annie Selva Sonia, G and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R (2008) Antibacterial activity of marine sponge extracts against fish pathogenic bacteria. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, 60 (3). pp. 172-176.
Lipton, A P (2008) Biodiversity of drug-bearing marine organisms harvests conservation concerns and sustainable management. In: Glimpses of Aquatic Biodiversity- Rajiv Gandhi Chair Special Publication. CUSAT, Kochi, pp. 49-57.
Pramitha, V S and Lipton, A P and Thangaraj, M (2008) Evaluation of α- and β-glucosidase inhibitory properties of macro-algae using intestinal extracts of marine snail, Thais rudolphi (Lamarck, 1822). Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 66-72.
Jean Jose, J and Lipton, A P and Subhash, S K (2008) Impact of Marine Secondary Metabolites (MSM) from Hypnea musciformis as an Immunostimulant on Hemogram Count and Vibrio alginolyticus Infection in the Shrimp, Penaeus monodon, at Different Salinities. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 60 (1). pp. 65-69.
Thangaraj, M and Lipton, A P (2008) Survival and growth of captive reared juvenile seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) fed live feeds and fishmeal. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, 60 (3). pp. 185-189.
Subhash, S K and Lipton, A P (2007) Effects of a Probiotic Bacterium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, on the Growth and Survival of Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) Spat. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 59 (4). pp. 201-205.
Lipton, A P and Thangaraj, M (2007) Evaluation of a simple tagging method to monitor the growth of endangered species of seahorse. Current Science, 92 (11). pp. 1631-1632.
Jean Jose, J and Lipton, A P and Anil, M K (2007) Induced spawning and larval rearing of sea urchin Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville, 1825). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 49 (2). pp. 230-233.
Subhash, S K and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R (2007) Influence of probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus on the survival and growth of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata spat. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 54 (2). pp. 211-216.
Chakraborty, Kajal and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R (2007) New antibacterial compounds from Ulva fasciata (Gray). Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (194). pp. 11-12.
Thangaraj, M and Lipton, A P (2007) Occurrence of the Japanese seahorse Hippocampus mohnikei Bleeker 1854 from the Palk Bay coast of south-eastern India. Journal of Fish Biology, 70. pp. 310-312.
Premalatha, Y and Lipton, A P (2007) Water quality management in gold fish (Carassius auratus) rearing tanks using different filter materials. Indian Hydrobiology, 10 (2). pp. 301-306.
Lipton, A P and Thangaraj, M and Sreerekha, S R (2006) Captive Breeding and Nursery Rearing of the Indian Seahorse, Hippocampus kuda (Teleostei: Syngnathidae). Asian Fisheries Science, 19 (4). pp. 423-428.
Jean Jose, J and Lipton, A P (2006) Developmental changes in the rock boring sea urchin, Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville) larvae exposed to macro algal extracts of Hypnea musciformis and Ulva fasciata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 48 (1). pp. 100-110.
Lipton, A P (2006) Diseases of Ornamental Fishes and their Control. In: International Seminar on Ornamental Fish Breeding, Farming and Trade, 5-6 February 2006, Cochin.
Thangaraj, M and Lipton, A P and Victor, A C C (2006) Onset of sexual maturity in captivereared endangered Indian seahorse, Hippocampus kuda. Current Science, 91 (12). pp. 1714-1716.
Raju, B and Kingsly, H Jose and Lipton, A P (2005) On a whale shark caught at Vizhinjam, Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 184. 16-.
Joseph, Selvin and Huxley, A J and Lipton, A P (2005) Pathogenicity, antibiogram and biochemical characteristics of Luminescent Vibrio harveyi, associated with 'Black Shell Disease' of Penaeus monodon. Fishery Technology, 42 (2). pp. 191-196.
Subhash, S K and Lipton, A P and Paulraj, R (2004) Antibiotic exposure to minimize microbial load in live feed Isochrysis galbana used for larval rearing of Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Current Science, 87 (10). pp. 1339-1340.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2004) Antifouling activity of bioactive substances extracted from Holothuria scabra. Hydrobiologia, 513. pp. 251-253.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2004) Biopotentials of Ulva fasciata and Hypnea musciformis collected from the peninsular coast of India. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12 (1). pp. 1-6.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2004) Biopotentials of secondary metabolites isolated from marine sponges. Hydrobiologia, 513. pp. 231-238.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2004) Dendrilla nigra, a marine sponge, as potential source of antibacterial substances for managing shrimp diseases. Aquaculture, 236 (1-4). pp. 277-283.
Joseph, Selvin and Huxley, A J and Lipton, A P (2004) Immunomodulatory potential of marine secondary metabolites against bacterial diseases of shrimp. Aquaculture, 230 (1-4). pp. 241-248.
Thangaraj, M and Lipton, A P (2004) Species-specific proteins in closely-related seahorses. Current Science, 86 (12). pp. 1645-1647.
Lipton, A P (2003) Isolation and application of marine natural products. In: Winter school on Recent Advances in Mariculture Genetics and Biotechnology, 4- 24 November 2003, Cochin.
Lipton, A P (2003) Management of fish /shellfish diseases using immunostimulants isolated from marine natural products and other additives. In: Winter school on Recent Advances in Mariculture Genetics and Biotechnology, 4- 24 November 2003, Cochin.
Lipton, A P (2003) Rapid methods for diagnosis of fish and shellfish pathogens. In: Winter school on Recent Advances in Mariculture Genetics and Biotechnology, 4- 24 November 2003, Cochin.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2003) Shrimp disease management using bioactive marine secondary metabolites: an ecofriendly approach. Naga, WorldFish Center Quarterly, 26 (1). pp. 11-13.
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2003) Vibrio alginolyticus associated with white spot disease of Penaeus monodon. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DAO), 57. pp. 147-150.
Lipton, A P (2002) Bacterial diseases in fish and shellfish, their diagnosis and management - Winter school on recent advances in diagnosis and management of diseases in mariculture, 7th to 27th November 2002, Course Manual. [Teaching Resource]
Joseph, Selvin and Lipton, A P (2002) Development of a rapid 'mollusc foot adherence bioassay' for detecting potent antifouling bioactive compounds. Current Science, 83 (6). pp. 735-737.
Lipton, A P and Thangaraj, M (2002) Present status of seahorses fishing along the Palk Bay coast of Tamilnadu. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 174. pp. 5-8.
Lipton, A P and Selvakku, M (2000) Breeding, rearing and sea-ranching of chanks. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 765-774.
Lipton, A P (2000) Distribution Pattern and Conservation Needs of the Fish Germplasm Resources of North East Hill Region. Fish Biodiversity of North East India. pp. 69-70.
Meiyappan, M M and Mohamed, K S and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Ramachandran, N and Lipton, A P and Rao, G Sudhakara and Kripa, V and Joshi, K K and Abdussamad, E M and Sarvesan, R and Achari, G P Kumaraswamy (2000) Review on cephalopod resources, biology and stock assessment in Indian seas. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 546-562.
Thiagarajan, R and Lipton, A P and Gopakumar, G and Pillai, S Krishna and Raju, B and Joseph, Selvin and Rajan, A N (1999) Stranding of a rare marine dolphin at Vizhinjam. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. p. 18.
Thiagarajan, R and Pillai, S Krishna and Jasmine, S and Lipton, A P (1998) Capture of a live South African cape locust lobster at Vizhinjam. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 158. pp. 18-19.
Lipton, A P and Rajan, A N and Joseph, Selvin (1998) Methods for the rapid diagnosis and control of bacterial diseases in shellfishes and finfishes. In: Proceedings of the first National Seminar on Trends in Marine Biotechnology. Institute for Coastal Area Studies, Nagercoil, pp. 141-148.
Kripa, V and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P and Appukuttan, K K and Sreenivasan, P V and Rajapandian, M E and Natarajan, P and Ramadoss, P and Burayya, N and Thomas, K T and Achayya, P and Bhaskaran, M M and Joseph, Mathew (1996) Cephalopod resources in southeast and northeast coasts of India and Andaman - Nicobar waters. In: Proceedings of the Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.
Pillai, S Krishna and Lipton, A P (1996) Dolphin killed by the propeller of a trawler. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 141. p. 18.
Lipton, A P and Thillairajan, P and Bose, M and Ramalingam, J R and Jayabalan, K (1996) Large-scale exploitation of sacred chank Xancus pyrum using modified trawl net along Rameswaram Coast, Tamil Nadu. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 143. pp. 17-19.
Nair, K Prabhakaran and Meiyappan, M M and Sarvesan, R and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Rao, G Syda and Mohamed, K S and Asokan, P K and Lipton, A P and Ramadoss, K and Surendranath, V G and Nagaraja, D and Jayabalan, K (1996) Oceanic squids - their distribution, abundance and potential in the EEZ of India and contiguous seas. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.
Lipton, A P (1995) Appraisal of a semi intensive prawm farm at Kanjramkudi, Ramanathapuram. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 139. p. 13.
Lipton, A P and Diwan, A D and Regunathan, A and Kasinathan, C (1995) Frequent strandings of dolphins and whales along the gulf of Mannar coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 138. pp. 11-14.
Lipton, A P (1995) Shrimp diseases and control. In: Shrimp Farming Techniques, Problems and Solutions. Palani Paramount Publications, Palani, pp. 67-80.
Lipton, A P (1994) Disease challenges and their management in intensive fish farming. Seafood Export Journal, 25 (6). pp. 11-22.
Nammalwar, P and Lipton, A P and Pillai, S Krishna and Maheswarudu, G and Kasinathan, C and Bose, M and Ramamoorthy, N and Thillairajan, P (1994) Instances of finless black porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides caught in Mandapam region along the Palk Bay coast in Tamil Nadu. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 127. pp. 16-17.
Lipton, A P and Pillai, S Krishna and Thillairajan, P (1994) Observation on the culture of green mussel in Pillaimadam salt water lagoon, near Mandapam. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 127. pp. 8-11.
Lipton, A P and Ramalingam, J R (1994) Skin of rays — a new commodity for export market. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 127. p. 13.
Marichamy, R and Lipton, A P and Ganapathy, A and Ramalingam, J R (1993) Large scale exploitation of sea horse (Hippocampus kuda) along the Palk Bay coast of Tamil Nadu. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 119. pp. 17-20.
Meiyappan, M M and Srinath, M and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Rao, K Satyanarayana and Sarvesan, R and Rao, G Syda and Mohamed, K S and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Lipton, A P and Natarajan, P and Radhakrishnan, G and Narasimham, K A and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the Indian squid Loligo duvauceli Orbigny. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 74-84.
Rao, K Satyanarayana and Srinath, M and Meiyappan, M M and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Sarvesan, R and Rao, G Syda and Natarajan, P and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Lipton, A P and Radhakrishnan, G and Narasimham, K A and Mohamed, K S and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the needle cuttlefish Sepia aculeata Orbigny. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 95-103.
Nair, K Prabhakaran and Srinath, M and Meiyappan, M M and Rao, K Satyanarayana and Sarvesan, R and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P and Natarajan, P and Radhakrishnan, G and Mohamed, K S and Narasimham, K A and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the pharaoh cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 85-94.
Nair, K Prabhakaran and Meiyappan, M M and Kuriakose, P S and Sarvesan, R and Lipton, A P and Mohamed, K S and Asokan, P K and Mathew, Joseph and Nagaraja, D (1992) Biology of squids. Exploratory squid jigging in India with notes on biology of squids (FSI Bu). pp. 27-42.
Nair, K Prabhakaran and Meiyappan, M M and Rao, G Syda and Mohamed, K S and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Lipton, A P (1992) Present status of exploitation of fish and shellfish resources: Squid and cuttlefish. CMFRI Bulletin, 45. pp. 226-241.
Khan, Mohammad Zafar and Kurup, K N and Lipton, A P (1992) Status of Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus (Ham.) resource off Saurashtra coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 235-242.
Lipton, A P and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Ganapathy, A and Thillairajan, P (1990) Emerging squid jigging fishery along the Palk Bay coast of Tamil Nadu. Fishing Chimes, 10 (9). pp. 28-31.
Lipton, A P (1988) Report on a diamond-back squid caught off Veraval, Gujarat. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 89. p. 16.
Lipton, A P and Rao, T Appa and Raje, S G and Gopal, C and Singh, Ranjith and Thumber, B P and Dhokia, H K (1988) Marine Fish Calendar. 8. Veraval. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 86. pp. 1-20.
Lipton, A P and Raje, S G and Fotedar, Ravi and Singh, Ranjith (1987) Recovery of a ringed 'Dusky shark' Carcharhinus obscurus. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 77. p. 21.
Lipton, A P and Raje, S G and Chellappan, K (1987) Sea erosion threat to coastal fishing villages of Valsad district, Gujarat. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 76. pp. 20-21.
Lipton, A P and Raje, S G (1987) New All-Weather Fishery Harbour For Veraval. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 72. pp. 23-25.
Raje, S G and Lipton, A P (1987) Unusual catch of Thread-fin breams by trawl net at Veraval. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 77. pp. 15-17.
Lipton, A P (1983) Fish fauna of Tripura. Matsya, 9-10. pp. 110-118.
Lipton, A P (1983) Incidence of opercular ulcer disease in Labeo rohita (Ham.). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 30 (1). pp. 177-179.
Lipton, A P (1983) Prospects of paddy-cum-fish culture in the north eastern region of India. Seafood Export Journal, 15 (1). pp. 25-30.
Lipton, A P (1983) Studies on the culture of Heteropneustes fossilis in cages. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Cage and Pen Culture. pp. 51-54.