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Abraham, T J and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Sasmal, Debasis (2016) Assessment of nitrogen and sulphur cycle bacteria and shrimp production in ponds treated with biological products. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 3 (6). pp. 466-470.
Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Pattnaik, Phalguni and Rao, M V Hanumantha (2016) Maiden occurrence of the isopod, Norileca indica (H. Milne Edwards, 1840) in pelagic and demersal finfishes of Visakhapatnam waters along north-west Bay of Bengal. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45 (7). pp. 856-862.
Das, Madhumita and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Dash, Biswajit and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Muktha, M (2016) About the records of bluenose sandperch, Parapercis alboguttata (Gunther,1872) from north east coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45 (11). pp. 1487-1490.
Das, Madhumita and Dash, Biswajit (2016) Bacterial Populations in Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds. In: Sustainable Aquaculture Management. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 266-283. ISBN 978-93-5056-797-5
Das, Madhumita and Dash, Biswajit (2016) Biotic Communities in Fish Pond Ecosystems. In: Sustainable Aquaculture Management. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 159-175. ISBN 978-93-5056-797-5
Dash, Biswajit and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Megarajan, Sekhar and Das, Madhumita (2016) సముద్రములో చేపల సాగుకు అవసరమైన మూరింగుకు యాంత్రిక పరిజ్ఞ్యానం (Engineering aspects of mooring for offshore cage farming of finfishes). [Teaching Resource]
Dash, Biswajit and Ranjan, Ritesh and Balla, Vamsi and Shiva, Ponnaganti (2016) Stock culture maintenance and mass culture of micro algae. [Teaching Resource]
Dash, Biswajit and Ranjan, Ritesh and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Edward, Loveson (2016) కేజు సాగుకు కేజు ఫ్రేమ్ ఆకారము మరియు వలల రకములు (Cage frame and net designs for cage farming). [Teaching Resource]
Dash, Biswajit and Ranjan, Ritesh and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Sadhu, Narasimhulu and Balla, Vamsi (2016) Engineering aspects of cage design, mooring and net design for open sea cage farming in India. [Teaching Resource]
Edward, Loveson and Chinnibabu, B and Suresh Kumar, P and Uma Mahesh, V (2016) Physico-chemical parameters for Micro algal culture. [Teaching Resource]
Edward, Loveson and Megarajan, Sekhar and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Naik, Rajendra (2016) కేజు సాగు కొరకు స్థలం ఎంపిక మరియు నీటి నాణ్యత (Site selection and water quality requirements for cage culture). [Teaching Resource]
Edward, Loveson and Suresh Kumar, P and Uma Mahesh, V and Jishnudev, M A (2016) Cage culture requirements - Site selection and water quality needs. [Teaching Resource]
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Edward, Loveson and Uma Mahesh, V and Sadhu, Narasimhulu (2016) Overview of cage culture – Indian perspective. [Teaching Resource]
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Megarajan, Sekhar and Ranjan, Ritesh and Dash, Biswajit and Pattnaik, Phalguni and Edward, Loveson and Xavier, Biji (2016) Growth performance of Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) stocked at varying densities in floating cages in Godavari Estuary, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (3). pp. 146-149.
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Ranjan, Ritesh and Megarajan, Sekhar and Dash, Biswajit (2016) కేజు సాగు పై నివేదిక (Overview of cage culture). [Teaching Resource]
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Ranjan, Ritesh and Megarajan, Sekhar and Pattnaik, Phalguni and Dash, Biswajit and Edward, Loveson (2016) Mixed culture of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) and flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) in floating cages. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (3). pp. 63-69.
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Rao, M V Hanumantha and Mahesh, V U and Satish Kumar, M and Rohit, Prathibha (2016) Fishery, reproductive biology and stock status of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1817), landed along the north-east coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 63 (2). pp. 33-41.
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Xavier, Biji and Edward, Loveson and Dash, Biswajit (2016) Live feed for marine finfish and shellfish culture. [Teaching Resource]
Jain, Rajni and Chauhan, Sonia and Srivastava, Satish K and Kingsley, I T and Raju, S S and Singh, Jaspal and Kaur, Amrit Pal (2016) Farm level technical efficiency for pulse production in India. Economic Affairs, 61 (3). pp. 539-547.
Maheswarudu, G and Rao, G Syda and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Ranjan, Ritesh and Dash, Biswajit and Muthukrishnan, P and Veena, S (2016) Experimental culture of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798 in open sea floating cage. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 63 (2). pp. 47-54.
Megarajan, Sekhar and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Edward, Loveson and Ranjan, Ritesh (2016) సముద్ర చేపల వేటపై ఆధారపడ్డ జల వ్యవసాయం (Capture Based Aquaculture). [Teaching Resource]
Megarajan, Sekhar and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Ranjan, Ritesh and Xavier, Biji and Balla, Vamsi (2016) Observations on auto stocking of black tiger shrimp into finfish cages in creeks. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (228). pp. 13-14. ISSN 0254-380 X
Megarajan, Sekhar and Muktha, M and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Naik, Rajendra (2016) కేజు సాగుకు చేపజాతుల ఎంపిక (Species selection for cage culture). [Teaching Resource]
Megarajan, Sekhar and Ranjan, Ritesh and Xavier, Biji and Edward, Loveson and Shiva, Ponnaganti and Imelda, Joseph and Ghosh, Shubhadeep (2016) Seasonal culture of Pseudapocryptes elongates (Cuvier, 1816) in West Godavari and Krishna Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (228). pp. 11-12. ISSN 0254-380 X
Megarajan, Sekhar and Ranjan, Ritesh and Xavier, Biji and Ghosh, Shubhadeep (2016) Training Manual on Cage Culture of Marine Finfishes 7-12 November, 2016. Manual. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Visakhapatnam.
Megarajan, Sekhar and Xavier, Biji and Balla, Vamsi and Chinnibabu, B and Shiva, Ponnaganti (2016) Capture based aquaculture - Alternate method for sustainable fish production. [Teaching Resource]
Mohamed, Gulshad and Ghosh, Shubhadeep (2016) गुजरात के सूत्रपादा और दिऊ के घोघला में समुद्री पिंजरों में शूली महाचिंगट पानुलिरस पोलिफागस का पालन. समुद्री संवर्धन (120). pp. 95-101. ISSN 0972-2351
Muktha, M and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Satish Kumar, M and Rao, M V Hanumantha and Uma Mahesh, V and Zacharia, P U (2016) Fishermen’s perception of climate change - a study from Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (3). pp. 110-119.
Naik, Rajendra and Maheswarudu, G and Prabhakar, R V D and Venkataramana, P and Rao, K Gouri Sankara (2016) Jellyfish as an export commodity. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (230). pp. 33-34. ISSN 0254-380 X
Rahangdale, Shikha and Chakraborty, S K and Jaiswar, A K and Shenoy, Latha and Raje, S G (2016) Preliminary study on growth and mortality of Escualosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847) from Mumbai waters. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45. pp. 290-295.
Ranjan, Ritesh and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Dash, Biswajit and Chinnibabu, B (2016) Different aspects of cage culture management for sustainable fish production. [Teaching Resource]
Ranjan, Ritesh and Behera, Pralaya Ranjan and Muktha, M and Dash, Biswajit (2016) కేజు పర్యావేక్షణ (Cage Monitoring). [Teaching Resource]
Ranjan, Ritesh and Muktha, M and Edward, Loveson and Dash, Biswajit (2016) ఆర్ధిక రంగములో బహిరంగ సముద్ర జలాల్లో తేలియాడే కేజులో చేపలసాగు (Economics of open sea floating cage culture of finfishes). [Teaching Resource]
Ray, S S and Muktha, M and Pattnaik, Phalguni (2016) Economics and policies for open sea cage culture in Andhra Pradesh. [Teaching Resource]
Uddin, Naser and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Maity, Joydev (2016) Length weight relationship and condition factor of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) from Digha coast, West Bengal, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4 (3). pp. 168-172.
Xavier, Biji and Megarajan, Sekhar and Balla, Vamsi (2016) Microalgae culture media and glass ware. [Teaching Resource]
Xavier, Biji and Megarajan, Sekhar and Balla, Vamsi and Shiva, Ponnaganti (2016) Selection of candidate species for cage culture in India. [Teaching Resource]
Xavier, Biji and Ranjan, Ritesh and Megarajan, Sekhar and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Edward, Loveson and Dash, Biswajit (2016) Training Manual On Live feed for Marine finfish and shellfish culture. Manual. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Visakhapatnam. (In Press)
Xavier, Biji and Ranjan, Ritesh and Megarajan, Sekhar and Padmajarani, S and Suresh, R D and Chinnibabu, B (2016) परिरक्षित संकेन्द्रित नैनोक्लोरोप्सिस : प्रभव संवर्धन एवं रोटिफर संवर्धन के लिए वैकल्पिक कार्यनीति. समुद्री संवर्धन (120). pp. 47-50. ISSN 0972-2351