Characterization of haemocytes of the Indian edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston)

Ittoop, Gijo and George, K C and Sanil, N K and George, Rani Mary and Sobhana, K S and Nisha, P C (2006) Characterization of haemocytes of the Indian edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston). Aquaculture Research, 37. pp. 1636-1643.


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    The haemocytes of the Indian edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis were characterized using light and electron microscopy. The light microscopic study was conducted by staining a monolayer of the haemocytes with Geimsa. Cells without granules and with a large nucleus occupying much of the cytoplasmic area were grouped as hyalinocytes. Those with lesser amounts of basophilic cytoplasmic granules were characterized as semigranulocytes and those with large amounts of a mixture of acidophilic and basophilic granules were termed as granulocytes. Ultrastructural studies also revealed the presence of three types of haemocytes. Scanning electron microscopic studies were used to study the spreading behaviour of the haemocytes. Cytochemical studies revealed the presence of acidphosphatase, peroxidase and prophenol oxidase in the cells.

    Item Type: Article
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Haemocytes; characterization; ultra structure; enzymes; Crassostrea madrasensis
    Subjects: Molluscan Fisheries > Edible oyster
    Divisions: CMFRI-Kochi > Physiology and Nutrition Pathology
    Subject Area > CMFRI > CMFRI-Kochi > Physiology and Nutrition Pathology
    CMFRI-Kochi > Physiology and Nutrition Pathology
    Subject Area > CMFRI-Kochi > Physiology and Nutrition Pathology
    Depositing User: Arun Surendran
    Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2010 08:47
    Last Modified: 09 Sep 2015 15:34

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