Items where Division is "CMFRI-Madras (Chennai)" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 20.


Geetha, R and Divipala, Indira and Vinod, K and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Santhi, M and Zacharia, P U (2014) चेन्नई मत्स्यन बंदरगाह से समुद्री मछली पकड़ने की कार्बन पदचिह्न्न. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 90-91.

Gupta, K S and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Yousuf, K S S M and Raja, S (2014) Preliminary observations on dominance of crustacean larvae in the diet of little tunny Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) caught off Chennai and Cuddalore coasts. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (2). pp. 40-44.


Hemasankari, P (2014) पर्यवरण प्रदूषण और समुद्री मछली. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 146-149.


Kizhakudan, Joe K (2014) Reproductive biology of the female shovel-nosed lobster Thenus unimaculatus (Burton and Davie, 2007) from north-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (6). pp. 927-935.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Krishnamurthy, S (2014) Complete larval development of Thenus unimaculatus Burton & Davie, 2007 (Decapoda, Scyllaridae). Crustaceana, 87 (5). pp. 570-584.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Krishnamurthy, S and Jasper, B and Thiagu, R (2014) जलवायु परिवर्तन और मानवीय गतिविधियों के प्रति क्रस्टेशियाई प्रजाति की सुभेद्यता. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 76-81.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Jayasankar, Vidya and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Divipala, Indira and Manibal, C and Xavier, Joseph C and Thirumilu, P and Krishnamurthy, S and Sundar, R (2014) उत्तरी तमीलनाडु के तटीय क्षेत्रों में उपलब्ध महाचिंगट संपदा और उनकी जल कृषि की संभावनाऍं. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 122-129.

Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2014) Study on the growth of three species of silverbellies from the South-East Coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (2). pp. 263-270.

Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Divipala, Indira and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Dineshbabu, A P and Yousuf, K S S M and Gupta, K S and Jasper, B (2014) कोवलम, तमीलनाडु के तटीय क्षेत्रों में उपलब्ध सुरमई मछली के मत्सयन स्थल का जिओस्पेशियल नक्शा. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 31-33.

Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Raja, S and Gupta, K S and Vivekanandan, E and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Sethi, S N and Geetha, R (2014) Correlation between changes in sea surface temperature and fish catch along Tamil Nadu coast of India - an indication of impact of climate change on fisheries? Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (3). pp. 111-115.


Laxmilatha, P and Pattnaik, Phalguni and Padmajarani, S (2014) Occurrence of Mirabilistrombus listeri off Visakhapatnam coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (222). pp. 15-16. ISSN 0254-380 X


Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Vijayagopal, P and Jayasankar, Vidya and Leslie, V A and Sundar, R (2014) Effect of dietary protein levels in the formulated diets on growth and survival of juvenile spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (2). pp. 67-72.


Pandurangachar, K C and Vaidya, N G (2014) Observations on the unusually heavy landings of oil sardine at Karwar. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (222). p. 16. ISSN 0254-380 X

Pugazhendi, D (2014) Comparative study of marine fisher-folk census 2005 and 2010 of Puducherry. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (220). pp. 14-17.


Raja, S and Geetha, R and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Vivekanandan, E (2014) Traditional knowledge among fishers of coastal Tamil Nadu with special reference to climate change. In: National Symposium on Cultural Landscapes, Indigenous Knowledge and Biotechnological tools for Biodiversity conservation CULINKBIOCON 2014, 2014, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.

Ranjith, L and Sethi, S N and Kannan, K (2014) New Occurrences of Side-gilled Slugs, Pleurobranchus mamillatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) off Tuticorin Coast, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (8). pp. 1554-1545.


Sethi, S N and Ram, Nagesh and Badhray, Sibanarayan (2014) मीठापानी जलकृषि के वैविघीकरण केलिए आंडमान से एक उम्मीदवार जाति माक्रोब्रकियम लार-ए (Macrobrachium Lar-A). In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 116-121.

Sethi, S N and Ram, Nagesh and Venkatesan, V (2014) Reproductive biology of Macrobrachium lar in Andaman Islands. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (12). pp. 2269-2276.

Sethi, S N and Ranjith, L and Kannan, K (2014) Occurrences of Wedge Sea Hare, Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) from Kayalpatinam , Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43 (8). pp. 1546-1549. ISSN 0975-1033

Srinivasa Raghavan, V and Jayasankar, Vidya (2014) जल कृषि प्रजाति के आनुवंशिक सुधार के लिए जैव प्रौघोगिकी उपकरणों का प्रयोग. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 113-115.

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