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Abdussamad, E M (2012) Indian Tuna Resources: Distribution, Commercial Exploitation, Utilization and Trade. In: World Trade Agreement and Indian Fisheries Paradigms: A Policy Outlook, 17-26 September 2012, Kochi.
Abdussamad, E M and Koya, K P Said and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Rohit, Prathibha and Joshi, K K and Manojkumar, B and Prakasan, D and Kemparaju, S and Elayathu, M N K and Dhokia, H K and Sebastine, Manju and Bineesh, K K (2012) Fishery, biology and population characteristics of longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851) caught along the Indian coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 7-16.
Abdussamad, E M and Koya, K P Said and Rohit, Prathibha and Joshi, K K and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Elayathu, M N K and Prakasan, D and Sebastine, Manju and Beni, N and Rao, G Syda (2012) Fishery of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) in the Indian EEZ with special reference to their biology and population characteristics. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (3). pp. 43-51.
Abdussamad, E M and Rao, G Syda and Koya, K P Said and Rohit, Prathibha and Joshi, K K and Sivadas, M and Kuriakose, Somy and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Jasmine, S and Chellappan, Anulekshmi and Koya, Mohammed (2012) Indian tuna fishery - production trend during yesteryears and scope for the future. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (3). pp. 1-13.
Akhilesh, K V and Bineesh, K K and White, W T (2012) Liopropoma randalli, a new serranid (Teleostei: Perciformes) fish from the Indian Ocean. Zootaxa, 3439. pp. 43-50.
Akhilesh, K V and Bineesh, K K and White, W T and Pillai, N G K (2012) Aspects of the biology of the pygmy ribbontail catshark Eridacnis radcliffei (Proscylliidae: Carcharhiniformes) from the south-west coast of India. Journal Of Fish Biology (81). pp. 1138-1144.
Akhilesh, K V and Rajool Shanis, C P and Bineesh, K K (2012) Report of razor fish, Iniistius twistii (Labridae: Perciformes) from the south-west coast of India. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5 (91). pp. 1-3.
Akhilesh, K V and Rajool Shanis, C P and White, W T and Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Bineesh, K K and Ganga, U and Abdussamad, E M and Gopalakrishnan, A and Pillai, N G K (2012) Landings of whale sharks Rhincodon typus Smith, 1828 in Indian waters since protection in 2001 through the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 94 (3). pp. 1-10.
Bineesh, K K and Akhilesh, K V and Rajool Shanis, C P and Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, N G K (2012) First report of longfin escolar, Scombrolabrax heterolepis (Perciformes: Scombrolabracidae) from Indian waters. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5. pp. 1-3.
Bineesh, K K and Sebastine, Manju and Akhilesh, K V and Pillai, N G K (2012) Preliminary study on the length-weight relationship of Sacura boulengeri (Heemstra, 1973) from Indian waters. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 36 (2). pp. 267-270.
CMFRI, Kochi (2012) मत्स्यगंधा 2011-2012 भारत की वेलापवर्ती मात्स्यिकी संपदाएं (Matsyagandha). CMFRI Special Publication, 109. pp. 1-92.
Dinesh Kumar, S and Nair, Rekha J and Kuriakose, Somy (2012) First record of Centroberyx rubricaudus (Liu and Shen, 1985) (Beryciforms: Berycidae) from Indian waters (Andaman Islands). Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 42 (1). pp. 871-875.
Ganga, U and Elayathu, M N K and Prakasan, D and Rajool Shanis, C P and Akhilesh, K V and Retheesh, T B (2012) Resource dynamics of the Indo-Pacific sailfish Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw, 1792) from the south-eastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (3). pp. 61-64.
Ganga, U and Pillai, N G K and Akhilesh, K V and Rajool Shanis, C P and Beni, N and Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Prakasan, D (2012) Population dynamics of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) off Cochin coast, south-eastern Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (3). pp. 19-24.
Ganga, U and Rajool Shanis, C P and Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Akhilesh, K V (2012) Account on the deepsea shrimp Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (Johnson, 1867) from the Indian EEZ. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (1). pp. 29-31.
Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Sivadas, M and Abdussamad, E M and Rohit, Prathibha and Koya, K P Said and Joshi, K K and Chellappan, Anulekshmi and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Prakasan, D and Sebastine, Manju (2012) Fishery, population dynamics and stock structure of frigate tuna Auxis thazard (Lacepede, 1800) exploited from Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 95-100.
Greenfield, David W and Bineesh, K K and Akhilesh, K V (2012) Colletteichthys flavipinnis, a new toadfish species from Sri Lanka and India (Teleostei: Batrachoididae). Zootaxa, 3437. pp. 24-31.
Heemstra, Phillip C and Akhilesh, K V (2012) Review of the anthiine fish genus Pseudanthias (Perciformes: Serranidae) of the western Indian Ocean, with description of a new species and a key to the species. aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 18 (3). pp. 121-164.
Joshi, K K and Abdussamad, E M and Koya, K P Said and Sivadas, M and Kuriakose, Somy and Prakasan, D and Sebastine, Manju and Beni, N and Bineesh, K K (2012) Fishery, biology and dynamics of dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor (Rüppell, 1838) exploited from Indian seas. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 75-79.
Koya, K P Said and Joshi, K K and Abdussamad, E M and Rohit, Prathibha and Sivadas, M and Kuriakose, Somy and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Koya, Mohammed and Dhokia, H K and Prakasan, D and Kunhikoya, V A and Sebastine, Manju (2012) Fishery, biology and stock structure of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758) exploited from Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 39-47.
Manjebrayakath, Hashim (2012) Distribution, diversity and biology of deep-sea fishes in the Indian EEZ. Doctoral thesis, ICAR - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute.
Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Akhilesh, K V and Pillai, N G K (2012) Report of Apogonichthyoides sialis (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the west coast of India. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5. pp. 1-3.
Nair, Preetha G and Pillai, V N (2012) Satellite based potential fishing zone (PFZ) advisories - acceptance levels and benefits derived by the user community along the Kerala coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 69-74.
Pillai, N G K and Ganga, U and Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Rajool Shanis, C P and Bineesh, K K and Akhilesh, K V and Sebastine, Manju and Beni, N (2012) Deep Sea Fishery Resources of India. [Image]
Pillai, N G K and Satheeshkumar, P (2012) Biology, Fishery, Conservation and Management of Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries. Ocean Science Journal, 47 (4). pp. 411-433.
Rajool Shanis, C P and Akhilesh, K V and Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Ganga, U and Pillai, N G K (2012) Shrimps of the family Pandalidae (Caridea) from Indian waters, with new distributional record of Plesionika adensameri (Balss, 1914). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 54 (1). pp. 45-49.
Rohit, Prathibha and Chellappan, Anulekshmi and Abdussamad, E M and Joshi, K K and Koya, K P Said and Sivadas, M and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Kemparaju, S and Dhokia, H K and Prakasan, D and Beni, N (2012) Fishery and bionomics of the little tuna, Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) exploited from Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (3). pp. 37-46.
Sivadas, M and Abdussamad, E M and Jasmine, S and Rohit, Prathibha and Koya, K P Said and Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Joshi, K K and Dhokia, H K and Prakasan, D and Bineesh, K K (2012) Assessment of the fishery and stock of striped bonito, Sarda orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844) along Kerala coast with a general description of its fishery from Indian coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (2). pp. 57-61.
Venugopal, N and Pillai, N G K (2012) Diet composition of Johnieops sina (Cuvier, 1830) from Cochin coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (212). pp. 9-10.
Yohannan, T M and Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Gopakumar, G and Srinivasagam, K and Krishnan, K S and Sumithrudu, M S (2012) भारत की बाँगडे मात्स्यिकी की कुछ विशेषताएं. मत्स्यगंधा Matsyagandha - 2011-12, 10 (सी एम ). pp. 28-30.
Zacharia, P U and Kannan, K (2012) First record of Polka-dot ribbonfish Desmodema polystictum (Pisces: Trachipteridae) from Indian waters. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5 (8). pp. 1-4.