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Rao, P Vedavyasa (2007) My day of reckoning. In: Down Memory Lane. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 43-45.
Sampson Manickam, P E and Maheswarudu, G and Pillai, N N and Arputharaj, M R and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1997) Observations on complete and partial, spawning and related seed production in Penaeus semisulcatus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 38 (1 & 2). pp. 97-100.
Murty, V Sriramachandra and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1996) Marine fishery resources of India - Present status and managment concerns. In: Marine Biodiversity: Conservation and management. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 103-125.
Maheswarudu, G and Sampson Manickam, P E and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Arputharaj, M R (1996) Observations on the exploitation of penaeid prawn resources in the Palk Bay off Mandapam during 1986 - '93. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43 (3). pp. 205-214.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1996) Sea ranching fisheries - an effective system for augmentation and conservation of exploited resources. Proceedings of the Seminar on Fisheries - A Multibillion Dollar Industry, Madras, Aug 17-19, 1995. pp. 21-22.
Maheswarudu, G and Sampson Manickam, P E and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Arputharaj, M R and Muniyandi, K (1994) Some aspects of biology and exploitation of the green tiger prawn, Penaeus (Penaeus) semisulcatus de Haan from Mandapam (Palk Bay) and Pamban (Gulf of Mannar), southeast coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 41 (2). pp. 55-64.
Sahul Hameed, A S and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1994) Studies on the chemical control of a Vibrio campbellii-like bacterium affecting hatchery-reared Penaeus indicus larvae. Aquaculture, 127 (1). pp. 1-9.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Murty, V Sriramachandra (1993) Complexities of Management of Inshore Fishery Resources of India. Fishing Chimes, 13 (8). pp. 5-8.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Pillai, N N and Radhakrishnan, E V and Sampson Manickam, P E and Maheswarudu, G and Arputharaj, M R and Gopalakrishnan, K N (1993) Sea ranching of prawn. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 124. pp. 2-5.
CMFRI, Kochi (1992) Monsoon Fisheries of the West Coast of India Prospects, Problems and Management. Technical Report. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
Lipton, A P and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Ganapathy, A and Thillairajan, P (1990) Emerging squid jigging fishery along the Palk Bay coast of Tamil Nadu. Fishing Chimes, 10 (9). pp. 28-31.
Maheswarudu, G and Pillai, N N and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Sampson Manickam, P E and Arputharaj, M R (1990) Seed production of the green tiger prawn Penaeus semisulcatus in a non-circulatory and non-aerated outdoor tank. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 32 (1&2). pp. 1-4.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Jayaprakash, A A and Ramamoorthy, M (1989) On a leatherback turtle caught from Palk Bay, off Mandapam. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 95. p. 9.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Livingston, P and Misra, Atmaram (1989) Report on the whales sighted off Mandapam on the Palk bay side on 5th July, 1988. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 95. p. 10.
Kathirvel, M and Suseelan, C and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1989) Biology, Population and Exploitation of the Indian Deep-Sea Spiny Lobster, Puerulus sewelli Ramadan. Fishing Chimes, 8 (11). pp. 16-25.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Pillai, N N and Sampson Manickam, P E and Maheswarudu, G and Arputharaj, M R (1989) Shrimp ranching. In: Coastal Zone Management in Tamil Nadu State, India. Institute of Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, pp. 198-203.
Badrudeen, M and Fernando, A Bastian and Kasinathan, C and Kaliaperumal, N and Pillai, V K and Pandian, G and Sivadas, M and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Instance of mass fish mortality at Mandapam, South east coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 75. pp. 1-5.
Sampson Manickam, P E and Arputharaj, M R and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Exploitation of juveniles of green tiger prawn. Penaeus (penaeus) semisulcatus, along Palk Bay and its impact on the prawn fishery of the region. CMFRI Bulletin : National Symposium on Research and Development in Marine Fisheries Sessions I & II 1987, 44 (Part -). pp. 137-145.
Silas, E G and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Fish and Shellfish production through aquaculture in the brackish waters of India. In: Brackish water Aquaculture Development in India. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 119-136.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Nutritional needs of finfishes and shellfishes. In: Summer Institute in Recent Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Nutrition, 11-30 May 1987, Kochi.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Penaeid prawn culture at Valappu village near Cochin - An Experience. Proceedings of the Symposium on management of coastal aquaculture and oceanic resources of Andamans. pp. 88-91.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Present status of crustacean culture in India. In: Summer Institute in Recent Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Nutrition, 11 - 30 May 1987, Kochi.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Soft prawn syndrome and its control. R & D Series for Marine Fishery Resources Management, 15. pp. 1-4.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1986) A review of the present status of the prawn fishery of India. In: Recent Advances in Marine Biology. Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 367-404.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1983) Marine Biological Institutions in India. Marine Biological Institutions in India, 25 (1&2). pp. 118-130.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1983) Reproductive biology of penaeid prawns. In: Summer institute in Hatchery Production of Prawn Seeds and Culture of Prawn Seeds, 18 April - 17 May 1983, Kochi.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1983) Review of the studies on larval nutrition in cultivable penaeid and palaemonid prawns. In: National Symposium on Shrimp Seed Production and Hatchery Management, 21-22 January 1983, Cochin.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Diwan, A D and Kakati, V S (1982) Fluctuation in calcium levels in the exoskeleton, Muscle and haemolymph of Penaeus indicus, cultivated In a brackishwater pond. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 29 (1&2). pp. 160-167.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1981) Recent technological advances in coastal aquaculture in India. CMFRI Bulletin, 30A. pp. 93-96.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1981) Tour Report of Dr. P. Vedavyasa Rao, on his participation in the World Conference on Aquaculture followed by visit to certain Fisheries/Aquaculture R&D Institutes in Italy, France and U.K during September 16 to November 3, 1981. Technical Report. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi. (Submitted)
Silas, E G and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1980) Workshop on mussel farming — An action plan for R & D programmes. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 23. pp. 10-13.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1980) Penaeid prawn seed resource in the estuaries and backwaters of Karnataka and Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 20. pp. 9-11.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1980) Credit facilities for the development of small- scale fisheries of India. Indo Pacific Fishery Commission. pp. 282-288.
Muthu, M S and Kathirvel, M and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Pillai, N N (1980) Research progress in the culture of penaeid prawns along the coasts of Indian ocean and Indo-Pacific. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1980) Seed requirements for intensive culture of penaeid prawns in coastal waters, particularly in Kerala. Proceedings of the first national symposium on shrimp farming. Bombay, 16 - 18 August 1978. pp. 73-82.
Silas, E G and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1977) Marine fisheries research and its contribution to the fishing industry of India. Souvenir issued on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Integrated Fisheries Project, Cochin. pp. 15-18.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1974) On three species of deep-sea galatheid crustaceans from the south-west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 16 (1). pp. 302-304.
Kurup, N S and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1974) Population characteristics and exploitation of the important marine prawns of Ambalapuzha, Kerala. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 21 (1). pp. 183-210.
Mohamed, K H and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1973) Appraisal of the prawn fishery of the Indian coast. Seafood Export Journal, 5 (8). pp. 7-15.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and George, M J (1973) Deep-sea spiny lobster, Puerulus sewelli ramadan: its commercial potentialities. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1968, Mandapam Camp.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Kathirvel, M (1973) On the breeding of a penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus dobsoni in the brackish water medium. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 20 (1). pp. 228-230.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1973) Studies on the larval development of the commerically important penaeid prawns of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15 (1). pp. 95-124.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Thomas, M M and Rao, G Sudhakara (1973) The crab fishery resources of India. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1973, Mandapam Camp.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1972) Seasonal abundance of larvae and post-larvae of the Commercially important penaeid prawns in the inshore Waters of Cochin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 19 (1&2). pp. 86-96.
Mohamed, K H and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1971) Estuarine phase in the life history of the commercial prawns of the west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 13 (2). pp. 149-161.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1969) On the identification of juveniles of three species of Metapenaeus (Decapoda, Penaeidae). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 16 (1&2). pp. 51-55.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1969) V. Genus Parapenaeopsis Alcock 1901. In: CMFRI Bulletin No.14, Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 127-157.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1968) New species of shrimp, Acetes cochinensis (Crustacea: Decapoda, Sergestidae) from southwest coast of India with an account of its larval development. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 298-320.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1968) Observations on the development of the external genitalia in some Indian penaeid prawns. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (1). pp. 52-70.
Sivalingam, D and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1968) A case of abnormal petasma in the penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne-Edwards). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 386-387.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1967) Distribution of sex ratios of penaeid prawns in the trawl fishery off Cochin. In: Symposium on Crustacea ; part II, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Suseelan, C (1967) On the egg and prezoea stage of Heterocarpus wood-masoni Alcock (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 9 (1). pp. 204-206.
Mohamed, K H and Rao, P Vedavyasa and George, M J (1967) Post larvae of penaeid prawns of southwest coast of India with a key to their identification. FAO World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. pp. 1-15.
George, P C and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1967) An annotated bibliography of the biology and fishery of commercially important prawns of India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 5, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, P C and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1967) An annotated bibliography of the biology and fishery of the edible crabs of India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part V, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Kartha, K N Rasachandra (1966) Occurrence of Callianassa (Callichirus) audax de Man (Crustacea Decapoda—Callianassidae) on the southwest coast of India with a description of the male. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 1; MBAI, 12-15 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1966) On some decapod crustaceans from the south-west coast of India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 1, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1966) A new species of Metapenaeus (Decapoda, Penaeidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 8 (1). pp. 146-151.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and Sebastian, M J and Nair, P Karunakaran (1965) On the occurrence of Squilla leptosquilla Brooks (Crustacea, Stomatopoda) in the west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 7 (2). pp. 468-469.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1965) Synopsis of biological data on the penaeid prawn Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards, 1837). FAO Fisheries Synopsis No.106, 57 (4). pp. 1575-1605.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1965) A new record of Panulirus longipes (Milne Edwards) from the southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 7 (2). pp. 461-463.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1964) Maturation and spawning of the penaeid prawns of the southwest coast of India. FAO Fisheries Report, 57 (2). pp. 285-302.
George, P C and George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1963) Metapenaeus kutchensis sp.nov., a penaeid prawn from the Gulf of Kutch. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (2). pp. 284-288.
Sebastian, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1963) On the feeding habits of the snake mackerel Gempylus serpens (Cuvier), with some remarks on the specimens collected off the Indian Coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (2). p. 322.
Rao, P Vedavyasa (1963) On the line fishery for Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier), along the north Kanara Coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (2). pp. 320-321.