Items where Author is "Mohamad Kasim, H"

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Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, N G K and Mohamad Kasim, H and Mohamed, O M M J Habeeb (2010) Fishery, biology and population characteristics of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) exploited along the Tuticorin coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 57 (1). pp. 17-21.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Mohamad Kasim, H and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Sathianandan, T V and Kandasamy, D and Muniyandi, K and Gandhi, A D and Thanapati, V and Leslie, V A and Manibal, C and Ravindran, M and Ganesan, S (2008) चेन्नई के तटीय समुद्र में रहनेवाले समुद्र जीवों की लवण सह्यता. तटीय मेखला प्रबंधन - विशेष प्रकाशन, 97. pp. 15-27.

Abdussamad, E M and Mohamad Kasim, H and Achayya, P (2006) Fishery and population characteristics of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) at Kakinada. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 53 (1). pp. 77-83.

Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, P P and Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S (2005) Fishery and population characteristics of coastal tunas at Tuticorin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 47 (1). pp. 50-57.

Mohamad Kasim, H (2000) केंद्रीय समुद्री मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान का काकीनाडा अनुसंधान केंद्र. मत्स्यगंधा 2000 राजभाषा स्वर्ण जयंती विशेषांक. pp. 57-64.

Devaraj, M and Mohamad Kasim, H and Muthiah, C and Pillai, N G K (1999) Assessment of the exploited seerfish stocks in the Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 62-84.

Marichamy, R and James, D B and Mohamad Kasim, H and Rajamani, M and Rengaswamy, V S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Balasubramanian, T S and Manickaraja, M and Rajapackiam, S and Arumugam, G (1998) Major and minor fisheries harbours of India. 6. The fisheries harbour and fishery at Tuticorin. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 153. pp. 17-22.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Marichamy, R and Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S (1998) Rare squid, Thysanoteuthis rhombus Troschel from the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 39 (1 & 2). pp. 182-184.

Devaraj, M and Mohamad Kasim, H (1998) Seerfish fishery of the world. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 40 (1 & 2). pp. 51-68.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S (1997) Length-weight relationship of three species of belonids and a Hemiramphid from the Gulf of Mannar. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 38 (1 & 2). pp. 146-149.

Velayudhan, T S and Chellam, A and Dharmaraj, S and Victor, A C C and Mohamad Kasim, H (1996) Comparison of growth and shell attributes of four generations of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould) produced in the hatchery. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43 (1). pp. 69-77.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S (1996) Fishery of full beaks and half beaks with special reference on the growth, mortality and stock assessment of Ablennes hians (Valenciennes) along the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43 (1). pp. 51-59.

Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S (1995) Emergence of hand jigging for cephalopods along Tuticorin coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 137. pp. 13-16.

Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1995) On the bumper catch of balistids from Tuticorin with notes on length-weight relationship and gut contents. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 137. pp. 18-19.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S (1994) Carangid fishery and yield per recruit analysis of Caranx carangus (Bloch) and Caranx leptolepis Cuvier and Valenciennes from Tuticorln waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 36 (1&2). pp. 63-71.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Sam Bennet, P and Rajapackiam, S and Arumugam, G (1994) Exploitation of perch fishery resource off Tuticorin by small mechanised trawlers with an account on the biology of Scolopsis bimaculatus Ruppell. CMFRI Bulletin-Perch fisheries in India, 47. pp. 106-111.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Rajapackiam, S (1994) Length - weight relationship of Lutjanus rivulatus off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. CMFRI Bulletin-Perch fisheries in India, 47. pp. 128-129.

Rajapackiam, S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Balasubramanian, T S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1994) On a juvenile whale shark Rhincodon typus caught off Kayalpatnam (Gulf of Mannar). Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 127. pp. 14-15.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Marichamy, R and Balasubramanian, T S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1994) On an accidental stranding, rescue and return of hump-back dolphins at Tuticorin harbour area. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 128. pp. 14-15.

Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1994) On the landing of large sized hammer head shark Sphyrna lewini at Tuticorin. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 127. pp. 13-14.

Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1994) On the unusual landings of lesser devil ray Mobula diabolus (Shaw) from Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 129. pp. 20-21.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Arumugam, G (1994) The fishery, biology and stock assessment of Nemipterus delagoae Smith off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. CMFRI Bulletin-Perch fisheries in India, 47. pp. 112-120.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1994) The perch fishery by traditional traps at Kilakarai (Gulf of Mannar) and some aspects of biology of Lethrinus nebulosus (Forskal). CMFRI Bulletin-Perch fisheries in India, 47. pp. 98-105.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Balasubramanian, T S (1993) On an accidental landing of false killer whale Pseudorca crassidens by drift gillnet off Veerpandianpatnam, Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 120. pp. 18-19.

Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S (1993) On the egg-cases of zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum caught off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 121. p. 11.

Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S (1993) On the landing of bramble shark (Echinorhinus brucus) at Tuticorin. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 121. p. 13.

Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1993) On the landing of giant-sized white-spotted shovel nose ray from Tuticorin waters, Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 121. p. 14.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1993) Population dynamics of the cuttlefish Sepia elliptica Hoyle in Saurashtra waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 35 (1&2). pp. 80-86.

Reuben, S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Sivakami, S and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Kurup, K N and Sivadas, M and Noble, A and Nair, K V Somasekharan and Raje, S G (1992) Fishery, biology and stock assessment of carangid resources from the Indian seas. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 195-234.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1992) Growth and production potential of young grouper Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal) reared in fixed net cages. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 34 (1&2). pp. 271-277.

Yohannan, T M and Jayaprakash, A A and Srinath, M and Thiagarajan, R and Livingston, P and Mohamad Kasim, H and Luther, G (1992) Stock assessment of Scomberomorus commersan along the Indian coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 111-118.

Thiagarajan, R and Lazarus, S and Appanasastry, Y and Khan, Mohammad Zafar and Mohamad Kasim, H and Scariah, K S (1992) Stock assessment of the ribbonfish, Wchiurus lepturus Linnaeus, from the Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 182-194.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Rajapackiam, S and Balasubramanian, T S (1991) On the rare landings of the dogfish shark species from Gulf of mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 107. pp. 17-18.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S and Rajapackiam, S and Rengaswamy, V S (1991) Fish mortality due to pollution by industrial effluents in inshore waters of Kayalpatnam. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 113. pp. 26-28.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1991) Incidence of Shark Wounded By Plastic Bands. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 114. pp. 37-38.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1991) Shark fishery of Veraval coast with special reference to population dynamics of Scoliodon laticaudus (Muller Andhenle) and Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 33 (172). pp. 213-228.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S (1990) Fishery, growth, yield per recruit and stock assessment of Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 37 (4). pp. 281-288.

Gurusamy, R and Mohamad Kasim, H and Siraimeetan, Pon (1989) Note on the subsistence fishery of Periasamipuram in Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 102. pp. 9-11.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S (1989) On the stranding of Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis along Gulf of Mannar coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 95. pp. 12-14.

Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Mohamad Kasim, H (1989) Some aspects of morphometric relationship and food and feeding in Caranx carangus (Bloch) from Tuticorin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 36 (3). pp. 205-210.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1988) Growth, mortality rates and stock assessment of the cuttlefish Sepiella inermis (Ferussac and D'orbigny) in Saurashtra waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 30 (1&2). pp. 99-106.

Radhakrishnan, R and Natarajan, R and Mohamad Kasim, H (1988) Seasonal variation in the abundance of wood boring molluscs in Vellar estuary, southeast coast of India. CMFRI Bulletin, 42(1). pp. 219-225.

Appanasastry, Y and Mohamad Kasim, H (1987) The fishery and catch statistics of catfishes. CMFRI Bulletin, 40. pp. 12-57.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1986) Effect of salinity, temperature and oxygen partial pressure on the respiratory metabolism of Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (1). pp. 66-75.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Khan, Mohammad Zafar (1986) A preliminary account of the gillnet fishery off Veraval during 1979-82. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (2). pp. 155-162.

Rao, G Sudhakara and Mohamad Kasim, H (1985) On the commercial trawl fishery off Veraval during 1979-1982. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 32 (3). pp. 296-308.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1985) Population dynamics of the squid Loligo duvaucelii D'orbigny (Cephalopoda) in Saurashtra waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 27 (1&2). pp. 103-112.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Khan, Mohammad Zafar (1984) A record of an unusually large tigershark, Caleocerdo articus (Fabr.), from off Veraval. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 31 (3). pp. 370-372.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1983) Salinity tolerance of certain freshwater fishes. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 30 (1). pp. 46-54.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1982) Effect of temperature on respiration of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 29 (1&2). pp. 85-93.

Book Section

Mohamad Kasim, H (2003) Carangids. In: Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 66-75. ISBN 81-901219-3-6

Muthiah, C and Pillai, N G K and Mohamad Kasim, H and Bhat, S Uma (2003) Seerfishes. In: Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 45-50. ISBN 81-901219-3-6

Mohamad Kasim, H and Saleela, K N and Dhanaraju, K (2001) Present Status of Exploitation of Shrimp Resource along the East Coast of India with special reference to Kakinada Coast. In: Papers presented at the National Seminar on Conservation and Management of Shrimp resources of the East Coast of India. Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai, pp. 42-56.

Mohamad Kasim, H (2000) Fishery, stock assessment and management of the barracuda resource in India. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI Kochi, Kochi, pp. 374-387.

Conference or Workshop Item

Mohamad Kasim, H (2000) Fishery, Growth, Mortality Rates and Stock Assessment of Auxis thazard (Lacepede) Along Tuticorin Coast, Gulf of Mannar. In: The Fifth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 17-20 January, 2000, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Mohamad Kasim, H (2000) Status of the World Tuna Fishery with Special Reference on the Strategies for the Development and Management of Tuna Fishery in Indian Waters. In: The Fifth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 17-20 January, 2000, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Marichamy, R and Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1999) Age and growth of Himantura bleekeri (Blyth) and fishery for rays off Tuticorin. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1999) Age growth mortality yield per recruit and stock assessment of Atropus atropus (Bloch and schneider). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1999) Age growth mortality yield per recruit and stock assessment of Carcharhinus sorrah (Valennciennes Muller and Henle). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Natarajan, S and Mohamad Kasim, H and Gopakumar, G and Ravindranathan, V and Ramakrishnan, A (1996) Calibrations of hydro-acoustic instruments onboard FORV Sagar Sampada. In: Proceedings of the Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1996) Carangid fishery of veraval coast with special reference on the biology and population dynamics of Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Sivakami, S and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Jayaprakash, A A and Mohamad Kasim, H and Yohannan, T M and Sivadas, M and Koya, K P Said and Seetha, P K (1996) Distribution and abundance of carangids along the EEZ India. In: Proceedings of the Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.


Mohamad Kasim, H (1978) Ecophysiological studies in fry and fingerlings of some freshwater fishes with special reference to temperature tolerance. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Submitted to Madurai University.

Teaching Resource

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Mohamad Kasim, H and Jasper, B (2008) Experimental methods to assess the impact of climate change on plankton -Winter School on Impact of Climate Change on Indian Marine Fisheries held at CMFRI, Cochin 18.1.2008 to 7.2.2008. [Teaching Resource]

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