Live feed for marine finfish and shellfish culture

Ghosh, Shubhadeep and Xavier, Biji and Edward, Loveson and Dash, Biswajit (2016) Live feed for marine finfish and shellfish culture. [Teaching Resource]

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    Live food organisms include all plants (phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton) which are used in finfish and shellfish larval rearing system. Live foods are able to swim in water column and are available to fish and shellfish larvae thereby stimulate the feeding response (David 2003). In nature, most of the finfish and shellfish larvae feed on small phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic organisms. Phytoplankton comprises the base of the food chain in the marine environment. Micro algae have an important role in aquaculture as a means of enriching zooplankton for feeding fish and other larvae. In addition to providing protein (essential amino acids) and energy, they provide other key nutrients such as vitamins, essential poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), pigments and sterols, which are transferred through food chain. Zooplankton forms the primary food for fish larvae. The dominant zooplankton groups are rotifers and copepods. These groups are the preferred prey for shrimp and fish larvae and are the most widely used live feeds by aquaculturists. The intensive larval culture of most marine fish depends on large supply of zooplankton.

    Item Type: Teaching Resource
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Live feed; marine finfish; shellfish culture
    Subjects: Aquaculture > Live Feed Culture
    Divisions: CMFRI-Visakhapatnam
    Depositing User: Arun Surendran
    Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2016 04:57
    Last Modified: 16 Jun 2016 04:57

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