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Abdussamad, E M and Achayya, P (1999) Occurrence of Indian Ruff, Psenopsis cyanea in shallow waters along Kakinada coast, an indication of upwelling. Technical Report. CMFRI, Kochi.

Ammini, P L (1999) Status of marine fisheries in Kerala with reference to ban of monsoon trawling. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 160. pp. 24-36.

Anil, M K and Kakati, V S and Ganga, U and Zacharia, Sherly (1999) Larval rearing of seahorse Hippocampus kuda under laboratory conditions. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 162. pp. 23-25.

Appukuttan, K K and Velayudhan, T S and Sathiadhas, R and Srinath, Krishna and Reghu, R (1999) കടൽമുരിങ്ങ കൃഷി. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Asha, P S (1999) मन्नार और पाक खाडियों के लघु पैमाने की समुद्री ककड़ी की मात्स्यिकी. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Lanuage Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Ashok Reddy, G (1999) Histology of hematopoietic tissues in the Indian White Prawn Penaeus indicus (H. Milne Edwards). Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.

Asokan, P K and Surendranath, V G and Sivadasan, M P (1999) लघु पैमाने की मात्स्यिकी सेक्टर द्वारा शंबु पालन. In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद्र मत्स्यन और लघु पैमाने की समुद्र कृषि, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Ayyappan, S and Jena, J K (1999) Environmental Issues in Indian Freshwater Aquaculture. In: Aquaculture and the Environment. Asian Fisheries Society, Mangalore, pp. 13-31.


Babu, Rama Manga (1999) Growth and protein utilization in the green tiger prawn, Penaeus semisulcatus reared on varying protein: Energy ratios. Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.

Baby, K G (1999) On the stranding of a whale at Mannalamkunnu, Trichur district, Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. p. 20.

Balachandran, K and Menon, N G and Pillai, N G K (1999) Scope for the exploitation and management of non-conventional fish resources of distant waters of Indian EEZ. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Bapuji, M and Sree, A and Mishra, S and Vimala, A and Sahu, S K and Choudhury, S and Thomas, P A (1999) New sponge resources of Orissa coast. Current Science, 77 (2). pp. 220-222.


CMFRI, Kochi (1999) CMFRI Annual Report 1998-1999. Technical Report. CMFRI, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) CMFRI Newsletter No.085 & 086 January- June 1999. Other. CMFRI, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) CMFRI Newsletter No.087 July- September 1999. Other. CMFRI, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) CMFRI Newsletter No.088 October- December 1999. Other. CMFRI, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) CMFRI paves way for culture production of groupers, cuttlefish and clownfish. Fishing Chimes, 18 (10). p. 32.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) Dr.V.N.Pillai takes over as Director. CMFRI Newsletter No.85 & 86 January- June 1999, 85 & 8. p. 1.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) Marine Fisheries Information Service No.159. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (159). Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) Marine Fisheries Information Service No.160. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (160). Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) Marine Fisheries Information Service No.161. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (161). Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

CMFRI, Kochi (1999) Marine Fisheries Information Service No.162. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (162). Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Rao, C V Seshagiri and Chittibabu, K and Rao, T Nageswara (1999) Crafts and gear used for marine fishing along the Andhra Pradesh coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. pp. 1-8.


Devaraj, M and Menon, N G and Pillai, V K and Balachandran, K (1999) Coastal zone Governance: Kerala in relation to National and International situations. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 162. pp. 1-22.

Devaraj, M and Mohamad Kasim, H and Muthiah, C and Pillai, N G K (1999) Assessment of the exploited seerfish stocks in the Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 62-84.

Devaraj, M and Pillai, V K and Appukuttan, K K and Suseelan, C and Murty, V Sriramachandra and Kaladharan, P and Rao, G Sudhakara and Pillai, N G K and Pillai, N N and Balan, K and Chandrika, V and George, K C and Sobhana, K S (1999) Packages of Practices for Sustainable, Ecofriendly Mariculture (Land-based Saline Aquaculture and Seafarming). Aquaculture and the Environment. pp. 33-69.

Devaraj, M and Pillai, V K and Appukuttan, K K and Suseelan, C and Murty, V Sriramachandra and Kaladharan, P and Rao, G Sudhakara and Pillai, N G K and Pillai, N N and Balan, K and Chandrika, V and George, K C and Sobhana, K S (1999) Packages of Practices for Sustainable; Ecofriendly Mariculture (Land-based Saline Aquaculture and Seafarming). In: Aquaculture and the Environment. Asian Fisheries Society, Mangalore, pp. 33-70.

Devaraj, M and Vivekanandan, E (1999) Marine capture fisheries of India: Challenges and opportunities. Current Science, 76 (3). pp. 314-332.

Dharmaraj, S and Shanmugasundaram, K (1999) Effects of aeration, U.V. treated seawater and antibiotics on larval growth and spatfall in Pinctada fucata (Gould). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (1). pp. 41-48.

Dineshbabu, A P (1999) लघु पैमाने की समुद्र कृषि और लघु पैमाने का समुद्र मत्स्यन – गुजरात परिप्रेक्ष्य. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Dineshbabu, A P and Kizhakudan, Joe K and Manojkumar, B and Thomas, Sujitha and Savaria, Y D (1999) Practice of hooks and line fishery off Satpathi waters, Maharashtra. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. p. 16.

Diwan, A D and Joseph, Shoji (1999) Cryopreservation of spermatophores of the marine shrimp, Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (2). pp. 159-166.


Ganga, U and Gowda, N Chennappa (1999) A note on the Scombroid fish Scomber japonicus observed along the Indian Coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 162. p. 27.

George, Rani Mary and Thomas, P A and Jasmine, S and Nair, K Ramakrishnan and Vasanthakumar, R (1999) Observations on the distribution and seasonal fluctuations of Chaetognaths off Vizhinjam, Southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 40 (1 & 2). pp. 6-11.

Gopakumar, G and George, Rani Mary and Jasmine, S (1999) Breeding and larval rearing of the clownfish Amphiprion chrysogaster. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 8-11.

Gopalakrishnan, A and Lal, Kuldeep Kumar and Ponniah, A G (1999) Conservation of the Nilgiri rainbow trout in India. NAGA, 22 (3). pp. 16-19.

Gopinath, Radhika (1999) Extracellular products of Aeromonas hydrophila and its effects on Indian white prawn, Penaeus indicus H.Milne Edwards. Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.


Hemambika, M and Paulraj, R (1999) An ultrastructural study of the Hepatopancreas of Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 24-28 November 1996, Kochi.


Ignatius, Boby and Rathore, Gaurav and Jagadis, I and Kandasamy, D and Victor, A C C (1999) Observations on spawning and larval rearing of clown fish Amphiprion sebae. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 162. p. 27.

Imelda, Joseph and Chandrika, V (1999) Biodegradation of phenol using bacteria from different brackishwater habitats. Indian Journal o f Marine Sciences, 28. pp. 66-69.

Imelda, Joseph and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1999) Gibberellic acid and 2,4-D as growth regulators in laboratory culture of seaweeds. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 28. pp. 66-69.

Imelda, Joseph and Deboral Vimala, D (1999) Lady nurtures mangrove trees. Aquaculture Asia. pp. 26-28.

Imelda, Joseph and Kavitha, R (1999) Filamentous algae in aquaculture ponds: Prevention and Control measures. Fishing Chimes, 19. p. 38.


James, D B (1999) Abnormal asteroids from the seas around India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. pp. 21-22.

James, D B (1999) Hatchery and culture technology for the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra Jaeger, in India. Naga. The ICLARM Quarterly, 22 (4). pp. 12-16.

James, D B (1999) Holothurla (Thymiosycia) arenicola Semper, a rare holothurian from the Gulf of Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. p. 15.

James, D B and Ruparani, Grace (1999) New resource for the Indian beche-de-mer industry and its management. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 24-28 November 1996, Kochi.

Jayaprakash, A A (1999) On the breeding biology of the Malabar sole Cynoglossus macrostomus Norman off Kerala. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 85-95.

Jayaprakash, A A and Inasu, N D (1999) Age, Growth and Stock assessment of Malabar sole, Cynoglossus macrostomus (Norman) off Kerala Coast. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ocean Fish and Fisheries, 24-25 March 1999, Irinjalakuda.

Jayasankar, P (1999) आलंकारिक मछ्ली पालन एवं वाणिज्य – वर्तमान स्थिति एवं पूर्वेक्षण. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा सं, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Jayasankar, Reeta (1999) पुंनरुत्पादन एककों से ऐगारोद्भभिद ग्रासिलेरिया जातियों की संवर्धन शक्यता. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Jayasankar, Reeta and Kulandaivelu, G (1999) In vivo fluorescence kinetics of Gracilaria spp. subjected to different salinities. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (4). pp. 359-365.

Jayasankar, Reeta and Ramamoorthy, N (1999) Seasonal variation in the growth of Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva cultured from spores. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (2). pp. 185-190.

Jayasankar, Reeta and Kulandaivelu, G (1999) Fatty acid profiles of marine red alga Gracilaria spp (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 28. pp. 74-76.

Joel, J J and Ebenezer, I P (1999) On the rare occurrence of a sawfish at Kanyakumari. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 19-20.

Joshi, K K (1999) Reproduction in fishes. [Teaching Resource]


Kakati, V S and Gowda, N Chennappa (1999) Record-sized mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta caught from Karwar waters on the west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 133-134.

Kaladharan, P (1999) लघु पैमाने में समुद्री शैवाल कृषि केलिए कृत्रिम समुद्र जल. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमने का समुद्, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Kaladharan, P and Kaliaperumal, N (1999) Seaweed Industry in India. NAGA, 22 (1). pp. 11-14.

Kaladharan, P and Nandakumar, A and Khambadkar, L R and Selvaraj, G S D (1999) Soilwater characteristics in certain shrimp farms along the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 1-6.

Kaladharan, P and Nandakumar, A and Pillai, V K (1999) Total humic acids in the inshore waters of Cochin. In: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Ocean Fish and Fisheries, 24-25 March 1999, Irinjalakuda.

Kaladharan, P and Pillai, V K and Koya, K P Said and Leelabhai, K S and Palaniswamy, N (1999) Oil slick in the inshore waters to the north of Cochin Port Channel. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 16-17.

Kaladharan, P and Pillai, V K and Nandakumar, A and Krishnakumar, P K (1999) Mercury in seawater along the west coast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 28. pp. 338-340.

Kaladharan, P and Sridhar, N (1999) Cytokinins from Marine green alga, Caulerpa racemosa (Kuetz) Taylor. Fishery Technology, 36 (2). pp. 87-89.

Kalpana, K V (1999) Studies on osmoregulation in the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers). Doctoral thesis, ICAR - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute.

Koya, C N Haneefa and Nasser, A K V and Mohamed, Gulshad (1999) Productivity of the coral reef alga Halimeda gracilis Harv. ex. J.Ag. Minicoy island, Lakshadweep. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 21 (1 & 2). pp. 79-84.

Kripa, V and Mohammed Salih, K Y (1999) Growth and reproduction of the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata (Born) in Ashtamudi lake Kerala. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Kripa, V and Mohammed Salih, K Y (1999) Oyster resources of Ashtamudi lake, South West Coast of India. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 24-28 November 1996, Kochi.

Kripa, V and Velayudhan, T S and Appukuttan, K K (1999) द्विकपाटी पालन में महिलाओं को रोज़गार के अवसर. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Krishnakumar, P K and Casillas, E and Snider, R G and Kagley, A N and Varanasi, U (1999) Environmental Contaminants and the Prevalence of Hemic Neoplasia (Leukemia) in the Common Mussel (Mytilus edulis Complex) from Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 73 (2). pp. 135-146.

Kulkarni, B G and Deshmukh, V D and Kulkarni, V R (1999) Food and feeding habit of a penaeid prawn Metapeneopsis stridulans (Alcock 1905). Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, 96 (2). pp. 262-267.

Kurup, K N and Devaraj, M (1999) Estimates of optimum fleet size for the exploited Indian shelf fisheries. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 165. pp. 1-11.


Lal, Kuldeep Kumar and Gopalakrishnan, A and Mohindra, Vindhya and James, P S B R (1999) Identification of female specific protein in seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (4). pp. 375-381.

Lambade, S B (1999) High density culture of marine microalgae using semi-continuous and continuous systems. Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.


Madhavi, B (1999) Molecular characterisation of bacterial pathogens of finfish and shellfish. Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.

Manisseri, Mary K and Menon, N R (1999) Xenobiotic induced functional alterations in Hepatopancreas of the Penaeid shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 24-28 November 1996, Kochi.

Manisseri, Mary K and Spann, K M and Lester, R J G (1999) Iodine as a Disinfectant against Monodon Baculovirus (MBV). Asian Fisheries Science, 12. pp. 105-111.

Manojkumar, B and Dineshbabu, A P (1999) 'Dol' net fisheries of the Saurashtra coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 1-8.

Marichamy, R and Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1999) Age and growth of Himantura bleekeri (Blyth) and fishery for rays off Tuticorin. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Menon, N G (1999) Development of Marine Fisheries Science in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 20-23.

Menon, N G (1999) Management of Fresh water Fisheries. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 165. pp. 23-26.

Menon, N G and Balachandran, K and Zacharia, P U (1999) Conservation needs and management strategies for Migratory marine catfish resources. In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Menon, N G and Pillai, V K and Laxmilatha, P and Nandakumar, A and Balachandran, K and Mani, P T (1999) Consultancy services in marine fisheries- A profile of technologies and experts. Manual. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi.

Mohamad Kasim, H (1999) Age growth mortality yield per recruit and stock assessment of Atropus atropus (Bloch and schneider). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Mohamad Kasim, H and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Rajapackiam, S (1999) Age growth mortality yield per recruit and stock assessment of Carcharhinus sorrah (Valennciennes Muller and Henle). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Mohamed, Gulshad and Nasser, A K V and Koya, C N Haneefa (1999) Domestic waste and its impact on production of Caulerpa racemosa (Forssk.) Weber v. Bosse at Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 21 (1 & 2). pp. 73-77.

Mukhi, Sandeep Kumar (1999) Streptococcal infection in cultured tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus peters. Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.

Muthiah, C and Bhat, S Uma and Gupta, C Alli and Sreedhara, B (1999) 'Marinefish-famine'(?) In Karnataka with particular reference to Udupi district during 1998-'99. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 165. pp. 12-23.


Nair, P N Radhakrishnan (1999) Artificial spawning by stripping in Dussumieria acuta, a marine pelagic fish and studies on its early development. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 41 (1 & 2). pp. 46-55.

Nammalwar, P (1999) भारत में पख मछलियों की समुद्र कृषि. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद्र मत्स्, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Nandakumar, G and Srinath, M (1999) Stock assessment of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) from Cochin waters, Kerala. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (3). pp. 221-226.

Nasser, A K V and Kunhikoya, V A and Aboobaker, P M (1999) Mangrove ecosystems of Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. pp. 8-10.

Nasser, A K V and Mohamed, Gulshad (1999) Mangroves and their role in island ecosystems a mangrove plot at Minicoy. Lakshadweep Times, 13 (189). pp. 3-4.

Nasser, A K V and Mohamed, Gulshad (1999) Seaweed Resources and their Culture in Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep Times, 15 (28). pp. 3-4.

Ninawe, A S (1999) Need to promote sewage fed fish culture as eco-friendly production technology. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 2 (1). pp. 75-82.

Nirmala, K (1999) Studies on Microbio-chemical production and consumption of oxygen in the estuarine waters of Mangalvanam, Cochin. Masters thesis, Mahatma Gandhi University.


Palaniswami, Rani (1999) Aluminium induced physiological and biochemical changes in freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio Var.Communis. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Bharathiar University.

Pandey, A K and Peer Mohamed, M (1999) Hypothalamo neurosecretory system of the marine teleost Ariomma indica (day 1870). In: The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 24-28 November, 1996, Kochi.

Pillai, C S G and Appukuttan, K K and Kaladharan, P (1999) Occurrence of submerged Pleistocene stony corals and marine molluscs at Vazhakala near Cochin and their significance on sea level changes. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 28. pp. 96-98.

Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P (1999) भारत की वेलापवर्ति मात्स्यिकी संपदाओं का विदोहन, परिरक्षण और प्रबंधन. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Pillai, N N and Nair, K R Manmadhan (1999) अगले सहस्राब्द में झींगा पालन – कुछ रूप रेखाएं. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceeding of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K (1999) तटीय संपदाओं में स्कोम्ब्रोइड मछलियों का महत्व और विदोहन. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI KOchi.

Pillai, S Lakshmi (1999) लघु पैमाने के समुद्री संवर्धन में जैव खाघ की भूमिका. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमने का समुद्, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.

Prabhakar, G (1999) "Stimulation of ovarian maturation in the Indian White Prawn,Penaeus indicus (H. Milne Edwards) by methyl farnesoate" (MF). Masters thesis, Central Institute of Fisheries Education.


Rajamani, M and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Retnaswamy, N and Rodrigo, Joseph Xavier (1999) Fecundity and inter-spawning periodicity in an exotic species of brine shrimp collected from the salt pans at Tuticorin. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 161. pp. 131-14.

Rajamani, M and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Rodrigo, Joseph Xavier (1999) Mass production of rotifer with different combinations of fertilizers. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 159. pp. 11-13.

Rajendran, I and Majee, R N and Agarwal, S C (1999) Synthesis of plant growth regulator analogues from aleuritic acid. Journal of the Institution of Chemists (India), 71 (2). pp. 75-77.

Rajendran, K V and Vijayan, K K and Santiago, T C and Krol, R M (1999) Experimental host range and histopathology of white spot Syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in shrimp, prawns, crabs and lobsters from India. Journal of Fish Diseases, 22. pp. 183-191.

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Rao, G Sudhakara (1999) Prawn fishery by the sona boats at Visakhapatnam. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 46 (1). pp. 13-24.

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