Effectiveness of 2-Phenoxyethanol for Anesthetizing Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) (Linnaeus, 1758) for Transportation

Nair, M S Vishnu and Ignatius, Boby and Bhaskaran, Binoy and Madhavan, Manu and Imelda, Joseph (2018) Effectiveness of 2-Phenoxyethanol for Anesthetizing Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) (Linnaeus, 1758) for Transportation. Fishery Technology, 55. pp. 258-261.

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    Anesthetized fish transport is creating new opportunities for aquaculture, as it offers ease of handling and reduction of stress and helps to reduce mortality rates. In this study, 2-phenoxyethanol was administered to Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) (Linnaeus, 1758) to determine its effects on the ease of handling and transportation. Four dosage levels were tested—100, 200, 300 and 400 mg l-1. Three levels of induction and three of recovery were recorded. The lowest effective concentration was 300 mg l-1. At this dosage, the time required to achieve the final stage of induction was 159±13 s (mean ± SD) and that to achieve the final stage of recovery was 193±16s. These times are significantly different from those for the other dosages.

    Item Type: Article
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Mugil cephalus, species, 2-phenoxyethanol, anesthetizing
    Subjects: Demersal Fishes > Mullet
    Aquaculture > Fish transportation
    Divisions: CMFRI-Kochi > Mariculture Division
    Subject Area > CMFRI > CMFRI-Kochi > Mariculture Division
    CMFRI-Kochi > Mariculture Division
    Subject Area > CMFRI-Kochi > Mariculture Division
    Depositing User: Arun Surendran
    Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2019 07:14
    Last Modified: 20 Feb 2019 10:47
    URI: http://eprints.cmfri.org.in/id/eprint/13397

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