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Swain, S and Sawant, Paramita Banerjee and Sundaray, J K and Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M and Katare, Milind B (2020) Embryonic Development of Discus, Symphysodon aequifasciatus Pellegrin, 1904 in Indian Condition. International Journal of Current microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9 (6). pp. 2170-2177.
Swain, S and Sawant, Paramita Banerjee and Chadha, N K and Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M and Katare, Milind B (2020) Significance of water pH and hardness on fish biological processes: A review. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 8 (4). pp. 330-337.
Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M and Roul, Subal Kumar and Swain, S and Dash, Swatipriyanka Sen and Jaiswar, A K and Shenoy, Latha and Chakraborty, S K (2019) Growth, mortality, and stock assessment of brushtooth lizard fish Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848) from Mumbai waters, northwest coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences (IJMS), 48 (10). pp. 1540-1547.
Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M and Chakraborty, S K and Roul, Subal Kumar and Jaiswar, A K and Sreekanth, G B and Swain, S (2019) Stock identification of tiger tooth croaker Otolithes ruber (Schneider, 1801). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 66 (3). pp. 24-31.
Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M and Roul, Subal Kumar and Swain, S and Jaiswar, A K and Shenoy, Latha and Chakraborty, S K (2018) Biometric analysis of brushtooth lizard fish Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848) from Mumbai waters. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6 (2). pp. 1165-1171.
Swain, S and Felix, S and Anthony, Cheryl and Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M (2017) Exotic Fish Species Introduced In India and Its Impacts. Scientific India. pp. 27-29.
Swain, S and Chadha, N K and Sundaray, J K and Sawant, Paramita Banerjee and Chhandaprajnadarsini, E M (2016) Effect of vitamin C dietary supplementation on growth and survival of grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (linnaeus, 1758) fry. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences, 18 (3). pp. 645-649. ISSN 0972-3005