Items where Author is "Sathianandan, T V"

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Number of items: 135.

Shyam, S Salim and Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S and Narayanakumar, R and Athira, N R (2024) Fisher Development Index (FDI) for assessing Human Development in marine fishers of Kerala, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26 (5). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1573-2975

Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Sijo Paul, and Augustine, Sindhu K (2023) Appraisal of Marine fisheries in Karnataka during 2017-2022. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 258. pp. 14-17. ISSN 0254-380X

Chandran, Archana and Surendran, Sneha and Suja, G and Shamal, P and Binesh, C P and Zacharia, P U and Sathianandan, T V and Sanil, N K (2023) Description and development of Auerbachia ignobili n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Bivalvulida) from the giant trevally, Caranx ignobilis (Forsskål, 1775) from Indian waters. Parasitology International, 96. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1873-0329

Varghese, Eldho and Jayasankar, J and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Gills, Reshma and Muktha, M and Sreepriya, V and Gopalakrishnan, A (2023) Different methods for standardization of fishing efforts. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series (257). pp. 7-17. ISSN 0254-380X

Mini, K G and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Augustine, Sindhu K and Manu, V K and Manjeesh, R and Sijo Paul, and Jayasankar, J and Varghese, Eldho and Gopalakrishnan, A (2023) Fish Catch Survey and Analysis – An online application for deriving measures and indicators for fish stock assessment. Fisheries Research, 267. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0165-7836

Sathianandan, T V (2023) Principal Component Analysis and its Applications. In: Training Manual on Statistical Designs and Analytical Methods for Multifactor Experiments. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 214-225.

Shyam, S Salim and Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S and Narayanakumar, R (2022) Assessing Human Development among Marine Fishers in Kerala: A Fisher Development Index (FDI) approach. In: Fish for Nutritional Security and Economic Sustainability – Book of Abstracts, 12th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, p. 855.

Hemavathi, M and Varghese, Eldho and Shekhar, Shashi and Jaggi, Seema and Bhowmik, Arpan and Sathianandan, T V (2022) Run order consideration for sequential third order rotatable designs. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. pp. 1-14.

Pillai, S Lakshmi and Sarada, P T and Josileen, Jose and Baby, P K and Ragesh, N and Sreesanth, L and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Augustine, Sindhu K (2022) Saga of inshore prawn fishery of Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 253. pp. 21-25. ISSN 0254-380X

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Vivekanandan, E and Kuriakose, Somy and Ganga, U and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Nair, Rekha J (2021) Application of biological and fisheries attributes to assess the vulnerability and resilience of tropical marine fish species. PLoS ONE. pp. 1-31.

Varghese, Eldho and Kuriakose, Somy and Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Mini, K G and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sreepriya, V and Reshma, A R and Athulya, C K and Joseph, Alphonsa (2021) Determining target species for assessment in multispecies and multigear fisheries: insights from an expanded CMFRI-NMFDC database. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 250. pp. 7-17. ISSN 0254-380X

Padua, Shelton and Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Hayes, Donna and Augustine, Sindhu K and Manu, V K and Manjeesh, R and Kishore, T G and Hezhakiel, K C and Jestin Joy, K M (2021) Enhancing the quality and utility of India’s Marine Fish Landing Data Collection and Processing System using spatial information. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 247. pp. 7-12. ISSN ISSN 0254-380X

Sajna, V H and Zacharia, P U and Joseph, Dhanya and Akash, S and Rojith, G and Sharon, Benny and Roshen, G N and Sathianandan, T V (2021) Impact of climate change on the fishery of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) along the Kerala coast off the southeastern Arabian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 44. pp. 1-12.

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Vivekanandan, E and Kuriakose, Somy and Ganga, U and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Nair, Rekha J (2021) Indian Marine Fish Life Histories (INMARLH) database for determining resilience and vulnerability of tropical marine species. SEANOE.

Hemavathi, M and Varghese, Eldho and Shekhar, Shashi and Sathianandan, T V (2021) Minimally Changed Run Sequence for Third Order Response Surface Design. In: 3rd Annual Conference (online mode) on “Visionary Innovations in Statistical Theory and Applications (VISTA2021)", 24-28 February 2021, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. (Submitted)

Akash, S and Shah, Phiros and Shafeeque, Muhammed and Pooja, A S and Zacharia, P U and Ajith, J K and Bharti, Vivekanand and Sathianandan, T V and George, Grinson (2021) Observed links between coastal ocean processes and Indian Oil Sardine (Sardinella longiceps) fishery along the southwest coast of India. Regional Studies in Marine Science. pp. 1-37.

Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S and Jayasankar, J and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Varghese, Eldho and Zacharia, P U and Kaladharan, P and Najmudeen, T M and Mohammed Koya, K and Sasikumar, Geetha and Bharti, Vivekanand and Rohit, Prathibha and Maheswarudu, G and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sreepriya, V and Joseph, Alphonsa and Deepthi, A (2021) Status of Indian marine fish stocks: modelling stock biomass dynamics in multigear fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (5). pp. 1744-1757.

Josileen, Jose and Dineshbabu, A P and Sarada, P T and Dash, Gyanaranjan and Divipala, Indira and Kumar, Rajan and Rajkumar, M and Saleela, K N and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Chakraborty, Rekha D and Ragesh, N and Sreesanth, L and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V (2021) Trends in marine crab fishery of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 249. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0254-380X

Varghese, Eldho and Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Muktha, M (2020) Bayesian State-space Implementation of Schaefer Production Model for Assessment of Stock Status for Multi-gear Fishery. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74 (1). pp. 33-40.

Chandran, Archana and Zacharia, P U and Sathianandan, T V and Sanil, N K (2020) Ellipsomyxa ariusi sp. nov. (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), a new myxosporean infecting the gallbladder of threadfin sea catfish Arius arius in India. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DAO), 142. pp. 83-97.

Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Safeena, P K (2020) Maximum sustainable yield of trawl fishery along the south-west coast of India: Bayesian estimation approach. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 67 (1). pp. 23-29.

Bharti, Vivekanand and Jayasankar, J and Shukla, S P and George, Grinson and Ambrose, T V and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V and Shafeeque, Muhammed (2020) Study on Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a concentration along the south-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 49 (1). pp. 51-56.

Akhiljith, P J and Benjamin, Liya and Rojith, G and Zacharia, P U and George, Grinson and Ajitha, S and Lakshmi, P M and Sajna, V H and Sathianandan, T V (2019) Climatic Projections of Indian Ocean During 2030, 2050, 2080 with Implications on Fisheries Sector. Journal of Coastal Research, 86. pp. 198-208.

Bharti, Vivekanand and Jayasankar, J and Shukla, S P and Varghese, Eldho and Sathianandan, T V and George, Grinson and Kripa, V and Jaiswar, A K (2019) Distribution of Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps along south-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 89 (8). pp. 912-917.

Kaladharan, P and Sathianandan, T V and Edison, Shoji Joy and Shahana, T S and Vysakhan, P (2019) Effects of Basal Application of Mulch and Foliar Spray of Sargassum wightii Extract on Certain Vegetable Crops. Fishery Technology, 56. pp. 44-48.

Gopalakrishnan, A and Shyam, S Salim and Sathianandan, T V and Narayanakumar, R and Zacharia, P U and Rohit, Prathibha and Swathi Lekshmi, P S (2019) Global Understanding and Learning for Local Solutions (GULLS) – Reducing Vulnerability of the Marine Dependent Coastal Communities. Technical Report. ICAR - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V (2019) Marine Fish Production in India - Present status. In: Advances in Marine Fisheries in India, 18-23 February 2019, Kochi.

Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V (2019) Sampling Design for the Estimation of Marine Fish Landings in India. In: Advances in Marine Fisheries in India, 18-23 February 2019, Kochi.

Bharti, Vivekanand and Jayasankar, J and Shah, Phiros and Shukla, S P and George, Grinson and Sathianandan, T V (2019) Spatial variability in sea surface temperature and wind-driven coastal upwelling along the southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 61 (2). pp. 22-26.

Bharti, Vivekanand and George, Grinson and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Augustine, Sindhu K (2018) केरल तट पर मद बैंक मात्स्यिकी का अध्ययन. In: मत्स्यगंधा : भा कृ अनु प - केंद्रीय समुद्री मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान की अर्थ वार्षिक राजभाषा गृह पत्रिका. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 11-14.

Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Safeena, P K and George, Grinson (2018) Assessment of status of marine fishery resources in India through Markov Chain modeling of growth rates in landings. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 60 (2). pp. 26-32.

Sathianandan, T V (2018) CMFRI Data Collection System for Marine Fish Landings Estimation. Documentation. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute.

Zacharia, P U and Ninan, Roshen G and Rojith, G and Sathianandan, T V and Kaladharan, P and Najmudeen, T M (2018) ICAR Sponsored Winter School on Climate change impacts and resilient options for Indian marine fisheries. Manual. ICAR - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Padua, Shelton (2018) Integrated spatial management of marine fisheries of India for more robust stock assessments and moving towards a quota system. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (236). pp. 7-15. ISSN 0254-380 X

Chandran, Archana and Zacharia, P U and Sathianandan, T V and Shamal, P and Binesh, C P and Kaur, Pinky and Sanil, N K (2018) Morphological and molecular characterization of Chloromyxum argusi n. sp. (Myxosporea) infecting the urinary bladder of Scatophagus argus Linnaeus 1766 (Scatophagidae) from the southwest coast of India. Parasitology Research. pp. 1-2. ISSN 1432-1955

Sathianandan, T V (2018) Statistical Models for Climate Change Studies. In: Winter School on Climate change impacts and resilient options for Indian marine fisheries, 8-29 November 2018, Kochi.

Shyam, S Salim and Raju, S S and Narayanakumar, R and Sathianandan, T V and Vipinkumar, V P and Swathi Lekshmi, P S and Athira, N R (2018) Valuation of marine fish landings in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (237). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0254-380 X

Sathianandan, T V and Safeena, P K and Rahman, M Ramees (2017) Basic Statistics. In: Theeranaipunya II – Skill Enhancement and Capacity Development of Fisher Youth. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 271-276.

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U and Manu, V K and Manjeesh, R (2017) Brief results of the national stakeholder survey leading to National Policy on Marine Fisheries - 2017. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (234). pp. 3-10. ISSN 0254-380 X

Mohamed, K S and Vijayakumaran, K and Zacharia, P U and Sathianandan, T V and Maheswarudu, G and Kripa, V and Narayanakumar, R and Rohit, Prathibha and Joshi, K K and Sankar, T V and Edwin, Leela and Ashok Kumar, K and Bindu, J and Gopal, Nikita and Pravin, P (2017) CMFRI Marine Fisheries Policy Series No.4; Indian Marine Fisheries Code: Guidance on a Marine Fisheries Management Model for India. CMFRI Marine Fisheries Policy Series (4). ICAR - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 1-102.

Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Sathianandan, T V (2017) Course Manual ICAR funded Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Manual. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi.

Mini, K G and Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V and Shafeeque, Muhammed and Monolisha, S and Minu, P and George, Grinson (2017) Course Manual Winter School on Structure and Functions of Marine Ecosystem: Fisheries. Manual. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V (2017) Estimation of growth parameters. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 195-204.

Sathianandan, T V and George, Grinson and Kuriakose, Somy (2017) Exploratory survey for biomass estimation. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 262-269.

Sathianandan, T V (2017) Gear selectivity. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 258-261.

Sathianandan, T V (2017) Indian marine fishery resources - Present status. In: Winter School on Structure and Function of the Marine Ecosystem : Fisheries, 1-21 December 2017, Kochi.

Bharti, Vivekanand and Mini, K G and Sathianandan, T V and Pugazhendi, D and Manjeesh, R and Augustine, Sindhu K (2017) Marine fish landings in Andhra Pradesh during 2016 - An overview. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (233). pp. 19-20. ISSN 0254-380 X

Kuriakose, Somy and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V (2017) Marine fish landings in Kerala during 2016 - An overview. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (233). pp. 13-15. ISSN 0254-380 X

Mini, K G and Bharti, Vivekanand and Manu, V K and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V (2017) Marine fish landings in Odisha during 2016 - An overview. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (233). pp. 17-18. ISSN 0254-380 X

George, Grinson and Ramani, K and Pugazhendi, D and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V (2017) Marine fish landings in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during 2016 - An overview. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (233). pp. 20-22. ISSN 0254-380 X

Mini, K G and Augustine, Sindhu K and Sathianandan, T V (2017) Marine fish landings in West Bengal during 2016 - An overview. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (233). pp. 15-17. ISSN 0254-380 X

Sathianandan, T V (2017) Marine fish production in India - Present Status. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 23-27.

Baby UshaKiran, M S and Merlee Treasa, M V and Sathianandan, T V and Kaladharan, P (2017) Marine macroalgal resources from nine beaches along the Kerala coast, India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 59 (1). pp. 73-81.

Sathianandan, T V (2017) New methods of fish stock assessment. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 296-300.

Ambarish, Gop P and Sathianandan, T V and Anil, M K and Santhosh, B and Gomathi, P and Suresh, K K and Midhunraj, N K (2017) Note on the unusual landings of Amblygaster sirm off Vizhinjam coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (232). pp. 29-30.

Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S (2017) Technical measures in fisheries management. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 343-349.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Mini, K G and Kuriakose, Somy and Bharti, Vivekanand and Manu, V K and Sijo Paul, and Augustine, Sindhu K (2017) Training Manual Species Identification. Manual. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V and Mini, K G (2017) Truss network analysis. In: Course Manual Summer School on Advanced Methods for Fish Stock Assessment and Fisheries Management. Lecture Note Series No. 2/2017 . CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 274-277.

Rao, G Syda and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Najmudeen, T M and Jayasankar, J and Mathew, Wilson T (2016) Demographic and socio-economic changes in the coastal fishing community of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 63 (4). pp. 1-9.

Bharti, Vivekanand and Sijo Paul, and Baby, K G and George, Grinson and Sathianandan, T V (2016) Mud bank fisheries at Chettuva. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (230). p. 35. ISSN 0254-380 X

Hobday, A J and Cochrane, Kevern and Downey-Breedt, N and Howard, J and Aswani, S and Byfield, Valborg and Duggan, Greg and Duna, E and Dutra, L X C and Frusher, S D and Fulton, E A and Gammage, L and Gasalla, Maria A and Griffiths, C and Guissamulo, Almeida and Haward, M and Jarre, A and Jennings, S M and Jordan, T and Joyner, J and Ramani, N K and Swathi Lekshmi, P S and Malherbe, W and Cisneros, K O and Paytan, Adina and Pecl, Gretta T and Plaga´nyi, E´ E and Popova, Ekaterina E and Razafindrainibe, Hajanirina and Roberts, Michael and Rohit, Prathibha and Shyam, S Salim and Sauer, W and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U and Putten, E I v (2016) Planning adaptation to climate change in fast-warming marine regions with seafood-dependent coastal communities. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. pp. 249-264. ISSN 0960-3166

Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and George, Grinson and Zacharia, P U (2016) Trends in abundance of marine fishery resources in India examined through dynamic factor analysis. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 63 (2). pp. 19-23.

Sathianandan, T V and Bharti, Vivekanand and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and George, Grinson (2015) Approach and implementation strategies for Marine Fisheries Census 2016. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (226). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0254-380 X

Shyam, S Salim and Sathianandan, T V and Swathi Lekshmi, P S and Narayanakumar, R and Zacharia, P U and Rohit, Prathibha and Manjusha, U and Antony, Bindu and Safeena, P K and Sridhar, N and Rahman, M Ramees and Jayakumar, Rajani and Kumar, Nimmy S and Nimisha, C P (2015) Assessment of fishers perception in developing climate change adaptation and mitigation plans. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 57 (1). pp. 21-30. ISSN 2321-7898

Axelrod, Mark and Roth, Brian and Boyd Kramer, Daniel and Shyam, S Salim and Novak, Julia M and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy (2015) Cascading Globalization and Local Response: Indian Fishers’ Response to Export Market Liberalization. Journal of Environment & Development, 24 (3). pp. 315-344.

Sreekanth, G B and Zacharia, P U and Sathianandan, T V and Thomas, Saiby and Manju Lekshmi, N and Singh, N P (2015) Combining surplus production and spectral models to define fishery management advisory - a case study using the threadfinbream fishery along Kerala coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 62 (1). pp. 41-45.

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Estimation of growth parameters. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 80-86. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Introduction to fish stock assessment and management. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 67-71. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Macro analytical models - surplus production models. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 125-130. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S (2015) Minimum legal size and its estimation. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 118-124. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Mini, K G and Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V (2015) Modeling CPUE series for the fishery along northeast coast of India: A comparison between the Holt- Winters, ARIMA and NNAR models. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 57 (2). pp. 75-82. ISSN 2321-7898

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Statistical Tools. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 8-13. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Nair, Rekha J and Manojkumar, P P and Zacharia, P U and Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Asokan, P K and Venkatesan, V and Koya, K P Said and Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Najmudeen, T M and Ganga, U and Aswathy, N and Josileen, Jose and Chakraborty, Rekha D and Saleela, K N and Seetha, P K and Radhakrishnan, M and Jacob Peter, Poulose and Prakasan, D and Rema, K V and Baby, P K and Augustine, Sindhu K (2015) Status of marine fisheries of Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (226). pp. 22-26. ISSN 0254-380 X

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Thompson and Bell Yield and biomass prediction model. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 107-110. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V and Mini, K G and Kuriakose, Somy (2015) Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. Manual. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V and George, Grinson (2015) Trawl surveys and biomass estimation. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 115-117. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Virtual population analysis. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 101-106. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Sathianandan, T V (2015) Von Bertalanffy Growth Model – growth parameters. In: Training Manual Fish Stock Assessment and Management. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 77-79. ISBN 978-93-82263-07-4

Mini, K G and Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V (2014) समुद्री मात्स्यिकी एक टिकाऊ जीविकोपार्जन रोज़गार के रूप में अपनाने में बढत अघतन जन-गणना सांरिब्यकी की रिपोर्ट. In: विशेष प्रकाशन सं. 115 जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन. ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 20-24.

Najmudeen, T M and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U (2014) Fleet optimization of trawl fishery along southwest coast of India using surplus production model. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 56 (2). pp. 74-80.

Mohamed, K S and Zacharia, P U and Maheswarudu, G and Sathianandan, T V and Abdussamad, E M and Ganga, U and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Sobhana, K S and Nair, Rekha J and Josileen, Jose and Chakraborty, Rekha D and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe and Najmudeen, T M (2014) Minimum Legal Size (MLS) of capture to avoid growth overfishing of commercially exploited fish and shellfish species of Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (220). pp. 3-7.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and George, Grinson and Syamala, Karthireddy and Vase, Vinay Kumar and Srinivasan, J and Ramani, K and Pugazhendi, D and Seynudeen, M B and George, K P and Khambadkar, Lata and Augustine, Sindhu K and Manjeesh, R (2014) Status of India's Exploited Marine Fishery Resources in 2013. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (221). pp. 3-6.

Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G (2013) Common trends in landings of marine fish resources in lndia examined through Dynamic Factor Analysis. In: International Symposium on Greening Fisheries: towards green technologies in Fisheries, 21-23 May 2013, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and George, Grinson and Augustine, Sindhu K (2013) Diversity in fished taxa along the Indian coast during 2012. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (216). pp. 3-4.

Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Sathianandan, T V (2013) Gender differences in Indian marine fisheries - a comparison of census statistics. In: International Symposium on Greening Fisheries: towards green technologies in Fisheries, 21-23 May 2013, Kochi.

Rebello, Vincent Terrence and George, M K and Paulton, M P and Sathianandan, T V (2013) Morphometric structure of the jumbo tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798 from southeast and southwest coasts of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 55 (2). pp. 11-15.

Frusher, S D and Rao, G Syda and Haward, M and Hobday, A J and Halbrook, N and Jennings, S M and Vivekanandan, E and Muktha, M and Nursey-Bray, M and Pecl, Gretta T and Radhakrishnan, E V and Ramachandran, C and Shyam, S Salim and Sathianandan, T V (2013) Preparing for climate change on marine systems in Australia and India. Technical Report. Australia-India Strategic Research Fund, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australia.tralia., Australia.

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Kripa, V and Zacharia, P U (2013) Puffer fish menace in Kerala: a case of decline in predatory control in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Current Science, 104 (4). pp. 426-429.

Sathianandan, T V (2013) Status of Marine Fisheries Resources in India – An Overview. In: ICAR funded Short Course on “ICT -oriented Strategic Extension for Responsible Fisheries Management, 05-25 November, 2013, Kochi.

Krishnakumar, P K and Mohamed, K S and Asokan, P K and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U and Abdurahiman, K P and Veena, S and Durgekar, N Raveendra (2012) भारत के दक्षिण-पशिचम तट में 1926-2005 के दौरान तारली और बँगडा मात्स्यिकी में हुए उतार-चढाव पर पर्यावरणीय प्राचलों क प्रभाव. मत्स्यगंधा Matsyagandha - 2011-12, 10 (सी एम ). pp. 31-35.

Narayanakumar, R and Aswathy, N and Vipinkumar, V P and Shyam, S Salim and Ramachandran, C and Sathianandan, T V and Abhilash, P R (2012) Fisheries in Indian Economy and Marine Fisheries Profiles of 10 Indian Maritime states: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. [Image]

Sathianandan, T V and Mathew, Wilson T and Srinivasan, J and Ammini, P L and Ramani, K and Beena, M R and Khambadkar, L R and Augustine, Sindhu K (2012) Marine fisheries of the south-east coast of India during 2009 - 2010. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (214). pp. 6-8.

Sathianandan, T V (2012) Marine fisheries sector in India-Resource endowments, infrastructure intensities and stakeholder analysis. In: World Trade Agreement and Indian Fisheries Paradigms: A Policy Outlook, 17-26 September 2012, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V and Mohamed, K S and Vivekanandan, E (2012) Species diversity in fished taxa along the southeast coast of India and the effect of the Asian Tsunami of 2004. Marine Biodiversity, 42 (3). pp. 179-187.

Divya, P R and Thomas, P C and Gopalakrishnan, A and Sathianandan, T V and Paulton, M P (2012) Stock structuring in Asian green mussel Perna viridis population along the Indian coast based on shell morphometrics and RAPD markers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (7). pp. 775-778.

Zacharia, P U and Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Asokan, P K and Krishnakumar, P K and Abdurahiman, K P and Durgekar, N Raveendra and Veena, S (2011) Alpha, beta and gamma diversity of fished marine taxa along the southwest coast of India during 1970-2005. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 53 (1). pp. 21-26.

Ghosh, D and Sathianandan, T V and Vijayagopal, P (2011) Feed Formulation Using Linear Programming for Fry of Catfish, Milkfish, Tilapia, Asian Sea Bass, and Grouper in India. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 23. pp. 85-101.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Mathew, Wilson T (2011) Indian marine fishery resources: optimistic present, challenging future. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 58 (4). pp. 1-15.

Sathianandan, T V and Vijayagopal, P (2010) Application of linear programming in feed formulation In: Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology 5th to 26th October 2010. [Teaching Resource]

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U and Asokan, P K and Krishnakumar, P K and Abdurahiman, K P and Veena, S and Durgekar, N Raveendra (2010) Depleted and Collapsed Marine Fish Stocks along Southwest Coast of India – A Simple Criterion to Assess the Status. In: Coastal Fishery Resources of India; Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation. Society of Fisheries Technologists, Cochin, pp. 67-76.

Sathianandan, T V and Mathew, Wilson T and Ammini, P L and Ramani, K and Pugazhendi, D and Augustine, Sindhu K and Khambadkar, L R and Sankaralingam, S and Seetharaman, S and Subramani, S (2010) Marine fisheries of the south-east coast of India during 2008. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series, 205. pp. 6-7.

Shyam, S Salim and Sathiadhas, R and Sathianandan, T V and Geetha, R and Aswathy, N and Vipinkumar, V P (2010) Marine fisheries resources: exploitation, management and regulations in India. Seafood Export Journal, 40 (2). pp. 25-34.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J (2009) Managing marine fishery in Kerala through simulation using surplus production model, genetic algorithm and spectral methods. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 56 (3). pp. 161-168.

Vijayagopal, P and Babu Philip, M and Sathianandan, T V (2009) Nutritional evaluation of varying protein: energy ratios in feeds for Indian white shrimp Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) indicus. Asian Fisheries Science, 22 (1). pp. 85-105.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J (2009) Simulation Model for Evaluating the Response of Management Options on the Demersal Resources of Tamil Nadu Coast. Asian Fisheries Science, 22 (2). pp. 681-690.

Vivekanandan, E and Mohamed, K S and Kuriakose, Somy and Sathianandan, T V and Ganga, U and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Nair, Rekha J (2009) Status of marine fish stock assessment in India and development of a sustainability index. In: 2nd Workshop on the Assessment of Fishery Stock Status in the South and Southeast Asia, 5-9 October 2009, Bangkok, Thailand.

Kizhakudan, Joe K and Mohamad Kasim, H and Margaret Muthu Rathinam, A and Sathianandan, T V and Kandasamy, D and Muniyandi, K and Gandhi, A D and Thanapati, V and Leslie, V A and Manibal, C and Ravindran, M and Ganesan, S (2008) चेन्नई के तटीय समुद्र में रहनेवाले समुद्र जीवों की लवण सह्यता. तटीय मेखला प्रबंधन - विशेष प्रकाशन, 97. pp. 15-27.

Sathianandan, T V and Jayasankar, J and Vivekanandan, E and Narayanakumar, R and Pillai, N G K (2008) Estimates on potential yield and maximum sustainable fleet size for marine fisheries in Kerala. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 50 (2). pp. 196-201.

Vijayagopal, P and Babu Philip, M and Sathianandan, T V (2008) Evaluation of compounded feeds with varying protein: energy ratios for the Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 50 (2). pp. 202-208.

Krishnakumar, P K and Mohamed, K S and Asokan, P K and Sathianandan, T V and Zacharia, P U and Abdurahiman, K P and Veena, S and Durgekar, N Raveendra (2008) How environmental parameters influenced fluctuations in oil sardine and mackerel fishery during 1926-2005 along the south-west coast of India? Marine Fisheries Information Service T&E Ser., 198. pp. 1-5.

Mohamed, K S and Sathianandan, T V and Asokan, P K and Krishnakumar, P K and Zacharia, P U and Abdurahiman, K P and Veena, S and Durgekar, N Raveendra (2008) Use of Size-based Indicators for evaluating long-term trends in Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) fishery. Marine Fisheries Information Service T&E Ser. (195). pp. 1-3.

Sathianandan, T V (2007) Vector time series modeling of marine fish landings in Kerala. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 49 (2). pp. 197-205.

Balan, K and Sathianandan, T V (2007) An assessment of ring seine fishery in Kerala through surplus production model. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 54 (2). pp. 135-140.

Sathianandan, T V and Kuriakose, Somy and Mini, K G and Joji, T V (2006) Impact of introduction of crafts with outboard engines on marine fish production in Kerala and Karnataka – a study through Intervention analysis. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 53 (3). pp. 271-282.

Sathianandan, T V (2006) Modeling marine fish landings and environment using VARX models. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 48 (1). pp. 46-50.

Gopikrishna, G and Sarada, C and Sathianandan, T V (2006) Truss morphometry in the Asian seabass - Lates calcarifer. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 48 (2). pp. 220-223.

Sathianandan, T V (2004) Macro analytical models - surplus production - Winter School on Towards Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fisheries – Building Mass Balance Trophic and Simulation Models. [Teaching Resource]

Sathianandan, T V (2004) Micro-analytical models – relative yield per recruit- Winter School on Towards Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fisheries – Building Mass Balance Trophic and Simulation Models. [Teaching Resource]

Sathianandan, T V (2004) Overview of computer simulations- Winter School on Towards Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fisheries – Building Mass Balance Trophic and Simulation Models. [Teaching Resource]

Sathianandan, T V (2004) System analysis- Winter School on Towards Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fisheries – Building Mass Balance Trophic and Simulation Models. [Teaching Resource]

Sathianandan, T V (2003) Truss network analysis for fish genetic stock discrimination. In: Winter school on Recent Advances in Mariculture Genetics and Biotechnology, 4- 24 November 2003, Cochin.

Sathianandan, T V (2000) Modelling and forecasting of marine fish landings in Kerala using multiple time series models. Doctoral thesis, University of Calicut, Kerala.

Sathianandan, T V and Alagaraja, K (1998) Spectral decomposition of the all India landings of oil sardine, mackerel and Bombay duck. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 45 (1). pp. 13-30.

Luther, G and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Gopakumar, G and Sathianandan, T V and Varghese, Molly and Sathiadhas, R and Sivakami, S (1997) Gillnet fisheries of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 150. pp. 1-24.

Sathianandan, T V (1997) Robustness of length-class interval in length based analysis for the estimation of growth parameters - A simulation study for Sardinella longiceps. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 44 (3). pp. 225-230.

Naomi, T S and Mathew, K J and Antony, Geetha and Sathianandan, T V and Pavithran, P P (1996) Distribution and abundance of cladocerans in the eastern Arabian Sea. In: Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.

Sathianandan, T V and Srinath, M (1995) Time series analysis of marine fish landings in India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 37 (1&2). pp. 171-178.

Meiyappan, M M and Srinath, M and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Rao, K Satyanarayana and Sarvesan, R and Rao, G Syda and Mohamed, K S and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Lipton, A P and Natarajan, P and Radhakrishnan, G and Narasimham, K A and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the Indian squid Loligo duvauceli Orbigny. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 74-84.

Rao, K Satyanarayana and Srinath, M and Meiyappan, M M and Nair, K Prabhakaran and Sarvesan, R and Rao, G Syda and Natarajan, P and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Lipton, A P and Radhakrishnan, G and Narasimham, K A and Mohamed, K S and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the needle cuttlefish Sepia aculeata Orbigny. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 95-103.

Sukumaran, K K and Alagaraja, K and Suseelan, C and Rajan, K N and James, D B and Subramanian, T and Kakati, V S and Nandakumar, G and Kurup, N S and Sarada, P T and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers) along the Indian coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 35-49.

Sukumaran, K K and Deshmukh, V D and Rao, G Sudhakara and Alagaraja, K and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus monoceros Fabricius along the Indian coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 20-34.

Nair, K Prabhakaran and Srinath, M and Meiyappan, M M and Rao, K Satyanarayana and Sarvesan, R and Vidyasagar, Kuber and Sundaram, K S and Rao, G Syda and Lipton, A P and Natarajan, P and Radhakrishnan, G and Mohamed, K S and Narasimham, K A and Balan, K and Kripa, V and Sathianandan, T V (1993) Stock assessment of the pharaoh cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40 (1&2). pp. 85-94.

James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Yohannan, T M and Siraimeetan, Pon and Muthiah, C and Gopakumar, G and Pillai, N G K and Reuben, S and Thiagarajan, R and Koya, K P Said and Kulkarni, G M and Somaraju, M V and Kurup, K N and Sathianandan, T V (1992) Stock assessment of tunas from the Indian seas. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 260-277.

Reuben, S and Dan, S S and Somaraju, M V and Philipose, Varughese and Sathianandan, T V (1992) The resources of hilsa shad, Hilsa ilisha (Hamilton), along the northeast coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 169-181.

Noble, A and Sathianandan, T V (1991) Trend analysis in all-India mackerel catches using ARIMA models. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 38 (2). pp. 119-122.

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