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Pillai, P P (2014) Book Review: Tuna-Fishery, Biology and Management. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series (222). pp. 18-20. ISSN 0254-380 X
Yohannan, T M and Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Gopakumar, G and Srinivasagam, K and Krishnan, K S and Sumithrudu, M S (2012) भारत की बाँगडे मात्स्यिकी की कुछ विशेषताएं. मत्स्यगंधा Matsyagandha - 2011-12, 10 (सी एम ). pp. 28-30.
Pillai, P P (2012) Impact of piracy on fisheries in the lndian Ocean. Fishing Chimes, 32 (2). pp. 25-27.
Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P and Koya, K P Said (2011) Status report on the tuna fishery in India, with particular reference to longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol. Technical Report. CMFRI.
Krishnan, L (2010) Description of a simple prototype pelletizer for preparation of hormone pellets. In: Perspectives In Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 125-130.
Abdussamad, E M and Pillai, P P and Mohamad Kasim, H and Balasubramanian, T S (2005) Fishery and population characteristics of coastal tunas at Tuticorin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 47 (1). pp. 50-57.
Pillai, P P and Gopakumar, G (2003) Tunas. In: Status of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources of India. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 51-59. ISBN 81-901219-3-9
Pillai, V N (2002) Application of satellite data for marine Fishery forecasting. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 90-95.
Ganga, U and Elayathu, M N K (2002) Bibliography of Indian Ocean scombroids. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 259-278.
Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, N G K and Elayathu, M N K (2002) Drift gill net fishery for large pelagics at Cochin - A case study on by-catch of pelagic sharks. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 155-164.
Ganga, U and Pillai, N G K (2002) Field identification of scombroids from Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 1-13.
Pillai, N G K and Menon, N G and Pillai, P P and Ganga, U, eds. (2002) Management of Scombroid Fisheries. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
Pillai, N G K and Menon, N G and Pillai, P P and Ganga, U (2002) Management of Scombroid Fisheries. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 172. p. 13.
Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P and Yohannan, T M and Muthiah, C (2002) Management of scombroid resources of India. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 240-249.
Bhargava, A K and Somvanshi, V S and Varghese, S (2002) Pelagic sharks by-catch in the tuna longline fishery of the Indian EEZ. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 165-176.
Pillai, N G K and Menon, N G and Pillai, P P and Ganga, U (2002) Recommendations of the National Workshop on Scombroids. In: National workshop on Scombroids- Management of Scombroid Fisheries, 2002, Cochin.
Pillai, N G K and Ganga, U (2002) Scombroid Fishery of the Indian Ocean - An Overview. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 14-23.
Pillai, P P and Gopakumar, G and Koya, K P Said (2002) Spatial distribution pattern and biology of tuna live-bait fishes in Lakshadweep. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 44 (1 & 2). pp. 231-236.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K and Muthiah, C and Yohannan, T M and Kasim, H M and Gopakumar, G and Koya, K P Said and Manojkumar, B and Sivadas, M and Nasser, A K V and Ganga, U and Dhokia, H K and Kemparaju, S and Bhaskaran, M M and Elayathu, M N K and Balasubramanian, T S and Manimaran, C and Kunhikoya, V A and Ajith Kumar, T T (2002) Status of exploitation of coastal tunas in the Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 56-61.
Muthiah, C and Kasim, H M and Pillai, N G K and Yohannan, T M and Manojkumar, B and Koya, K P Said and Bhat, S Uma and Balasubramanian, T S and Elayathu, M N K and Manimaran, C and Dhokia, H K and Somaraju, M V (2002) Status of exploitation of seerfishes in the Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 33-48.
Madhu, K and Madhu, Rema and Ahlawat, S P S and Raveendran, E K and Dam Roy, S (2002) Status of exploitation of tuna, mackerel and seerfish in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 49-55.
Nasser, A K V and Pillai, P P and Kunhikoya, V A (2002) Status of exploitation of tunas at Agatti Island, Lakshadweep. In: Status of exploitation of tunas at Agatti Island, Lakshadweep. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 69-73.
Sivadas, M (2002) Status of tuna fishery in Minicoy, Lakshadweep. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 62-68.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K and Muthiah, C and Yohannan, T M and Kasim, H M and Gopakumar, G and Koya, K P Said and Manojkumar, B and Sivadas, M and Nasser, A K V and Ganga, U and Dhokia, H K and Kemparaju, S and Bhaskaran, M M and Elayathu, M N K and Balasubramanian, T S and Manimaran, C and Kunhikoya, V A and Ajith Kumar, T T (2002) Stock assessment of coastal tunas in the Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 125-130.
Yohannan, T M and Ganga, U and Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Gopakumar, G and Kasim, H M and Abdussamad, E M and Sreenivasagam, K and Shanmugavel, A and Sumithrudu, M S (2002) Stock assessment of mackerel in the Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 101-107.
Kasim, H M and Muthiah, C and Pillai, N G K and Yohannan, T M and Manojkumar, B and Koya, K P Said and Balasubramanian, T S and Bhat, S Uma and Elayathu, M N K and Manimaran, C and Dhokia, H K (2002) Stock assessment of seerfishes in the Indian seas. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 108-124.
Sivadas, M and Pillai, P P and Ganga, U (2002) Stock assessment of the oceanic skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis in Minicoy, Lakshadweep. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 131-138.
Benno Pereira, F G and Jayaprakas, V (2002) Studies on the quality, factors affecting motility and short - term storage of milt of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 139-147.
Kunjipalu, K K and Devadasan, K (2002) Technology upgradation in tuna fishery, diversification and changing pattern. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 187-190.
Nasser, A K V and Sivadas, M and Pillai, P P and Gopakumar, G (2002) Tuna live-bait fishes - their exploitation, conservation and management in Lakshadweep. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI, Kochi, pp. 148-154.
Dixitulu, J V H (2002) Utilisation of tuna resources of Indian EEZ : Trend in the recent past and as at present. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 177-186.
Pillai, V N and Santosh, K M (2002) Validation of Potential Fishing Zone advisories in Minicoy region of Lakshadweep with special reference to skipjack tuna. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 96-100.
Yohannan, T M and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan (2002) The resources of the Indian mackerel - characteristics, exploitation and future prospects. In: Management of Scombroid Fisheries. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 24-32.
Dharmaraj, S and Suja, C P (2001) Biotechnological approach in in-vitro pearl production. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 405-412.
Rajamani, M (2001) Creation of artificial habitat for spiny lobsters in the sea off Vellapatti, Gulf of Mannar. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 131-138.
Gireesh, R and Smitha, K S and Bindhu, K B and Gopinathan, C P (2001) Dunaliella salina – an unconventional live feed. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 235-240.
Rao, G Syda (2001) Ecofriendly onshore marine pearl culture - an overview. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 259-264.
Sridhar, Manpal and Chandrasekhar, M (2001) Efficacy of compounded feeds prepared from fermented mantis shrimp on growth performance of Peneaus indicus post larvae. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 389-404.
Kutty, M N (2001) Evolution of eco-friendly coastal aquaculture/mariculture technologies. In: Perspectives In Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 1-34.
Anil, M K and Suseelan, C (2001) Experimental fattening of the green mud crab Scylla oceanica (Dana). In: Perspectives In Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, pp. 95-110.
Sathiadhas, R and Narayanakumar, R (2001) Export of finfish impact on domestic trade and production. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 441-450.
Gopakumar, G and George, Rani Mary and Jasmine, S (2001) Hatchery production of the clownfish Amphiprion hrysogaster. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 305-310.
Victor, A C C and Kandasamy, D and Jagadis, I and Ignatius, Boby and Chellam, A and Chitra, G and Villan, P and Rajkumar, M (2001) Hatchery seed production and nursery rearing of Indian pearl oyster Pinctadafucata (Gould) under onshore and offshore conditions at Mandapam, Tamil Nadu. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 241-250.
Devaraj, M (2001) Integrated coastal mariculture, seafarming and stock proposal of a project concept for adoption in the Gulf of Mannar and the contiguous sea areas. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 273-292.
Achari, G P Kumaraswamy and Andrews, Joseph and Thomas, K T (2001) Multi crop farming system as fish aggregating device to enhance marine production. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 331-342.
Raju, A and Kandasamy, D and Rajendran, I and Jagadis, I and Ramamoorthy, N (2001) Observations on fattening, growth and sex reversal of the greasy grouper Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal). In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, Cochin, pp. 357-380.
Vijayakumaran, M (2001) Probiotics in aquaculture. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 369-380.
Pillai, P P and Nasser, A K V and Gopakumar, G and Yohannan, T M and Koya, K P Said and Sivadas, M and Livingston, P (2001) Problems and prospects of marine fisheries at Lakshadweep. Geological Survey of India Special Publication (56). pp. 95-101.
Pillai, P P and Nasser, A K V and Yohannan, T M and Gopakumar, G (2001) Problems and prospects of marine fisheries at Lakshadweep. Geological Survey of India Special Publication (56). pp. 143-148.
Kaladharan, P and Gopinathan, C P (2001) Prospects of biotechnology in seaweed mariculture in India. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 381-388.
Victor, A C C and Kandasamy, D and Jagadis, I and Ignatius, Boby and Chellam, A and Chitra, G and Villan, P and Rajkumar, M (2001) Results of the mother oyster culture and pearl production in Pinctada fucata (Gould) in the inshore waters of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 251-258.
Gopakumar, G and Jayaprakas, V (2001) Rotifer as live feed for larviculture of marine fishes - a research review. In: Perspectives In Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 35-66.
Latha, M M and Chandrika, V (2001) Sample preparation methods for isolation of Mycobacterium spp. from cultured fish and environmental samples. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 149-162.
Vijayakumaran, K (2001) Social audit - an ideal method for neutralising conflict situations in aquaculture industry. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 451-462.
Appukuttan, K K (2001) Status and prospects of bivalve mariculture in India. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 293-304.
Pramila, S and Chandrika, V (2001) Studies on the oxidative positive gram negative rods in the perennial and pokkali fields around Cochin. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 139-148.
Unnikrishnan, U and Kripa, V and Mohamed, K S and Velayudhan, T S (2001) Studies on the remote setting of two commercially important Indian bivalves. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 343-356.
Sethi, U S and Krishnan, L (2001) The role of the pineal gland and photoperiodicity on growth, metabolism, reproduction in fishes and its application in aquaculture-a review. In: Perspectives in Mariculture. The Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, pp. 163-184.
Rajamani, M and Lazarus, S and Pillai, P P and Yohannan, T M (2000) Artificial reefs. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 669-676.
Pillai, P P and Parakkal, Biju (2000) Pelagic Sharks in the Indian Seas their Exploitation, Trade, Management and Conservation. CMFRI Special Publication, 70. pp. 1-95.
Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P (2000) Pelagic fisheries resources of India- An overview. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 249-258.
Yohannan, T M and Ganga, U and Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Gopakumar, G and Srinivasagam, K and Krishnan, K S and Sumithrudu, M S (2000) Some characteristics of the mackerel fishery in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 164. pp. 1-5.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K (2000) Tuna fisheries of India. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 405-425.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K (1999) तटीय संपदाओं में स्कोम्ब्रोइड मछलियों का महत्व और विदोहन. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI KOchi.
Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P (1999) भारत की वेलापवर्ति मात्स्यिकी संपदाओं का विदोहन, परिरक्षण और प्रबंधन. In: द्वितीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक राजभाषा संगोष्ठी Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Seminar in Official Language Hindi - लघु पैमाने का समुद, 17 August 1999, सी एम एफ आर आइ कोचि CMFRI Kochi.
Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Gupta, C Alli and Preetha, K (1998) Fishery and population characteristics of mackerel landed by trawlers along the Dakshina Kannada coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 45 (1). pp. 21-27.
Nair, P N Radhakrishnan and Pillai, N G K and Pillai, P P (1998) Pelagic fishery resources: their exploitation and status. Technological Advancement in Fisheries. pp. 256-270.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K (1998) Tuna Fisheries of India. In: Advances and Priorities in Fisheries Technology. Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin, pp. 18-23. ISBN 81-901038-0-6
Luther, G and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Gopakumar, G and Sathianandan, T V and Varghese, Molly and Sathiadhas, R and Sivakami, S (1997) Gillnet fisheries of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 150. pp. 1-24.
Pillai, P P (1996) Artificial reef research in Minicoy, Lakshadweep. CMFRI Bulletin-Artificial Reefs and Seafarming Technologies, 48. pp. 11-12.
Rohit, Prathibha and Pillai, P P and Gupta, C Alli (1996) Mackerel fishery during the monsoon period by indigenous gears along the South Kanara coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43 (1). pp. 45-50.
Palanisamy, K and Pillai, P P (1993) Digestive Enzymes Complement of Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium idella (Heller). In: Third Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, 11-14 October 1993, Pantnagar.
Pillai, P P and Koya, K P Said and Pillai, N G K and Jayaprakash, A A (1993) Fishery and biology of yellowfin tuna occurring in the coastal fishery in Indian seas. In: Tuna research in India. Fishery Survey of India, Bombay, pp. 23-38.
Yohannan, T M and Pillai, P P and Koya, K P Said (1993) Fishery, biology and stock assessment of skipjack tuna in Indian seas. In: Tuna research in India. Fishery Survey of India, Bombay, pp. 77-95.
James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Pillai, N G K and Jayaprakash, A A and Gopakumar, G and Kasim, H M and Sivadas, M and Koya, K P Said (1993) Fishery, biology and stock assessment of small tunas. In: Tuna research in India. Fishery Survey of India, Bombay, pp. 123-148.
Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, N G K, eds. (1993) Proceedings of the National Conference on Tunas, 21-22 April 1989. CMFRI, Cochin, pp. 1-131.
Pillai, P P (1993) Tuna Fishery Resources and their Exploitation by Low Energy Fishing Techniques. In: National Workshop on Low Energy Fishing, 8-9 August 1991, Cochin.
James, P S B R and Pillai, P P (1993) Tuna fisheries and fishery in the Indian EEZ- An update. In: Proceedings of the national conference on tunas, 21-22 April,1989, Kochi.
Kemparaju, S and Bhat, S Uma and Bhat, G S and Pillai, P P (1992) Guidelines issued by Karnataka Purse Seine Fishermen's Association (Mangalore Branch) to avoid conflicts among purse seine operators. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 116. pp. 12-14.
James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, N G K and Gopakumar, G and Yohannan, T M and Muthiah, C and Kulkarni, G M and Kemparaju, S (1992) Present status of exploitation of fish and shellfish resources: Tunas and billfishes. CMFRI Bulletin, 45. pp. 56-84.
James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Yohannan, T M and Siraimeetan, Pon and Muthiah, C and Gopakumar, G and Pillai, N G K and Reuben, S and Thiagarajan, R and Koya, K P Said and Kulkarni, G M and Somaraju, M V and Kurup, K N and Sathianandan, T V (1992) Stock assessment of tunas from the Indian seas. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 260-277.
Pillai, P P (1992) An overview on the present status and future prcrdpects of pelagic finfish resources of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 278-285.
Zacharia, P U and Mohamed, K S and Pillai, P P and Purandhara, C (1991) Bull’s eye –An Emerging Trawl Fishery Resource along Dakhina Kannada Coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 114. pp. 29-31.
Gopakumar, G and Pillai, P P and Koya, K P Said (1991) Population characteristics of tuna live baits in Lakshadweep. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 33 (1&2). pp. 255-277.
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Pillai, P P (1990) Heterogeneity in the distribution pattern of pelagic copepods collected onboard FORV Sagar Sampada in the Indian EEZ. In: Proceedings of the First workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 5-7 June 1989, Kochi.
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James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A (1989) Some observations on the fisheries of Lakshadweep. CMFRI Bulletin, 43. pp. 25-32.
Pillai, P P and Gopakumar, G (1989) Stock assessment of migratory fish species based on localized data - oceanic skipjack tuna pole and line fishery at Minicoy as a case study. In: Contributions to tropical fish stock assessment in India: FAO/DANIDA/ICAR National Follow-up Training Course on Fish Stock Assessment, 2 - 28 November 1987, Cochin.
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James, P S B R and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A (1987) Impressions of a recent visit to Lakshadweep from the fisheries and marine biological perspectives. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 72. pp. 1-11.
James, P S B R and Gopakumar, G and Pillai, P P (1987) Small-scale pole and line tuna fishery in Lakshadweep - present trend, constraints and strategies for future developments. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 77. pp. 1-10.
Pillai, P P and Srinath, M (1986) Estimation of overall fishing intensity of tuna longline fishery-yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishery in the Indian Ocean as a case study. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology, 2 (3). pp. 97-102.
Pillai, P P and Kumaran, M and Pillai, C S G and Mohan, Madan and Gopakumar, G and Livingston, P and Srinath, M (1986) Exploited and potential resources of live-bait fishes of Lakshadweep. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 68. pp. 25-32.
Silas, E G and Rao, K V Narayana and Pillai, P P and Mohan, Madan and Gopakumar, G and Livingston, P and Srinath, M (1986) Exploited and potential resources of tunas of Lakshadweep. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 68. pp. 15-25.
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Rajagopalan, M S and Pillai, C S G and Gopinathan, C P and Selvaraj, G S D and Pillai, P P and Aboobaker, P M and Kanagam, A (1986) An appraisal of the biotic and abiotic factors of the mangrove ecosystem in the Cochin backwater, Kerala. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 4; MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
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Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1985) Exploratory fishing by oceanic drift gillnetting and purse seining in the Lakshadweep. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 165-175.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, M Ayyappan (1985) Fishery and bionomics of tunas at Cochin. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 28-43.
Pillai, P P and Sarma, P S Sadasiva (1985) Fishery and bionomics of tunas at Vizhinjam. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 44-50.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1985) Indian tuna fishery development—perspectives and a management plan. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 193-208.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1985) Methodology and brief review of the oceanological features of the Indian waters. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 6-7.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, M Ayyappan (1985) Observations on the fishery and certain aspects of the biology of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) taken by longline gear in the EEZ of India. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 176-183.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Siraimeetan, Pon (1985) Observations on tuna fishery at Ratnagiri-Malwan area, north-west coast of India. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 184-187.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Srinath, M and Jayaprakash, A A and Muthiah, C and Balan, V and Yohannan, T M and Siraimeetan, Pon and Mohan, Madan and Livingston, P and Kunhikoya, K K and Pillai, M Ayyappan and Sarma, P S Sadasiva (1985) Population dynamics of tunas : stock assessment. CMFRI Bulletin, 36. pp. 20-27.
Suseelan, C and Pillai, P P and Pillai, M Ayyappan and Nair, K Ramakrishnan (1985) Some observations on the trend of zooplankton and Its probable influence on local pelagic fisheries at Colachel during 1973-74. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 32 (3). pp. 375-386.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1985) Tuna resources of the Indian Seas: an overview. Harvest and post-harvest technology of fish. pp. 19-27.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Jayaprakash, A A and Pillai, M Ayyappan (1984) Focus on small scale fisheries: drift gillnet fishery off Cochin, 1981 and 1982. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 55. pp. 1-12.
Rao, D S and Pillai, P P and Mathew, K J and Rengarajan, K and Vincent, D and Khambadkar, L R (1983) Alfalfa promotes growth in prawns. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 53. pp. 17-19.
Nair, P V Ramachandran and Pillai, N N and Pillai, V K and Pillai, P P and Mathew, K J and Gopinathan, C P and Balachandran, V K and Vincent, D (1982) Brackishwater prawn farming in the Ashtamudi lake area(S.W.Coast of India)- Its prospects and problems. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Gopinathan, C P and Nair, P V Ramachandran and Pillai, V K and Pillai, P P and Vijayakumaran, M and Balachandran, V K (1982) Environmental characteristics of the seasonal and perennial prawn culture fields in the estuarine system of Cochin. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1982) Resources of tunas and related species and their fisheries in the Indian Ocean. Discussion Paper. CMFRI, Kochi.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Dhulkhed, M H and Muthiah, C and Rao, G Syda (1980) Purse seine fishery — Imperative need for regulation. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 24. pp. 1-9.
Silas, E G and Rajagopalan, M S and Pillai, P P and Aboobaker, P M and Muthiah, C and Balan, V and Kuthalingam, M D K and Sarma, P S Sadasiva and Livingston, P and Siraimeetan, Pon (1979) Tuna fisheries in India: Recent trends. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 13. pp. 1-10.
Pillai, P P and Silas, E G (1979) Distribution and biology of the Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus) taken by the longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 21 (1 & 2). pp. 147-170.
Pillai, P P and Ueyanagi, Shoji (1978) Distribution and biology of the striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax (PHILIPPI) taken by the longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. Bulletin of Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, 16. pp. 9-32.
Pillai, P P and Honma, Misao (1978) Seasonal and areal distribution of the pelagic sharks taken by the tuna longline in the Indian Ocean. Bulletin of Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, 16. pp. 33-49.
Pillai, P P (1977) On the identity of certain specimens of Pontellopsis Brady (Copepoda : Calanoida) of the 'Wilson collection' deposited in the U. S. National Museum. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 19 (1). pp. 58-67.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P and Muthiah, C (1976) Euthynnus sp. Nov or an inter-generic hybrid of Tuna : An enigma. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 18 (3). pp. 411-420.
Gopinathan, C P and Pillai, P P (1976) Red tide and its beliterious effects on fishery. Seafood Export Journal, 8 (12). pp. 1-5.
Pillai, P P (1976) A review of the calanoid copepod family Pseudodiaptomidae with remarks on the taxonomy and distribution of the species from the Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 18 (2). pp. 242-265.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1975) Dynamics of zooplankton in a tropical estuary (Cochin back water), with a review on the plankton fauna of the environment. Bulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 329-355.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, M Ayyappan (1975) Ecology of the cladocerans of the plankton community in the Cochin backwater. Bulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, 7 (1). pp. 127-136.
Pillai, P P (1975) On the species of Pontella Dana and Pomellopsis Brady of the international Indian Ocean expedition collections (1960-1965). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 17 (2). pp. 129-146.
Pillai, P P (1975) Post-naupliar development of the Calanoid Copepod Temora turbinata (Dana), with remarks on the distribution of the species of the genus Temora in the Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 17 (1). pp. 87-95.
Pillai, P P (1975) A critical review of the centropagid genus Isias boeck (Copepoda : Calanoida) from Indian estuaries. Bulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, 7 (2). pp. 319-328.
Gopinathan, C P and Pillai, P P (1974) Protein from the sea. Seafood Export Journal, 6 (5). pp. 19-25.
Pillai, P P and Qasim, S Z and Nair, A K Kesavan (1973) Copepod Component of Zooplankton in a Tropical Estuary. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2. pp. 38-46.
Pillai, P P and Gopinathan, C P (1973) Production and exploitation of living marine resources. Seafood Export Journal, 5 (1). pp. 169-172.
Pillai, P P and Pillai, M Ayyappan (1973) Tidal influence on the diel variations of zooplankton with special reference to copepods in the Cochin Backwater. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15 (1). pp. 411-416.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1973) The calanoid copepod family Pontellidae from the Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15 (2). pp. 771-858.
Pillai, P P (1971) On the post-naupliar development of the calanoid copepod Labidocera Pectinata Thompson and Scott (1903). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 13 (1). pp. 66-77.
Pillai, P P (1971) Studies on the estuarine copepods of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 13 (2). pp. 162-172.
Pillai, P P (1970) Pseudodiaptomus jonesi, A new calanoid copepod from Indian waters. Current Science, 39 (4). pp. 78-80.
Pillai, P P (1969) Calanopia seymouri sp. nov. (Copepoda:Calanoida) from the Andaman sea. Current Science, 13. pp. 317-319.
Silas, E G and Pillai, P P (1967) Labidocera pseudacuta, a new pontellid copepod from the Indian Ocean, with remarks on the related species Labidocera acuta (Dana). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 9 (2). pp. 346-364.
Pillai, P P (1967) On Candacia samassae Pesta, a rare calanoid copepod from the Arabian Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 9 (2). pp. 365-371.