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Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N (1991) Prawn hatchery at Mopla bay with CMFRI technology. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 107. pp. 1-11.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1990) Development of a mini prawn hatchery for fishermen families. CMFRI Bulletin National Symposium on Research and Development in Marine Fisheries Sessions III & IV 1987, 44 (2). pp. 346-350.
Muthu, M S (1989) Prawn Fisheries of Maharashtra Coast and Problems of Prawn Culture in the State. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 93. pp. 9-10.
Lazarus, S and Muthu, M S and Nandakumaran, K and Ahamed Ali, S (1988) EXPERIMENTAL FIELD CULTURE OF WHITE PRAWN, PENAEUS INDICUS, IN THE POLYETHYLENE FILM - LINED PONDS USING PELLETISED FEED. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 35 (3). pp. 171-177.
James, P S B R and Alagarswami, K and Rao, K Narayana and Muthu, M S and Rajagopalan, M S and Alagaraja, K and Mukundan, C (1987) Potential marine fishery resources of India. CMFRI Special Publication, 30. pp. 44-74.
Muthu, M S (1987) Spawning biology of prawns in relation to conservation of prawn resources. R & D Series for Marine Fishery Resources Management, 16. pp. 1-4.
Lazarus, S and Nandakumaran, K and Mohamed, K H and Muthu, M S (1986) Experiments on the culture of Penaeus indicus in polyethylene film-lined ponds at Calicut. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 70. pp. 16-17.
Muthu, M S and Mohamed, K H and Pillai, N N and Laxminarayana, A and Pandian, S K (1986) Advantages of domestication of the Indian white prawn, Penaeus indicus. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (1). pp. 128-133.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A and Mohamed, K H (1986) Induced maturation and spawning of Penaeus indicus without eyestalk ablation. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (2). pp. 246-250.
Alagaraja, K and Suseelan, C and Muthu, M S (1986) Mesh selectivity studies for management of marine fishery resources in India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 28 (1&2). pp. 202-212.
Silas, E G and Mohamed, K H and Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and Laxminarayana, A and Pandian, S K and Thirunavukkarasu, A R and Ahamed Ali, S (1985) Hatchery production of penaeid prawn seed: Penaeus indicus. CMFRI Special Publication, 23. pp. 1-41.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S (1985) Present status of marine prawn hatchery technology in India. Present Status of Prawn Fishery in India. pp. 17-20.
Laxminarayana, A and Muthu, M S (1984) Artificial insemination of Penaeus monodon. Current Science, 53 (20). pp. 1075-1077.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A and Mohamed, K H (1984) pH as a factor influencing maturation of Penaeus indicus in captivity. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 31 (2). pp. 217-222.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S and Kathirvel, M (1983) Penaeid prawn resources and potential for prawn culture. CMFRI Bulletin, 34. pp. 54-60.
Jayasankar, P and Muthu, M S (1983) Toxicity of ammonia to the larvae of Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 30 (1). pp. 1-12.
Jayasankar, P and Muthu, M S (1983) Toxicity of nitrite to the larvae of Penaeus indicus. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 30 (2). pp. 231-240.
Mohamed, K H and Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and Ahamed Ali, S and Pandian, S K (1983) A simplified hatchery technique for mass production Of penaeid prawn seed using formula feed. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 30 (2). pp. 320-332.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1982) Breeding of the marine prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni in brackishwater ponds. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 24 (1&2). pp. 147-149.
Muthu, M S (1982) Methods of culturing zooplankton. CMFRI special publication- Manual of Research Methods for Fish and Shellfish Nutrition (8). pp. 119-125.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V and Lakshmi, S (1981) Growth of the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus in relation to stocking density. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 23 (1&2). pp. 205-208.
Mohamed, K H and Muthu, M S and Marichamy, R (1980) Laboratory bred prawns from Narakkal cultured in salt pan reservoirs at Tuticorin—a success story. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 26. pp. 3-5.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A (1979) Induced breeding of the Indian white prawn Penaeus Indicus. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 9. p. 6.
Suseelan, C and Muthu, M S (1979) Description of postlarvae of Penaeus canaliculatus Olivier with notes on their seasonal abundance in Cochin backwaters. Contributions to marine sciences dedicated to Dr.C V Kurian. pp. 224-228.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larva l developmen t - Pattern of penaeid larval development and generic characters of the larvae of the genera Penaeus, Metapenaeus and Parapenaeopsis. CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 75-86.
Muthu, M S (1979) Larva! development -Specific identity of penaeid postlarvae found in brackishwater areas. CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 86-90.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development — Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers). CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 30-39.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development — Penaeus monodon Fabricius. CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 2-11.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development — Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards. CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 12-21.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development - Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne Edwards). CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 40-49.
Mohamed, K H and Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development - Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius). CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 50-59.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1979) Larval development - Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H.Milne Edwards). CMFRI Bulletin, 28. pp. 65-74.
Muthu, M S and Motoh, H (1979) On a new species of Penaeus (Crustacea, Decapoda: Penaeidae) from North Borneo. Researches on Crustacea, 9. pp. 64-70.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S (1977) Hatchery production of penaeid prawn larvae for large scale coastal aquaculture. Proceedings of the Symposium on Warm Water Zooplankton Special Publication. pp. 613-618.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A (1977) Induced maturation and spawning Of Indian penaeid prawns. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 24 (1&2). pp. 172-180.
Muthu, M S and Narasimham, K A and Rao, G Sudhakara and Appanasastry, Y and Ramalingam, P (1975) On the commercial trawl fisheries off Kakinada During 1967-70. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22 (1&2). pp. 171-186.
Silas, E G and Muthu, M S (1974) On a new species of Penaeid prawn of the genus Metapenaeus Wood Mason and Alcock, from the Andamans. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 16 (2). pp. 645-648.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (1974) On the spawning and rearing of Penaeus indicus in the Laboratory with a note on the eggs and larvae. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 21 (2). pp. 571-574.
Muthu, M S and Rao, G Sudhakara (1973) On the distinction between Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards and Penaeus merguiensis De Man (Crustacea : Penaeidae) with special reference to juveniles. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 20 (1). pp. 61-69.
Muthu, M S and Sampson Manickam, P E (1973) On the occurrence of mature specimens of Metapenaeus burkenroadi Kubo in the Pulicat lake. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 20 (1). pp. 214-216.
Muthu, M S and George, M J (1971) Solenocera indica Nataraj, one of the commercially important penaeid prawns of Indian waters as a synonym of Solenocera crassicornis (H. Milne Edwards). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 13 (1). pp. 142-143.
Muthu, M S (1971) Taxonomic notes on the Penaeid prawn Metapenaeopsis gallensis (Pearson, 1905). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 14 (2). pp. 564-567.
Muthu, M S (1969) Parapenaeopsis indica, sp. Nov. (Decapoda, Penaeidae) from the Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 16 (1&2). pp. 174-180.
Sekharan, K V and Muthu, M S and Rao, G Sudhakara and Rao, B Narayana (1969) Spawning concentrations of the sardine, Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker), off the north Andhra Coast in March - April 1969. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 16 (1&2). pp. 156-160.
Muthu, M S (1968) On some new records of penaeid prawns from the East coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 15 (1&2). pp. 145-154.
George, M J and Muthu, M S (1968) On the occurrence of Metapenaeopsis barbata (De Haan) (Decapoda : Penaeidae) in Indian waters with taxonomic notes on the genus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 286-291.
George, M J and Muthu, M S (1968) Solenocera waltairensis, a new species of prawn (Decapoda : Penaeidae) from Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 292-297.
Muthu, M S (1965) On the occurrence of Metapenaeus ensis (De haan) in the Bay of Bengal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 7 (2). pp. 465-467.
Muthu, M S (2013) Identification of post larvae. In: Handbook of Marine Prawns of India. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 381-384.
Muthu, M S and Pillai, N N and George, K V (2013) Larval Development. In: Handbook of Marine Prawns of India. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, pp. 367-378.
Muthu, M S (1983) Development and culture of penaeid larvae a review. In: Progress in Invertebrate Reproduction and aquaculture. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 203-226.
Ramamurthy, S and Muthu, M S (1969) Prawn fishing methods. In: CMFRI Bulletin No.14, Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 235-257.
Suseelan, C and Muthu, M S and Rajan, K N and Nandakumar, G and Kathirvel, M and Pillai, N N and Kurup, N S and Chellappan, C (1990) Results of an exclusive survey for the deep sea crustaceans off south west coast of India. In: Proceedings of the first workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 5-7 June 1989, Kochi.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A (1986) A simple biological filter for recirculating seawater systems. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 4; MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Muthu, M S (1983) Penaeid broodstock development and management. In: National Symposium on Shrimp Seed Production and Hatchery Management, 21-22 January 1983, Cochin.
Muthu, M S and Laxminarayana, A (1982) Induced maturation of penaeid prawns - a review. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Muthu, M S and Kathirvel, M and Rao, P Vedavyasa and Pillai, N N (1980) Research progress in the culture of penaeid prawns along the coasts of Indian ocean and Indo-Pacific. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Sekharan, K V and Muthu, M S and Rao, K Venkatasubba and Rao, V Ramamohana and Mojumder, P and Reuben, S (1973) Exploratory trawling on the continental shelf along the north-western part of the Bay of Bengal. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1973, Mandapam Camp.