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Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Rao, K S and Kaliaperumal, N (2015) Effect of some adverse factors on the diversity and distribution of marine macro algae along the Indian coasts. Seaweed Research and Utilization, 36 (1). pp. 5-11.
Kaliaperumal, N (2015) Methods of Cultivation and Economic Values of Seaweeds. In: Advances in Marine and Brackishwater Aquaculture. Springer, New Delhi, pp. 209-216. ISBN 978-81-322-2270-5
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (2015) Studies on marine algae of Andhra Pradesh : A Review. Seaweed Research and Utilization, 37 (2). pp. 1-13.
Kaliaperumal, N (2010) Culture of Seaweeds, Products Development and their Application. Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, 1. pp. 45-48.
Kaliaperumal, N (2006) समुद्री शैवाल संवर्धन- मछुआरों की आजीविका के लिए एक नया विकल्प. मात्स्यिकी और जलकृषि में जीविकोपार्जन मसले - विशेअष प्रकाशन्, 90. pp. 69-72.
Kaliaperumal, N (2006) Seaweed Cultivation. In: Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 430-437.
Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (2005) Effect of different fertilizers on the growth of Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) silva in onshore cultivation. Indian Hydrobiology, 7 Supp. pp. 63-67.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (2004) Present scenario of seaweed exploitation and industry in India. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 26 (1 & 2). pp. 47-53.
Kaliaperumal, N (2004) Prospects of seaweed farming in India. In: Proceedings of Ocean Life Food and Medicine Expo, 27-29 February 2004, Chennai.
Ramalingam, J R and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (2003) Commercial scale production of carrageenan from red algae. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 25 (1 & 2). pp. 37-46.
Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R and Diwakar, K and Ezhilvalavan, R (2003) Effect of growth promoters on the onshore culture of Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 25 (1 & 2). pp. 169-174.
Kaliaperumal, N and Jayasankar, Reeta and Ramalingam, J R (2003) Outdoor culture of agar yielding red alga Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 25 (1 & 2). pp. 159-162.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (2003) Pilot scale field cultivation of the agarophyte Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva at Vadakadu (Rameswaram). Seaweed Research and utilisation, 25 (1 & 2). pp. 213-219.
Kaliaperumal, N (2003) Products from seaweeds. SDMRI Research Publication, 3. pp. 33-42.
Ramalingam, J R and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (2002) Agar production from Gracilaria with improved qualities. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 24 (1). pp. 25-34.
Ravikumar, S and Anburajan, L and Ramanathan, G and Kaliaperumal, N (2002) Screening of seaweed extracts against antibiotic resistant post operative infectious pathogens. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 24 (1). pp. 95-99.
Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R and Kalimuthu, S and Ezhilvalavan, R (2002) Seasonal changes in growth, biochemical constituents and phycocolloid of some marine algae of Mandapam coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 24 (1). pp. 73-77.
Kaliaperumal, N and Uthirasivan, P (2001) Commercial scale production of agar from the red alga Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 23 (1&2). pp. 55-58.
Sukumaran, Soniya and Kaliaperumal, N (2001) Sporulation in Gracilaria crassa Harvey ex. J.Agasdh at different environmental factors. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 23 (1 & 2). pp. 81-87.
Kaliaperumal, N and Ezhilvalavan, R and Ramalingam, J R (2001) Studies on salinity tolerance and acclimatization of some commercially important seaweeds. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 23 (1 & 2). pp. 47-53.
Kaliaperumal, N (2000) केंद्रीय समुद्री मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान का मंडपम क्षेत्रीय केंद्र. मत्स्यगंधा 2000 राजभाषा स्वर्ण जयंती विशेषांक. pp. 21-25.
Kaliaperumal, N (2000) Marine plants of Mandapam coast and their uses. In: Souvenir 2000. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam, pp. 40-43.
Sukumaran, Soniya and Kaliaperumal, N (2000) Oospore shedding in Sargassum wightii (Greville) J. Agardh and Turbinana conoides (J. Agardh) Kuetzing at different environmental factors. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 22 (1&2). pp. 209-218.
Ramalingam, J R and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (2000) Seaweed exploitation in India. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 22 (1 & 2). pp. 75-80.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Jayasankar, Reeta and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Muniyandi, K and Selvaraj, M (2000) Seaweeds. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 21-37.
Kaladharan, P and Kaliaperumal, N (1999) Seaweed Industry in India. NAGA, 22 (1). pp. 11-14.
Sundararajan, M and Rajendran, M and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1999) Studies on species of Halimeda from Lakshadweep. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 21 (1&2). pp. 161-169.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N (1998) Seaweed and their importance. In: Proceedings of the Workshop National Aquaculture Week. The Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, pp. 54-57.
Kaliaperumal, N (1998) Seaweed biotechnology. In: Proceedings of the first National Seminar on Trends in Marine Biotechnology. Institute for Coastal Area Studies, Nagercoil, pp. 91-98.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Pillai, S Krishna and Muniyandi, K and Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba and Thomas, P C and Zaidi, S H and Subbaramaiah, K (1998) Seaweed resources and distribution in deep waters from Dhanushkodi to Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 20 (1 & 2). pp. 141-151.
Kaladharan, P and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1998) Seaweeds-products, processing and utilization. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 157. pp. 1-9.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1997) Seaweed distribution and resources in Kerala coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 19 (1&2). pp. 29-32.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1997) Seaweed potential and its exploitation in India. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 19 (1&2). pp. 33-40.
Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba and Mal, T K and Subbaramaiah, K and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K and Ramalingam, J R and Pillai, S Krishna and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1996) Distribution of Seaweeds off Alantalai-Manapad and Vembar-Nallatanni Tivu in Tamil Nadu. Phykos, 35 (1 & 2). pp. 163-170.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K and Ramalingam, J R and Pillai, S Krishna and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Rajagopalan, M S and Rao, P V Subba and Rao, K Rama and Thomas, P C and Zaidi, S H and Subbaramaiah, K (1996) Distribution of marine algae and seagrass off Valinokkam-Kilakkarai, Tamil Nadu coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 18 (1 & 2).
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1996) Effect of repeated harvesting on the growth of Sargasum spp and Turbiniria conoides occurring in Mandapam area. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 18 (1 & 2).
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1995) Distribution of algae and seagrasses in the estuaries and backwaters of Tamil Nadu and Pondichery. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 17. pp. 79-96.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Pillai, S Krishna and Subbaramaiah, K and Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba (1995) Distribution of sea weeds off Kattapadu - Tiruchendur coast, Tamil nadu. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 17 (1&2). pp. 183-193.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1995) Economically important seaweeds. CMFRI Special Publication, 62. pp. 1-35.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Najmuddin, M and Ramalingam, J R and Kalimuthu, S (1994) Biochemical composition of some common seaweeds from Lakshadweep. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 36 (1&2). pp. 316-319.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N (1994) Commercial exploitation of seaweeds in India and need for their large scale cultivation. Proceedings of the national symposium on aquaculture for 2000 AD November 1994. pp. 215-219.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K (1994) Experimental cultivation of Gracilaria edulis at Valinokkam Bay. Proceedings of the national symposium on aquaculture for 2000 AD November 1994. pp. 221-226.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1993) Effect of repeated harvesting on the growth of Gelidiella acerosa and Gracilaria corticata var corticata occurring at Mandapam coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 16 (1 & 2). pp. 155-160.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Muniyandi, K (1993) Growth of Gracilaria edulis in relation to environmental factors in field cultivation. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 16 (1 & 2). pp. 167-176.
Kaliaperumal, N and James, D B (1993) Hand Book on Aquafarming: Seaweed, Sea Urchin and Sea-Cucumber. Manual. MPEDA, Cochin.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1993) Need for conservation of economically important seaweeds of Tamil Nadu coast and time-table for their commercial exploitation. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 119. pp. 5-11.
Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba and Thomas, P C and Zaidi, S H and Subbaramaiah, K and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K and Ramalingam, J R and Najmuddin, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1993) Seaweed resources off Tamil nadu coast, Sector - IV Kilakkarai - Rameswaram island (Dhanushkodi. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 16 (1&2). pp. 103-110.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1992) Distribution and seasonal changes of marine algal flora from seven localities around Mandapam. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 119-126.
Kaliaperumal, N and Rajagopalan, M S and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1992) Field cultivation of gracilarla edulis (Gmelin) Silva in the lagoon of Minicoy (Lakshadweep). Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 14 (2). pp. 103-107.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaladharan, P and Kaliaperumal, N and Rajagopalan, M S (1992) Seasonal variations in production of cultured seaweed Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva in Minicoy Lagoon (Lakshadweep). Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 14 (2). pp. 109-113.
Rao, P V Subba and Rao, K Rama and Mal, T K and Subbaramaiah, K and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K and Ramalingam, J R and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1992) Seaweed resources off Tamil Nadu coast: Sector II. Alanthali - Manapad and Vembar – Nallathanni Thivu. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 177-182.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Muniyandi, K and Ramalingam, J R and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba and Thomas, P C and Zaidi, S H and Subbaramaiah, K (1992) Seaweed resources off Tamil Nadu coast: Sector III. Valinokkam - Kilakkarai. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 11-14.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1992) Studies on the agar content in Gracilaria arcuata Var. Arcuata and G. Corticata Var. Cylindrica. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 191-195.
Balakrishnan, S and Ravichandran, M and Kaliaperumal, N (1992) Studies on the distribution and standing crop of algae at Muthupet estuary, Tamilnadu. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 63-68.
Narasimham, K A and Marichamy, R and James, D B and Nammalwar, P and Victor, A C C and Kaliaperumal, N and Rajapandian, M E and Dharmaraj, S and Maheswarudu, G and Sundararajan, D and Arputharaj, M R and Muniyandi, M and Kalimuthu, S and Rodrigo, Joseph Xavier and Selvaraj, M and Dasman Fernando, A and Rayan, V Soosai and Jesuraj, N and Muthukrishnan, P and Fernando, D Bosco (1992) Survey of Valinokkam Bay and adjoining area to assess its suitability for integrated sea farming — A report. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 117. pp. 1-8.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N (1991) Unusual landings of agar yielding seaweed Gracilaria edulis in Kottaipattanam-Chinnamanai area. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 108. pp. 10-11.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1991) Commercially important seaweeds of India, their occurrence,chemical products and uses. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 107. pp. 11-16.
Jayasankar, Reeta and Kaliaperumal, N (1991) Experimental culture of Gracilaria edulis by spore shedding method. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 14 (1). pp. 21-23.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1991) Standing crop, algin and mannitol of some alginophytes of Mandapam coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 33 (1&2). pp. 170-174.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Muniyandi, K (1990) Environmental factors influencing the growth of Gracilaria edulis in culture. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series`, 105. pp. 10-11.
Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy (1990) Present status of seaweed exploitation and seaweed industry in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 103. pp. 7-8.
Jayasankar, Reeta and Ramalingam, J R and Kaliaperumal, N (1990) Biochemical composition of some green algae from Mandapam coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 12 (1 & 2). pp. 37-40.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Najmuddin, M and Ramalingam, J R and Kaliaperumal, N (1990) Biochemical composition of some marine algae from Mandapam coast, Tamil Nadu. CMFRI Bulletin-National symposium on research and development in marine fisheries Sessions III & IV 1987, 44 (2). pp. 442-446.
Kaliaperumal, N (1990) Influence of low and high temperature on diurnal periodicity of tetraspore shedding in some red algae. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 32 (1 & 2). pp. 259-263.
Bensam, P and Kaliaperumal, N and Gandhi, V and Raju, A and Rangasamy, V S and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Muniyandi, K (1990) Occurrence and growth of the commercially important red algae in fish culture pond at Mandapam. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 13 (2). pp. 101-108.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Rajagopalan, M S (1990) Seaweed culture in India-an appraisal. CMFRI Bulletin-National symposium on research and development in marine fisheries Sessions III & IV 1987, 44 (2). pp. 394-402.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Subbaramaiah, K and Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba (1990) Seaweed resources of the Tuticorin-Tiruchendur coast, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 32 (1&2). pp. 146-149.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1990) Studies on phycocolloid contents from seaweeds of south Tamil Nadu coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 12 (1 & 2). pp. 115-119.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Pillai, S Krishna and Subrahmanyan, M and Rao, K Rama and Rao, P V Subba (1989) Seaweed resources off Tamil Nadu coast: Kattapadu- Tiruchendure. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 96. pp. 10-11.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1989) Agar, algin and mannitol from some seaweeds of Lakshadweep. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 31 (1&2). pp. 303-305.
Kaliaperumal, N (1989) Effects of environmental factors on diurnal periodicity of tetraspore output in some red algae of Visakhapatnam coast. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 12 (1&2). pp. 87-95.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kaladharan, P and Kalimuthu, S (1989) Seaweed and seagrass resources. CMFRI Bulletin Marine living resources of the union territory of Lakshadweep An Indicative Survey With Suggestions For Development, 43. pp. 162-176.
Badrudeen, M and Fernando, A Bastian and Kasinathan, C and Kaliaperumal, N and Pillai, V K and Pandian, G and Sivadas, M and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1987) Instance of mass fish mortality at Mandapam, South east coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 75. pp. 1-5.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Nair, P V Ramachandran (1987) Biology of the economically important Indian seaweeds-a review. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 10 (1). pp. 21-32.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Selvaraj, M and Najmuddin, M (1987) Chemical composition of seaweeds. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 31-51.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1987) Common seaweed products. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 26-30.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1987) Economically important seaweeds. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 3-18.
Kaliaperumal, N and Rao, M Umamaheswara (1987) Effect of thermal stress on spore shedding in some red algae of Visakhapatnam coast. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 16. pp. 201-202.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N (1987) Marine Algal Flora From Selected Centres Along The Madras Coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 72. p. 19.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1987) Post harvest technology. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 74-77.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Selvaraj, M and Najmuddin, M (1987) Seaweed culture. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 60-74.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S (1987) Seaweed resources of India. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 51-54.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Najmuddin, M and Kaliaperumal, N (1987) Transfer of technology on seaweed culture. CMFRI Bulletin, 41. pp. 78-79.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R and Selvaraj, M (1986) Experimental field cultivation of Acanthophora spicifera in the near shore area of Gulf of Mannar. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (4). pp. 476-478.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1986) Growth, Phenology and Spore Shedding in Gracilaria arcuata var. arcuata (Zanardini) Umamaheswara Rao & G. corticata var. cylindrica ( J . Agardh) Umamaheswara Rao (Rhodophyta). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 15. pp. 107-110.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R and Kalimuthu, S (1986) Growth, reproduction and spore output in Gracilaria foliifera (Forsskal) boergesen and Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii (Kylin) Dawson around Mandapam. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33 (1). pp. 76-84.
Kaliaperumal, N and Rao, M Umamaheswara (1986) Growth, reproduction and sporulation of marine alga Gelidium pusillum(Stackhouse) Le Jolis. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 15. pp. 29-32.
Silas, E G and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N (1986) Seaweed resources, products and utilization. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 9 (1). pp. 11-24.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1986) Tropical Cyclones. In: Souvenir: 35th Anniversary of the Recreation Club of RC of CMFRI, 1986, Mandapam Camp.
Kaliaperumal, N and Pandian, G (1984) Marine algal flora from some localities of South Tamil Nadu Coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 26 (1&2). pp. 159-164.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Ramalingam, J R (1983) Proven Technology. 7. Technology of Cultured Seaweed Production. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 54. pp. 19-20.
Rao, M Umamaheswara and Kaliaperumal, N (1983) Effects of environmental factors on the liberation of spores from some red algae of Visakhapatnam coast. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 70. pp. 45-53.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S and Selvaraj, M and Ramalingam, J R and Najmuddin, M (1982) Seasonal changes in growth & alginic acid & mannitol contents in Sargassum ilicifolium (Turner) J. agardh & S. myriocystum J. agardh. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 11. pp. 195-196.
Kaliaperumal, N and Rao, M Umamaheswara (1982) Seasonal growth and reproduction of Gelidiopsis variabilis (Greville) Schmitz. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 61. pp. 265-270.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1981) Seaweed recipes and other practical uses of Seaweeds. Seafood Export Journal, 13 (10). pp. 9-16.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1978) Culture of Gracilaria edulis in the inshore waters Of Gulf of Mannar (Mandapam). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 25 (1&2). pp. 228-229.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1978) Seasonal Changes in Growth, Fruiting Cycle and Oospore Output in Turbinaria conoides (J. Agardh) Kiitzing. Botanica Marina, 21. pp. 67-69.
Kaliaperumal, N and Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S (1977) Growth, Reproduction and Liberation of Oospores in Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 178-179.
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kalimuthu, S and Kaliaperumal, N and Ramalingam, J R (1977) Studies on the growth variation, Alginic acid and Mannitol contents in Padina gymnospora (Kuetzing) Vickers. Seaweed Research Utilization, 2 (1). pp. 91-94.
Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1976) Changes in growth, reproduction, alginic acid and Mannitol contents. Botanica Marina, 19 (3). pp. 161-178.
Rao, M Umamaheswara and Kaliaperumal, N (1976) Some observations on the liberation and viability of Oospores in Sargassum wightii (Greville) j. Agardh. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 23 (1&2). pp. 232-235.
Kaliaperumal, N and Rao, M Umamaheswara (1975) Growth, fruiting cycle and oospore output in Turbinaria decurrensbory. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22 (1&2). pp. 225-230.
Nair, R V and Kaliaperumal, N (1975) Seaweed culture. Indian Farming, 25 (6). pp. 38-39.