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Rao, G Syda and Imelda, Joseph (2018) Mariculture in India: Status and Potential. In: Aquaculture in India. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi, India, New Delhi, pp. 77-91. ISBN 978-93-87590-36-6
Kripa, V and Joshi, K K and Sheela, P J and Uma, E K and Sasikala, E and Joseph, V Edwin (2014) जलीय पारितंत्र का टिकाऊपन (An appraisal of Sustainability of Aquatic Ecosystems). सी एम एफ आर आइ विशेष प्रकाशन/CMFRI Special Publication, 115. pp. 1-173.
Joseph, V Edwin (2013) Availability and Accessibility of Research outputs of CMFRI through eprints@cmfri: An Open Access Institutional Repository. In: ICAR funded Short Course on “ICT -oriented Strategic Extension for Responsible Fisheries Management, 05-25 November, 2013, Kochi.
Joseph, V Edwin and Mohan, V and Surendran, Arun (2013) CMFRI Telephone Directory 2013. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
Imelda, Joseph and Joseph, V Edwin (2013) Customized Training in Mariculture for Maldivian Officials. Manual. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
Joseph, V Edwin (2012) J.V.H. Dixitulu National Award for Outstanding work. Fishing Chimes, 31 (11). p. 63.
Joseph, V Edwin (2011) CMFRI launches Open Access Institutional Repository. Fishing Chimes, 31 (4). p. 44.
Joseph, V Edwin (2011) Director General, ICAR Launches Open Access Online Indian Journal of Fisheries. CMFRI Newsletter, 129. pp. 3-4.
Joseph, V Edwin and Geetha, P (2011) E-prints@CMFRI: Open Access Institutional Repository of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Marine Fisheries Information Service (207). p. 40.
Joseph, V Edwin and Geetha, P (2011) E-prints@CMFRI: Open Access Institutional Repository of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Asian Fisheries Science Journal, 24 (2). pp. 224-225.
Joseph, V Edwin and Mohan, V (2011) Eprints@CMFRI: a digital repository of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Tharangam 2011. pp. 12-13.
Joseph, V Edwin and Mohan, V (2011) Evolution of Institutional Repository at CMFRI. Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Service, 27 (1). pp. 1-6.
Joseph, V Edwin (2010) Open Access Institutional Repository launched. ICAR Reporter, Octobe. p. 15.
Joseph, V Edwin and Mohan, V (2010) Transforming traditional libraries into Digital Libraries. In: Knowledge Mangement: Issues and strategies. U-Day Publishers and Printers, New Delhi, pp. 150-159.
Kandan, S (2009) Commercialization of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer as a candidate species for cage culture in India. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, kochi, pp. 13-16.
Imelda, Joseph and Joseph, V Edwin and Susmitha, V (2009) Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass, 14 - 23 December 2009. [Teaching Resource]
Sobhana, K S (2009) Diseases of seabass in cage culture and control measures. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 87-93.
Narayanakumar, R (2009) Economic analysis of cage culture of sea bass. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 120-122.
Shylaja, G (2009) Engineering aspects to be taken care in cage culture of seabass (Cage designs and materials, Mooring materials, Net load calculations etc.). In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 17-22.
Ambasankar, K and Ahamed Ali, S and Syama Dayal, J (2009) Feeds and feeding of seabass in hatchery, nursery and grow out system using formulated feeds. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 66-70.
Jayasankar, J (2009) Geographic information systems and site selection issues of open sea cage culture. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 111-119.
Ignatius, Boby (2009) Grow out culture of seabass in cages. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 99-101.
Sathiadhas, R (2009) Growth in fleet size and investment in marine fisheries and scope for open sea mariculture. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 106-110.
Gopakumar, G (2009) History of cage culture, cage culture operations, advantages and disadvantages of cages and current global status of cage farming. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 8-12.
Prema, D (2009) Importance of water quality in marine life cage culture. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 81-86.
Imelda, Joseph (2009) Important management measures in cage culture. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 50-56.
Dash, Biswajit and Mojjada, Suresh Kumar and Rao, G Syda (2009) Integration of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) and pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) along with Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) in open sea floating cage off Andhra Pradesh coast. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 57-59.
Thomas, Saly N (2009) Netting specifications and maintenance of cages for finfish culture. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 23-32.
Joseph, Shoji (2009) Nursery rearing of seabass fry and importance of grading and seed transportation. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 44-49.
Ambasankar, K and Ahamed Ali, S and Syama Dayal, J (2009) Nutritional requirements of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 60-65.
Joseph, Shoji (2009) Open sea Cage culture: carrying capacity and stocking in the grow out system. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 102-105.
Ramachandran, C (2009) Open sea cage culture in India- A sociological perspective. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 94-98.
Rao, G Syda (2009) Overview on mariculture and the opportunities and challenges of cage culture in India. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI, NFDB, Kochi, pp. 1-7.
Ignatius, Boby (2009) Principles and practices of cage mooring. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 33-37.
Thirunavukkarasu, A R and Kailasam, M and Sundaray, J K (2009) Success in hatchery development of seabass and its potential for commercial cage culture in India. In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 71-80.
Mathew, Grace (2009) Taxonomy, identification and biology of Seabass (Lates calcarifer). In: Course manual: National training on cage culture of seabass. CMFRI & NFDB, Kochi, pp. 38-43.
Joseph, V Edwin and Mohan, V and Manjeesh, R (2008) Bibliography (Part - 4) The publications by the staff of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute 1996-2006 (A Diamond Jubilee Publication). CMFRI Special Publication, 96. pp. 1-214.
Joseph, V Edwin and Geetha, P (2008) Contents of Indian Journal of Fisheries Voumes 1-50, 1954-2003. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 55 (1&2). pp. 1-209.
Kumaraguru, A K and Joseph, V Edwin and Rajee, M and Balasubramanian, T (2008) Palk Bay Information and Bibliography. CAS in Marine Biology, Parangipetai and MK University, Madurai.
Joseph, V Edwin (2007) Dying is personal and Dyeing is private! Tharangam. pp. 9-11.
Kumaraguru, A K and Joseph, V Edwin and Marimuthu, N and Wilson, J Jerald (2006) Scientific Information on Gulf of Mannar - A Bibliography. Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve Trust, Ramanathapuram.
Nammalwar, P and Joseph, V Edwin (2002) Bibliography of the Gulf of Mannar. CMFRI Special Publication, 74. pp. 1-204.
James, P S B R and Badrudeen, M and Joseph, V Edwin (1992) Annotated Bibliography of the Silverbellies (Pisces: Family Leiognathidae). CMFRI Special Publication, 50. pp. 1-219.
Rengarajan, K and Gupta, Jancy and Joseph, V Edwin (1986) Bibliography of the publications by the staff of CMFRI 1948-1985. CMFRI Special Publication, 27. pp. 1-168.
Joseph, V Edwin (1986) Martyr of Vedalai. In: Souvenir: 35th Anniversary of the Recreation Club of RC of CMFRI, 1986, Mandapam Camp.