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George, M J (1987) The shrimp resources of the coastal waters of Kerala and the effect of mechanisation. CMFRI Bulletin : National Symposium on Research and Development in Marine Fisheries Sessions I & II 1987, 44 (Part -). pp. 102-106.
Alagaraja, K and George, M J and Kurup, K N and Suseelan, C (1986) Yield‐per recruit analyses on Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni from Kerala State, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2 (1). pp. 1-11.
George, M J and Alagaraja, K (1986) The shrimp resources. R & D Series for Marine Fishery Resources Management, 3. pp. 1-3.
George, M J and Mathew, K J and Nandakumar, G and Jacob, Jancy (1984) Two incidents of fire accident at Madras Fishing Harbour during the month of April, '84. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 58. pp. 16-17.
George, M J and Suseelan, C and Thomas, M M and Kurup, N S and Rajan, K N and Kakati, V S and Gopalakrishnan, K N and Chellappan, K and Balasubramanian, K K and Nalini, C (1983) Monsoon prawn fishery of Neendakara coast, Kerala - a critical study. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 53. pp. 1-8.
George, M J and Subbaraju, G and Dharmaraja, S K (1983) Trends in marine fish production in India 1982 – 83. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 52. pp. 1-21.
George, M J and Subbaraju, G and Dharmaraja, S K and Johnson, E (1983) List of titles Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series No.1-50. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 51. pp. 1-21.
George, M J and Subbaraju, G and Dharmaraja, S K (1982) R.V. Skipjack Commissioned. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 45. p. 25.
George, M J and Suseelan, C and Thomas, M M and Kakati, V S and Nalini, C (1982) Synopsis of marine prawn fishery of India-1981. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 43. pp. 8-22.
George, M J (1982) Scientific basis for the management of penaeid shrimp fishery. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 39. pp. 6-11.
Suseelan, C and Thomas, M M and Kurup, N S and Gopalakrishnan, K N and George, M J (1982) A potential new resource of prawns from Neendakara area in Kerala coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 35. pp. 15-17.
George, M J and Suseelan, C and Balan, K (1981) By-catch of the shrimp fishery in India. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 28. pp. 1-13.
George, M J and Suseelan, C and Thomas, M M and Kurup, N S (1980) A case of overfishing: Depletion of shrimp resources along Neendakara coast, Kerala. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 18. pp. 1-8.
George, M J and Suseelan, C (1980) Changing pattern of prawn production in small- scale fisheries of India. Indo Pacific Fishery Commission. pp. 402-425.
Silas, E G and Jacob, T and George, K C and George, M J (1980) Report of the Consultation on Stock Assessment for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal. Report of the Consultation on Stock Assessment for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal, 2. pp. 25-44.
George, M J (1980) Systematics of the commercially important prawns(crustacea, decapoda, subfamily penaeinae) from Goa. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 76 (3). pp. 297-304.
George, M J and Dharmaraja, S K and Subbaraju, G (1979) The mud bank prawn fishery of Kerala - Declining trend. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 12. pp. 12-13.
George, M J and Subbaraju, G (1979) Small-scale fisheries at Lawson's Bay Waltair. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 6. pp. 10-13.
George, M J (1979) Taxonomy of Indian prawns (penaeidae, crustacea & decapoda). Contributions to marine sciences dedicated to Dr.C V Kurian. pp. 21-59.
George, M J (1975) Observations on the growth in certain penaeid prawns studied in prawn culture experiments in paddy field. Bulletin of the Department of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, 7 (1). pp. 41-55.
Raghu Prasad, R and Tampi, P R S and George, M J (1975) Phyllosoma larvae from the Indian Ocean collected by the Dana expedition 1928-1930. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 17 (2). pp. 56-107.
George, M J (1973) On the penaeid prawn Parapenaeopsis stylifera and a new variety of the species from Cochin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15 (1). pp. 420-422.
Muthu, M S and George, M J (1971) Solenocera indica Nataraj, one of the commercially important penaeid prawns of Indian waters as a synonym of Solenocera crassicornis (H. Milne Edwards). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 13 (1). pp. 142-143.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1968) Observations on the development of the external genitalia in some Indian penaeid prawns. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (1). pp. 52-70.
George, M J and Noble, A (1968) Occurrence of pea crabs Pinnotheres gracilis Burger and Pinnotheres modiolicolus Burger in the Indian Coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 392-394.
George, M J and Muthu, M S (1968) On the occurrence of Metapenaeopsis barbata (De Haan) (Decapoda : Penaeidae) in Indian waters with taxonomic notes on the genus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 286-291.
Mohamed, K H and George, M J (1968) Results of the tagging experiments on the Indian Spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus) — Movement and growth. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 15 (1&2). pp. 15-26.
George, M J and Muthu, M S (1968) Solenocera waltairensis, a new species of prawn (Decapoda : Penaeidae) from Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 10 (2). pp. 292-297.
George, M J and Mohamed, K H and Pillai, N Krishna (1967) Observations on the paddy-field prawn filtration of Kerala, India. FAO World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. pp. 1-16.
Mohamed, K H and Rao, P Vedavyasa and George, M J (1967) Post larvae of penaeid prawns of southwest coast of India with a key to their identification. FAO World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. pp. 1-15.
George, M J (1967) Two new records of scyllarid lobsters from the Arabian Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 9 (2). pp. 433-435.
George, M J and Mohamed, K H (1967) An assessment of marine prawn fishery resources of Kanyakumari district - south west coast of India. Proceedings of Indo Pacific Fisheries Council, 12 (2). pp. 210-219.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1966) A new species of Metapenaeus (Decapoda, Penaeidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 8 (1). pp. 146-151.
George, M J and George, K C (1965) Palinustus mossambicus Barnard (Palinuridae : Decapoda), a rare spiny lobster from Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 7 (2). pp. 463-464.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1965) A new record of Panulirus longipes (Milne Edwards) from the southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 7 (2). pp. 461-463.
George, M J and Mohamed, K H and Pillai, N N (1964) Observations on the paddy-field prawn filtration of Kerala, India. FAO Fisheries Report, 57 (2). pp. 427-442.
George, P C and George, M J (1964) On the location of a possible spawning area for the penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros Fabricius, off Cochin. Current Science, 33 (8). pp. 251-252.
George, M J (1964) On the occurrence of Metapenaeus burkenroadi Kubo (Family : Penaeidae, Crustacea Decapoda) in Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 6 (2). pp. 313-314.
George, M J and George, K C (1964) On the occurrence of the caridean prawn Thalassocaris lucida (Dana) in the stomach of Neothunnus macropterus (Temminck and Schlegel) from the Arabian Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 6 (1). pp. 171-172.
George, M J and Banerji, S K and Mohamed, K H (1964) Size distribution and movement of the commercial prawns of the southwest coast of India. FAO Fisheries Report, 57 (2). pp. 265-284.
George, P C and George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1963) Metapenaeus kutchensis sp.nov., a penaeid prawn from the Gulf of Kutch. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (2). pp. 284-288.
George, M J (1963) Note on an abnormality in the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus monoceros Fabricus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (1). pp. 145-146.
George, M J and Raman, K and Nair, P Karunakaran (1963) Observations on the offshore prawn fishery of Cochin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 10 A (2). pp. 460-499.
George, M J (1963) Postlarval abundance as a possible index of fishing success in the prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 10 A (1). pp. 135-139.
George, M J and Kartha, K N Krishna (1963) Surface salinity of Cochin backwater with reference to tide. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 5 (2). pp. 178-184.
George, M J (1962) Observations on the size groups of Penaeus indicus (Milne Edwards) in the commercial catches of different nets from the backwaters of Cochin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 9A (2). pp. 468-475.
George, M J (1962) On the breeding of penaeids and the recruitment of their postlarvae into the backwaters of Cochin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 9A (1). pp. 110-116.
George, M J (1959) Notes on the bionomics of the prawn Metapenmus monoceros, Fabricius. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 6 (2). pp. 268-279.
George, M J (1958) Observations on the plankton of the Cochin Backwaters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 5 (2). pp. 375-401.
Silas, E G and George, M J and Jacob, T (1984) Review of the shrimp fisheries of India: a scientific basis for the management of the resources. In: Penaeid shrimps- their biology and management. Fishing News Books, England, pp. 83-103.
George, M J (1969) Genus Penaeus Fabricius 1798 iii. In: CMFRI Bulletin No.14 Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 77-125.
George, M J (1969) Systematics ii – Taxonomic considerations and General distribution –Prawn fisheries. In: CMFRI Bulletin 14; Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 5-48.
George, M J (1969) VII Genus Macrobrachium Bate 1868. In: CMFRI Bulletin No.14, Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 179-215.
George, M J (1969) iv Genus Metapenaeus Wood-Mason & Alcock 1981. In: CMFRI Bulletin No.14 Prawn fisheries of India. CMFRI, Mandapam Camp, pp. 77-125.
George, M J (1988) Shrimp resources in the seas around the Asian countries with special reference to India. Working Paper. Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology, New Delhi.
George, M J (1988) Study of shrimp trawling in the South West coast of India, particularly Kerala. Project Report. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.
George, M J and Subbaraju, G and Dharmaraja, S K (1983) Proceedings of the workshop on acquisition and dissemination of data on marine living resources of Indian seas. In: workshop on acquisition and dissemination of data on marine living resources of indian seas, OCTOBER 21-23,1982, CMFRI, COCHIN.
George, M J and Suseelan, C (1982) Distribution of species of prawns in the backwaters and estuaries of India with reference to coastal aquaculture. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Part 1, MBAI, 12-18 January 1980, Cochin.
Silas, E G and George, M J and Jacob, T (1981) A review of the shrimp fisheries. In: Workshop on the Scientific Basis for the Management of Penaeid shrimp, November 1981, Key West, Florida, USA.
George, M J (1973) Assessment of the fishery resources for non-penaeid prawns in India. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1968, Mandapam Camp.
Rao, P Vedavyasa and George, M J (1973) Deep-sea spiny lobster, Puerulus sewelli ramadan: its commercial potentialities. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1968, Mandapam Camp.
George, M J (1973) The influence of backwaters and estuaries on marine prawn resources. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1973, Mandapam Camp.
George, M J (1973) The lobster fishery resources of India. In: Proceedings of the symposium on living resources of the seas around India, 1968, Mandapam Camp.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1967) Distribution of sex ratios of penaeid prawns in the trawl fishery off Cochin. In: Symposium on Crustacea ; part II, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J (1967) The Indian Spiny Lobster. In: Souvenir 20th Anniversary Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 3 February 1967, Mandapam.
George, M J (1967) Mark-recovery experiments in crustaceans. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 4, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J (1967) Observations on the biology and fishery of the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linn.). In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 4, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
Banerji, S K and George, M J (1967) Size distribution and growth of Metapenaeus dobsoni(Miers) and their effect on the trawler catches off Kerala. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 2, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J and Mohamed, K H (1967) Utilization of brackish water areas for prawn culture. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Science and India’s Food Problem, 6-8 October 1967, Delhi.
George, M J (1966) On a collection of penaeid prawns from the offshore waters of the south-west coast of India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 1; MBAI, 12-15 January 1965, Ernakulam.
George, M J and Rao, P Vedavyasa (1966) On some decapod crustaceans from the south-west coast of India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Crustacea, Part 1, MBAI, 12-16 January 1965, Ernakulam.