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Devadoss, P and Vivekanandan, E and Raje, S G and Mathew, Grace and Chandrasekar, S (2000) Elasmobranch resources of India. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 563-578.
Bensam, P and Devadoss, P and Mathew, Grace and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Gandhi, V and Lazarus, S and Zacharia, P U and Feroz Khan, M and Jayasankar, P (2000) Flatfishes, goatfishes and whitefishes. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 617-635.
Chakraborty, S K and Devadoss, P and Manojkumar, P P and Feroz Khan, M and Jayasankar, P and Sivakami, S and Gandhi, V and Appanasastry, Y and Raju, A and Livingston, P and Ameer Hamsa, K M S and Badrudeen, M and Ramalingam, P and Dhareswar, V M and Rao, C V Seshagiri and Nandakumaran, K and Chavan, B B and Seetha, P K (2000) The fishery, biology and stock assessment of jew fish resources of India. In: Marine Fisheries Research and Management. CMFRI; Kochi, Kochi, pp. 604-616.
Devadoss, P (1998) Growth and population parameters of the spade nose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus from Calicut coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 45 (1). pp. 29-34.
Devadoss, P (1998) Observations on the breeding and development in some batoid fishes. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 45 (3). pp. 271-283.
Devadoss, P and Batcha, Hameed (1997) Sex change in hound shark, along Madras coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 146. pp. 9-10.
Bensam, P and Bande, V N and Sivakami, S and Nair, K V Somasekharan and Menon, N G and Mathew, Grace and Devadoss, P and Nammalwar, P and Zacharia, P U and Feroz Khan, M and Jayasankar, P and Mohanraj, G and Livingston, P and Gandhi, V and Raju, A and Srinivasarengan, S and Rengaswami, V and Raje, S G (1996) Demersal finfish resources in certain areas of the EEZ of southwest and southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.
Mathew, Grace and Devadoss, P and Vivekanandan, E and Feroz Khan, M and Zacharia, P U (1996) Distribution and abundance of elasmobranchs in the Indian EEZ. In: Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.
Reghu, R and Balachandran, K and Menon, N G and Vivekanandan, E and Chakraborty, S K and Devadoss, P (1996) Distribution, abundance and biology of unicorn cod, Bregmaceros mcclellandi in the deep scattering layers of Indian Exclusive Economic Zone. In: Proceedings of the Second workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 15-17 February 1994, Kochi.
Devadoss, P (1996) Shark fishing in India. Proceedings of the Seminar on Fisheries - A Multibillion Dollar Industry, Madras, Aug 17-19, 1995. pp. 7-11.
Devadoss, P and Batcha, Hameed (1995) Some observations on the rare bow-mouth guitar fish Rhina ancylostoma. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 138. pp. 10-11.
Luther, G and Rao, K Narayana and Gopakumar, G and Muthiah, C and Pillai, N G K and Rohit, Prathibha and Kurup, K N and Reuben, S and Devadoss, P and Rao, G Syda (1992) Resource characteristics and stock assessment of whitebaits. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 39 (3&4). pp. 152-168.
Vivekanandan, E and Gnanamuttu, J C and Srinivasarengan, S and Devadoss, P and Kuthalingam, M D K and Balakumar, S K and Chandrasekhar, S and Mohan, S (1991) Exploited marine fishery resources of Madras. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 33 (1&2). pp. 40-48.
Devadoss, P and Chandrasekhar, S (1991) Rare Snaggle Tooth Shark, Hemipristis elongatus. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 114. p. 36.
Lazarus, S and Nammalwar, P and Pillai, V N and Devadoss, P and Mohanraj, G (1990) Occurrence of King crab Tachypleus gigas (Muller) off the northeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the first workshop on scientific results of FORV Sagar Sampada, 5-7 June 1989, Kochi.
Devadoss, P and Nammalwar, P and Sreenivasan, P V and Srinivasarengan, S (1989) Instances of landings of whale shark Rhineodon typus in Indian coastal waters. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 102. pp. 18-20.
Nammalwar, P and Devadoss, P and Srinivasan, A and Chidambaram, L and Rao, T Chandrasekhara and Rao, A Hanumantha (1989) On the stranding of whales along the Tamil nadu and Andhra coasts. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 102. pp. 13-16.
Devadoss, P and Gnanamuttu, J C and Srinivasarengan, S and Subramani, S (1989) On the landing of a large saw fish at Madras. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 98. p. 13.
Kuthalingam, M D K and James, D B and Sarvesan, R and Devadoss, P and Manivasagam, S and Thirumilu, P (1989) A note on the processing of the Jelly fish at Alambaraikuppam near Mahabalipuram. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 98. pp. 8-10.
Devadoss, P (1989) Observations on the length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of spade nose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus Muller and Henle. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 36 (2). pp. 169-174.
Devadoss, P (1988) Observations on the breeding and development of some sharks. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 30 (1&2). pp. 121-131.
Devadoss, P (1988) A new record of fantail ray Taeniura melanospila (Bleeker, 1853). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 30 (1&2). pp. 217-218.
James, D B and Devadoss, P and Chandrasekhar, S (1987) Formation of sand bar at Madras fisheries harbour. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, 76. pp. 12-13.
Devadoss, P (1987) A brief description of the cat shark, Chiloscyllwm griseum Muller and henle, from Indian waters, with some biological notes. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 34 (3). pp. 343-347.
Devadoss, P and Kuthalingam, M D K and Thiagarajan, R (1987) The present status and future prospects of elasmobranch fishery in India. CMFRI Bulletin National Symposium on Research and Development in Marine Fisheries Sessions I & II 1987, 44 (1). pp. 188-199.
Devadoss, P (1986) Studies on the catshark Chiloscyllium griseum from Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 28 (1&2). pp. 192-198.
Devadoss, P (1984) Nutritive values of sharks, skates and rays from Portonovo coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 31 (1). pp. 156-161.
Rajagopalan, M and James, D B and Devadoss, P and Srinivasarengan, S and Selvaraj, V and Thirumilu, P (1984) On a record of incidental capture of Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus (Cuvier) off Madras. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 26 (1&2). pp. 171-174.
Devadoss, P (1984) On the incidental fishery of skates and rays off Calicut. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 31 (2). pp. 285-292.
Devadoss, P (1983) Further observations on the biology of the sting ray, Dasyatis imbricatus (Schneider) at PortoNovo. Matsya, 9-10. pp. 129-134.
Devadoss, P (1983) On some specimens of abnormal elasmobranchs. Matsya, 9-10. pp. 486-488.
Devadoss, P (1982) On the embryonic stage of the mottled ray, Aetomylus maculatvs (Gray), with a note On its breeding season. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 29 (1&2). pp. 253-255.
Jayabalan, N and Devadoss, P (1980) Catches of mechanised boats at Madras in 1971-72. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 27 (1&2). pp. 95-101.
Natarajan, P and Devadoss, P and Muniyandi, K (1979) Fisheries of Vellar estuary Porto Novo. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 26 (1&2). pp. 201-206.
Devadoss, P and Pillai, P K Mahadevan (1979) Observations on the food and feeding habits of the eel, Muraenesox cinereus (Forskal) from Porto Novo. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 26 (1&2). pp. 244-246.
Devadoss, P (1979) Observations on the maturity, breeding and development of Scoliodon laticaudus Muller and Henle off Calicut coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 21 (1 & 2). pp. 103-110.
Devadoss, P (1978) Maturation and breeding habit of Dasyatis (Amphotistius) imbricatus (Schneider) at Porto Novo. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 25 (1&2). pp. 29-34.
Devadoss, P (1978) On the food of rays, Dasyatis uarnak (Forskal), D. alcockil (Annandale) and D. sephen (Forskal). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 25 (1&2). pp. 1-8.
Devadoss, P (1978) A preliminary study on the batoid fishery of Cuddalore With a note on the biology. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 25 (1&2). pp. 180-187.
Devadoss, P and Pillai, P K Mahadevan and Natarajan, P and Muniyandi, K (1977) Observations on some aspects of the biology And fishery of Psettodes erumei (Bloch) at Porto Novo. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 24 (1&2). pp. 62-68.
Devadoss, P and Natarajan, R (1977) On a Smooth Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna zygaena (Linnaeus. J 758) New to Indian Waters. Current Science, 46 (5). pp. 166-167.
Pillai, P K Mahadevan and Devadoss, P (1975) A note on the fecundity and spawning period of Drepane punctata (Linnaeus). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22 (1&2). pp. 262-264.
Pillai, P K Mahadevan and Devadoss, P (1974) On the occurrence of the sacred chank, Xancus pyrum (Linnaeus) off Porto novo. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 21 (1). pp. 279-281.
Devadoss, P (1973) On the occurrence of juvenile oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps Val. In the inshore waters of Bombay. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 20 (1). pp. 234-236.
Devadoss, P (1969) Maturity and spawning in Otolithus ruber (Schn.) and Johnius dussumieri (C.& V.). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 16 (1&2). pp. 117-128.